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Maoists are 'patriot of a kind': Arundhati

If maoists-who have killed countless civilians who oppose their views,who are against democratic set up,who have done lots of bomb blasts are not terrorists according to some pakistanis,how dare they call our ttp brothers as terrorists?Oh according to them killing civilians,sabotaging elections,armed struggle against govt etc is not terrorism unless it is against pakistan.What a hypocrites!!!

My dear the Pakistanis have so far did not call Maoists anything.

I am asking about your opinion that what you being a bhartiya think of Maoists as terrorists or otherwise ?

its your own countrymen who are saying maoists are not terrorists though at different foras the same tone changes.

even when i ask your bhartiya member if he thinks TTP and Maoists are in same category he shy away from clear reply

So do not blame us. Show me one Pakistani who has given any verdict on Maoists.

So do you personally term them terrorists ?
which threads ? and i am not bound to stay online 24 hours on the forum.

Get real and dont cling to straws.

In many threads repeatedly I asked for reply but you just lol !!!!! And in many of the cases you first replied to my posts. Latest one was regarding '26/11 Muslim state in India' thread, before replying to your post I asked you to reply in this post atleast and for two days I asked for reply repeatedly but no sign of you!!! But now I see the thread being deleted by some mod.

Reply to my post here first.

In many threads repeatedly I asked for reply but you just lol !!!!! And in many of the cases you first replied to my posts. Latest one was regarding '26/11 Muslim state in India' thread, before replying to your post I asked you to reply in this post atleast and for two days I asked for reply repeatedly but no sign of you!!! But now I see the thread being deleted by some mod.

Reply to my post here first.


Good luck..kinetic
Dude, I don't understand how some people got India-phobic, how they live...... lol which kind of people can start such threads.........

Suddenly jana shows that she is very 'sympathetic' to maoists for bharat's 'failed to mitigates their grievances'. lol

here are some threads started by her........

UNSC seat: US throws water over India's hopes
Sikh groups reviving militancy in Punjab: Govt
Pune bans scarves while driving to check terrorism
Lipstick and Saffron
Shiv Sena foced closure of chennel in Mumbai
Indian Media to be banned from showing file footage of Babri Mosque demolition
CWG: US warns citizens of terror strike
(Indian) Govt to legalize gambling in sports?
Who said India is poor: Cash flowing out of water pipe
Saffron terrorism involved in many blasts: Chidambaram
'Haryana's shameful social heritage'
Indian judges caught cheating in LLM exam :lol:
Rape, torture by landlords forces Karnataka villagers to flee
26 deaths in 5 days in Bangalore beggars' home

Babri Mosque will not be allowed anywhere in India: VHP
No kissing, follow dress code: CWG to tourists
28 Bangladeshi nationals arrested from Nagpur
Job seeking Jats threaten to disrupt Commonwealth Games
No beef on menu during Commonwealth Games: Kalmadi


Live a better life jana.

Why people like her are always so concerned about India’s internal matters and leave no chance to badmouth it ?
I tell you why. It is because they are desperate.
They suffer from low self esteem. They see the stupidity of their nation and see how they have lagged behind India and everyone else, in science, technology, economy and civilization and to boost their sagging egos and lift up their hurt pride, they try to find faults in others’ internal matters.
They fool no one but themselves but that is the whole idea.
They must keep their foolhardy alive and anything will do.
Why don't they just accept that India today is much much better than their nation in every way?
It's because they have been robbed off from their identity, selfhood and dignity.
They have nothing left to fall back. They despise their ancestral culture. They have to cling to this foolhardy.
One day they claim that they are Islamic republic and are the descendants of invaders. The next day they say they are the descendants of the natives of this land only and try to lay their claim on the historic marvels that have been unearthed.
Then they find evidence that India is going to split into many parts and will be occupied again by the invaders for some ghazwa e farts, as it was said in some comic book.
And then they say that the Maoists are patriots and freedom fighters. Now, this poor lady friend of ours, is wasting her precious life and instead of doing something positive that would help her wretched nation, is busy debating about the Maoists in India. What is the purpose of this debate? Does it have any other value except a feel good factor?
Look at the result! While the rest of the world is advancing Pakistan is regressing. Virtually Pakistan is worse today than it was years ago. Why is that so? It is because Pakistanis, instead of going after to clean up their own country, waste their brain cells finding "errors" in India to hide the colossal bankruptcy of the most stupid of nation. This is psychopathology. This is insanity.
Why people like her are always so concerned about India’s internal matters and leave no chance to badmouth it ?

Why you are so concerned brain_dead (a banned member) that you came up with another ID just to discuss me :lol:

I tell you why. It is because they are desperate.

One can feel the desperation in your post.

They suffer from low self esteem.

The abusive language bhartiyas use for Arundhati and anyone who points Indian ills, is evidence of low self-esteem in you not us.

They see the stupidity of their nation and see how they have lagged behind India and everyone else, in science, technology, economy and civilization and to boost their sagging egos and lift up their hurt pride, they try to find faults in others’ internal matters.


We can see how much civilized India today is with many inhuman/unhygienic practices, we also know the poverty rate, the literacy rate and other such relevant things. So the bottom line is you are no better than us.

I removed the remaining BS from your post wasnt worth replying.

Come back to the topic if you have anything to discuss other than discussing me
In many threads repeatedly I asked for reply but you just lol !!!!! And in many of the cases you first replied to my posts. Latest one was regarding '26/11 Muslim state in India' thread, before replying to your post I asked you to reply in this post atleast and for two days I asked for reply repeatedly but no sign of you!!! But now I see the thread being deleted by some mod.

Reply to my post here first.


Let me get free and check and reply to the link you posted.

You are not that important that i would check each every post of yours 24/7 to see if you asked me to reply or not. :)
Some heroes huh? 2 days back these "heroes" blew up a bomb in a school that killed children. This is Suzanna Arundhati Roy's heroes. ****** anti-national traitor. I wish we could limit the meddlesome attitude of our rights groups and shoot this terror-supporter down publicly.

This shooting should be done by widows of those Jawans who died fighting Arundhati's "heroes".

Sick woman. :sick:
She was shown the door by N. Ram when she was working for The Hindu / Frontline. Even a staunch commie like N. Ram despises her lol.
The abusive language bhartiyas use for Arundhati and anyone who points Indian ills, is evidence of low self-esteem in you not us:

if we follow Jana's logic - Surely then, by extension of that logic when the Taliban in Pakistan blow up Pakistan everyday other day, kill its citizens every week but call those suicide bombers as their version of patriotic - then Jana is in agreement with those suicide bombers and their Taliban handlers. :azn:
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I LOVE ARUNDATI ROY COMMENTS,JUST LOOK AT HER ACTIVITES THESE DAYS AINT SHE HOPING AND JUMPING LIKE MONKEY FROM TREE TO TREE..she muct stable her mind to one issue and gives chance to others!!!arey aur bhi actvists hai line mein lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I do consider Maoists/ Naxalites as patriots.....they are not fighting for independence, they are fighting for survival. Throughout India history, they have fought more courageously and win far more battles than any other empire or group. Yet, we fail to realize the struggle and plight they go thru in the modern age. Agreed India needs to develop, but there is another story to the issue that never makes it to the limelight. There is widespread corruption and illegal abuses of power that never see the light!
I do consider Maoists/ Naxalites as patriots.....they are not fighting for independence, they are fighting for survival. Throughout India history, they have fought more courageously and win far more battles than any other empire or group. Yet, we fail to realize the struggle and plight they go thru in the modern age. Agreed India needs to develop, but there is another story to the issue that never makes it to the limelight. There is widespread corruption and illegal abuses of power that never see the light!

how do fight for survival by ensuring a wipe out through terrorist activities? That's like saying Timothy McVeigh was a patriot in the US for the Oklahoma bombing. Or saying blacks may have right to a violent uprising based on their grievances in the US. Or Muslims in the US have a right to a violent uprising because the negative views amongst a small percentage of US citizens.

In a democracy, violence is not the way to ensure ones goals. take it to the court and through the judicial system- certainly if you can afford to have arms, you have the cash on hand to fight it out in the judicial system. Mind you India is not a dictatorship, its a democracy ...

As soon as Roy reached the meeting, a large number of activists of RSS and ABVP staged a demonstration at the entry, shouting slogans against the writer-activist and asking her to leave the venue immediately, police said.

Clashes as ABVP, RSS protest Arundhati visit - India News - IBNLive

Madam ji.....Freedom of speech and expression is not reserved for Suzanne Arundati Roy alone --- Every one of the 1.2 billion Indians can 'utilise' it. I dont see anything wrong in this.

On Topic : :- 5 children among 8 killed in Bihar blast, Nitish orders probe

Bloody effing 'Patriots' ,I must say :angry:
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