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Manipur, India bans Christians from preaching

I must state here this:
The missionaries use very clever and deceptive means to approach people and convey their "message". I believe the Sri Lankan government or someone in their parliament wanted a complete ban on missionary activities.
These people can be very persistent and use cheap tactics to lure people.
hmm u seem to edit you post and add the whole last paragraph
did it take u 4 hours to think of an stupid comeback?
and a r rehman is not celebrated because he is muslim but is celebrated because of his work
otherwise we all know how minorities are celebrated in ur country :disagree:
and p.s. u r truely an idiot :crazy:

Yes I KNOW how minorities are treated in my country :) thank you for telling me :) my bro is married to one. keep hoping.

why we celebrate ANYONE for being muslim or hindu or sikh??? i really really struggle to get ur logic. A R Rahman is celebrated DESPITE that fact that he converted from hinduism to islam. that was my point. u give examples of christian becoming muslim, hindu becoming christian as proof of tolerance in ur society :lol: my example was better :)

u really must write a book on logic. ppl have taken logic to be too simple and clear, someone like u needs to bust that myth.
I must state here this:
The missionaries use very clever and deceptive means to approach people and convey their "message". I believe the Sri Lankan government or someone in their parliament wanted a complete ban on missionary activities.
These people can be very persistent and use cheap tactics to lure people.

verry verry good point raised buddy. exactly.
these missionaries are funded by foreigner and are only interested in spreading their religion by hook or crook. in the process they hurt a lot of feelings of locals. they dont mind portraying our religion in bad light by giving negative publicity to our religion and god. this leads to resentment and eventually pot boils over and there are some clashes. which is then portrayed as attacks on 'innocent' minorities.

just imagine how you would feel if some missionary started telling you all kinds of false stories about mohammad and islam to spread christianity. would there be clash or not?
One thing I dont like about Missionaries is that they Depute small children to stand in a busy street and give small pamphlets bad mouthing other religions and telling that If they dont convert, Its the hellfire they are destined for! I dont mind them telling us we will go to hell, but I hate it when they use these Kids. I have seen and received this pamphlet myself many a times!
ha ha....
extremist hindus eh? can a muslim in pakistan convert his religion?
coming from the 'secular' pakistanis, this is really really funny.:rofl:

and get your facts before you distort them, read the posts of my fellow indians, so that you get the grasp of the situation. then you can go on your hindu hate campaign.:tdown:

Though it is rare due to the nature of Islam itself. I have seen afew examples of where Muslims did convert to other religions. Some changed to Qadiyanis, one of my old school friend changed to an Atheist.

Maybe in FATA there could be a problem with such actions, but the rest of Pakistan is quite religious tolerant. It's not really a big deal.

Also around 5000 people in Kashmir have converted to Christianity at the hands of the missionaries. Enough examples?
This is indeed very sad. India is the most religiously intolerant country in the world. These extremist Hindus have problems with everyone.

Hang on buddy ........

India is the most tolerant country where else you have so many religion co existing.

Hindus are the most tolerant people on this earth as they are the one who have welcomed all this religions into their land and allowed them to prosper. If followers of every other religion in India trace back a few generations they will unearth their Hindu roots. Where else in this world you have such diversity. Of late some militant Hindu forces have been active in different parts of the country and there also the reasons are more socio economic and caste issues and not purely religious issues.

The constitution of the country provides equal opportunity to all and their is no discrimination on the basis of religion what so ever. I can say this with authority as I am a practicing Christian and have lived all my life in India other than coming out on projects for few months. My Muslim and Sikh brothers will also agree with me as the state provides them complete freedom to practice their religion. Clashes between people with different views take place all over the subcontinent within and between religions. This has nothing to do with the state or its inhabitants favoring one or other religion. Living in a multi religious country one has to be very care full not to hurt the sentiments of the other knowingly or unknowingly.

This is just to educate my Pakistani friends who are misled by the analysts and media.
verry verry good point raised buddy. exactly.
these missionaries are funded by foreigner and are only interested in spreading their religion by hook or crook. in the process they hurt a lot of feelings of locals. they dont mind portraying our religion in bad light by giving negative publicity to our religion and god. this leads to resentment and eventually pot boils over and there are some clashes. which is then portrayed as attacks on 'innocent' minorities.

just imagine how you would feel if some missionary started telling you all kinds of false stories about mohammad and islam to spread christianity. would there be clash or not?

Dear Suresh,

The root cause of other religions is eating into Hinduism is the cast system. Yes I agree what you say about missionaries but then religion is not a product that can be packaged and sold. People have their own reasons for converting and not converting.

This bullshit of foreign funding is all crap I assure you that it is humanitarian aid which lot of missionaries is using for conversion it is not meant for that. Any way these converts who can be bought over get reconverted when they get a better deal so such followers are not good adverts for any religion.

I am not saying this to impress any one but I feel no one should talk ill about other religions. But some time what one preaches will be contradicting other religion says like for example idol worship now Christians are not supposed to do this if said in a particular way it may look anti Hindu. I don’t think you can stop conversion by use of force nor one should use inducement for conversion as it is meaningless.
Yes I KNOW how minorities are treated in my country :) thank you for telling me :) my bro is married to one. keep hoping.

keep hoping?
i guess u havent seen the rest of ur incredible "india"

why we celebrate ANYONE for being muslim or hindu or sikh??? i really really struggle to get ur logic. A R Rahman is celebrated DESPITE that fact that he converted from hinduism to islam. that was my point. u give examples of christian becoming muslim, hindu becoming christian as proof of tolerance in ur society :lol: my example was better :)

ur point was baseless and dont back away from ur words
u said exactly:
"A R Rahman - see he converted from hindu to islam and we make him our most celebrated, most successful, most loved musician "
u never said anything about his work or talent
u instead stated that he is celebrated because he is muslim

and i already said why i gave those examples
stop being hard-headed and try to understand the damn thing

u really must write a book on logic. ppl have taken logic to be too simple and clear, someone like u needs to bust that myth.

restate that so i can understand it clearly
its not a news to me it happened often in India sometime Muslims cant pray on Fridays
ur point was baseless and dont back away from ur words
u said exactly:
"A R Rahman - see he converted from hindu to islam and we make him our most celebrated, most successful, most loved musician "
u never said anything about his work or talent
u instead stated that he is celebrated because he is muslim

No, i'm not backing from my words, infact i'm saying the exampls proves nothing. but u shud read what others write before getiing all excited. this is what i said, not the selective part u posted.

"Even tho ur example makes ZERO sense, such examples themselves would not be sufficient. I can give u example of A R Rahman - see he converted from hindu to islam and we make him our most celebrated, most successful, most loved musician "

restate that so i can understand it clearly

No you won't :angel:
No, i'm not backing from my words, infact i'm saying the exampls proves nothing. but u shud read what others write before getiing all excited. this is what i said, not the selective part u posted.

"Even tho ur example makes ZERO sense, such examples themselves would not be sufficient. I can give u example of A R Rahman - see he converted from hindu to islam and we make him our most celebrated, most successful, most loved musician "

and again u stated that a r rehman became muslim and u made him ur biggest musician
u said nothing about his talent or his music
ur words hurt ur own views

No you won't :angel:
ok whatever
it probably doesnt even make anysense telling from ur previous posts
its not a news to me it happened often in India sometime Muslims cant pray on Fridays

do you make them up or do you read them somewhere?
either way, you are ignorant.

I suggest that you visit and stay in india for atleast a year so that all your misconception about india, hindus, and minorities will be cleared once and for all.
because no amount of debate seems to have any effect.:hitwall:
do you make them up or do you read them somewhere?
either way, you are ignorant.

I suggest that you visit and stay in india for atleast a year so that all your misconception about india, hindus, and minorities will be cleared once and for all.
because no amount of debate seems to have any effect.:hitwall:

i've lived in India for 6months calcutta.
Dear Suresh,

The root cause of other religions is eating into Hinduism is the cast system. Yes I agree what you say about missionaries but then religion is not a product that can be packaged and sold. People have their own reasons for converting and not converting.

This bullshit of foreign funding is all crap I assure you that it is humanitarian aid which lot of missionaries is using for conversion it is not meant for that. Any way these converts who can be bought over get reconverted when they get a better deal so such followers are not good adverts for any religion.

I am not saying this to impress any one but I feel no one should talk ill about other religions. But some time what one preaches will be contradicting other religion says like for example idol worship now Christians are not supposed to do this if said in a particular way it may look anti Hindu. I don’t think you can stop conversion by use of force nor one should use inducement for conversion as it is meaningless.

okay, I know you were genuine in saying all this. but, I dont agree with you.
blaming caste system is the excuse. I know personally that money is used to tempt poor ppl into religion and so also the fact that hinduism is maligned(intentionally). though, I am not sure about foreign funds. I had read an article somewhere about it. I personally think spreading religion in a country like india will only lead to clashes and social destruction. only educated ppl should be allowed to convert their religion that too after a test be taken about their knowledge about the religion they are going to enter.

spreading religion publicly will only lead to resentment in society. because it is impossible to spread a new religion with out portraying negatively the existing religion.
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