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Masks Of Dracula

syeda bukhary


New Recruit

Jul 1, 2008
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When i was a child, childeren used to frighten me by wearing horrible masks. But know i realised that people wear a masks. I was frightend of those artificial masks, but now tam more frightend of these "Human Facades" These are the masks of Kindness, of good manners, and of Genorosity. Those artificial masks were ugly from outside, you could see pretty faces inside, but these real masks are opposites of teh. They are pretty from outside and, behinde these real facades , one can see ugly faces of human nature.when ever they want to fulfil their desires they wear masks of goodness and kindness infront of everybody, and hibernate their true self they want to appear kind, want to fluent their generosity because of their own interest.Whenever their interest in someone finishes they throw oof those beautifull masks and revels their true nature.. this is happening not just between people butin hole world countries, nations... WHY WHY??????
I dont think anyone wants to throw away their masks of kindness as you refer. It is just the situation that makes them to do so. In those situation.. i see nothing to be done unless someone more powerful comes in and control the situation.

Sadly, the United Nations is a body with no spine.
This is just not something one should be thinking of these days.

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