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Masjids and use of Loud Speakers



New Recruit

Mar 13, 2011
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Asalam o Alaiqum,

I am from Rawalpindi and wants to know about the laws related to the use of Loud Speakers in Masajids across Pakistan specially in Punjab.

Thanks in advance.
If your looking at loud speakers in a negative way than i would say it has now become part of our culture:pakistan:. Therefore we shouldn't stop the aazam even if someone doesnt like the noise. Plus its written in the quran for everyone to listen to the aazan, and they will be judged for not going to prayer even though they were told.
there is a misuse, a particular sector of the society is following easy islam presented in the form of different mehfils and by try to instigate their books as truth and nothing but the truth.
unfortunately there is no detailed law. Im not sure if there is any law at all. the loud speaker volume should have a limit...sometimes it problomatic. however Azan is a must. otherthan that things must be done in a reasonable manner and no one should be telling this to Molvi sahib rather he should know this kind of things by themselves.
I agree with you completely there is a saying that the islam that pakistanis or rather south asians to be in general have created is completely ridiculous. Not that i'm against any maulvi saab, but a lot of our religious people dont even read the quran or any islamic book, they vaguely listen to someone else and spread that persons message to the people that follow him. A religious person in the time of the profit was an educated person that had vast knowledge on not only Islam, but on many different subjects, heck they were the people that made algebra. The mosque in the old days was not only a center of praying and for religious activity it was a place for social gathering and for knowledge like a school.

That is why i believe that there should be some sort of degree to be a imam, because many people look up to you. And our problem is that the highest religious person in the pakistani government the HAJI guy did such haram to all the pakistani people that went to hajj this year. :disagree: and people admire these guys
Loud speakers use should be limited to Azaan/Namaaz or even the waz before important namaazes like Jummah or Eid, even perhaps making very critical announcements like calling people to namaz-e-janaza or announcing a lost child. Basically a complete list of acceptable things can be produced by the government.

However it should be stopped to broadcast naatein with a bay-surra kid reciting it for the benefit of the entire neighborhood. It should be stopped for airing negative comments against any individual or group.

Controlling the content of the loud speakers is important.
I agree with you completely there is a saying that the islam that pakistanis or rather south asians to be in general have created is completely ridiculous. Not that i'm against any maulvi saab, but a lot of our religious people dont even read the quran or any islamic book, they vaguely listen to someone else and spread that persons message to the people that follow him. A religious person in the time of the profit was an educated person that had vast knowledge on not only Islam, but on many different subjects, heck they were the people that made algebra. The mosque in the old days was not only a center of praying and for religious activity it was a place for social gathering and for knowledge like a school.

That is why i believe that there should be some sort of degree to be a imam, because many people look up to you. And our problem is that the highest religious person in the pakistani government the HAJI guy did such haram to all the pakistani people that went to hajj this year. :disagree: and people admire these guys

great thoughts, indeed masjid was a socializing institution for our community. Khankahi system when british destroyed it, could not have been established again, rather turned it into a horrible thing syed worshiping, makhdoms etc.
Designate certain masjids as the ones allowed to use loudspeakers for azaan ect and make sure the malvi has a islamic and science degree.
I dont know abt Pakistan. But place from where I am, people have started protesting loud speakers in Gurudwara's, Mandirs and Mosque. Religion is business these days, They dont turn off loud speaker before 11AM in nearby Gurudwara, everyone knows why Granthi continues will all this. They have accumulated so much wealth, 3/4 of residential plots in my area are bought by Gurudwara management. I am OK with 4AM~ announcement they make 'uth jayo nahao path puja karo + 1-2 religious lines'. Anymore than this it starts to frustrate me. Agree with Asim Loud speakers use should be limited to Azaan/Namaaz.
Thank you all for the replies. What I have been experiencing from past 1 year is that the moulvi sahab offers Fajar Salat on the loudspeaker which is too damn loud, I am fine with Adhaan and I completely agree with point you guys have made that Adhaan is a must but I dont think its mandatory to offer salat on the loudspeaker too and after that reciting darood and salaam on the same loudspeaker.

What happened today I was ill and I couldn't sleep all night but the things went across the limits when he started offering Fajar salat on the loudspeaker and it was way too loud that one wont hear any other word.

Moreover the area in which I live in Rawalpindi has quiet big population of Christians and I guess disturbing them in their sleep is just not good I wonder how much bad words would they use against us and our religion.

I was looking for some laws but amazed to find out that there's no such law in our country. So I am left with two options only, talking to moulvi sahab who's of brailvi sect to please turn the volume of it down during Fajar salat if you think its mandatory (which will be useless because he won't listen a single word against what he does) or I have to bear it until a law comes.
Moreover the area in which I live in Rawalpindi has quiet big population of Christians and I guess disturbing them in their sleep is just not good I wonder how much bad words would they use against us and our religion.

Thats not true, how can Azaan offend people of other religions. Rage should be against noise pollution not religion.
Delivering Adhaan and offering Salat are two different rituals of Islam.

Adhaan is a call to prayer and offering it on loudspeaker it offends me why wouldn't it offend the non Muslims?
Delivering Adhaan and offering Salat are two different rituals of Islam.

Adhaan is a call to prayer and offering it on loudspeaker it offends me why wouldn't it offend the non Muslims?

Why does it offend you?
Loud speakers use should be limited to Azaan/Namaaz or even the waz before important namaazes like Jummah or Eid, even perhaps making very critical announcements like calling people to namaz-e-janaza or announcing a lost child. Basically a complete list of acceptable things can be produced by the government.

However it should be stopped to broadcast naatein with a bay-surra kid reciting it for the benefit of the entire neighborhood. It should be stopped for airing negative comments against any individual or group.

Controlling the content of the loud speakers is important.

here in our area mostly it is used for the purposes you mentioned.

and totally agree with your post
Delivering Adhaan and offering Salat are two different rituals of Islam.

Adhaan is a call to prayer and offering it on loudspeaker it offends me why wouldn't it offend the non Muslims?

:what: it hardly takes a minute to announce azan/adhan so whats there offending unless you are an anti-Islam person
:what: it hardly takes a minute to announce azan/adhan so whats there offending unless you are an anti-Islam person

Delivering Adhan does not offend me but offering Salat/Namaz on loudspeaker especially Fajars that is surely offending.
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