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Mass Elimination of Terrorists


Aug 7, 2009
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The single most effective way to reducing potential enemies of Pakistan is also the simplest - Use Mass Elimination

We could just poison them all with crop dusters. Such methods are proven to be good pest control methods.

Terorists are pests and we should use pest control ( which is mass eliminiation ) to control this infestation.

Let there be no mercy and no holds barred , thoughts and ideas on applying these methods are welcomed.
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Taking a page out of Sri Lanka's campaign against LTTE would help here.

Also releasing vidoes of the beatings and killings of millitants to youtube helps ( more than it hinders , yep it does ) , the Armed froces need to do some 'look the other way' and let out some of the rogerrings the millitants have gotten.

One thing that I've heard from some is that during Swat operations , some of the foreign militants were thrown off alive from helicopters over millitant dens.

The Army High command need to 'look the other way' and let there be a cull the likes of which will be remebred for a long time to come.

Can such a move affect the national integrity of Pakistan ? well we'll just have to take our chances there because these bastards waging war on Pakistan are no 'Pakistanis' and more of our countrymen have lost their lives directly from their hands ( indirectly there are other enemies also ) but directly these bastards are responsible so we will just have to do this culling no matter what it takes.
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They need to use *** poison on them.

The Swat story is by all accounts fictional, though. Purly speculative rumors for entertainment purposes.
Well, thats what the US drones are doing anyways... But already there is a lot of hue and cry regards to the human rights and all that... Many innocent people are killed along with a few terrorists. Pesticides are designed to attack certain kinds of insects while preventing damage on crops and the beneficial organisms. Now, someday if we find out what genes are different in these terrorists, maybe someone can design a pesticide to wipe out terrorists!

dropping hundreds of general purpose bombs
with a one or two squadrons of f-16
can be a very good idea as we know........of mass elimination
dropping cluster bomb would not be a good idea as we know that
cluster bombs are meant to destroy enemy armor
I don't believe these posts. Unless the terrorists are now living away from civilian populations (which will be striking news) did any of you realise that mostly innocent civilians will die from your suggestions ?? Haven't they suffered enough
I don't believe these posts. Unless the terrorists are now living away from civilian populations (which will be striking news) did any of you realise that mostly innocent civilians will die from your suggestions ?? Haven't they suffered enough

fully agree with you. The cluster bombs killing the innocents will in tru create more of the taliban cos of the anger and frustration caused to the civilian population.

They have to be "weeded" rather than "exterminated".
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