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Mani Shankar Aiyar has lost it, why else will he be so casually colloquial about PM Modi in Pak?


Aug 11, 2013
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Somewhere Mani Shankar Aiyar has maybe lost his marbles. Like the muse they just flew away. Zip!

Aiyar went to Pakistan and embarrassed the nation like no one else, almost as if he was engaged in the 'Stupidity Stakes' and had to beat Salman Khurshid for the silly statements he had made a few days earlier. Since nothing happened to Khurshid by way of chastisement, Aiyar thought he would go 'one better.'

If you watch the tape of this panel discussion there is no ambivalence. Aiyar clearly said that Modi had to be removed for the Indo-Pakistan talks and peace to move forward. By inference, he indicted the Indian Prime Minister as a warmonger.

It is unbelievable, in the extreme, that he would be so thoughtless especially when on Pakistan soil... that anchor on TV was creaming himself with glee after Aiyar blundered on like a train that has gone off its tracks at full speed. The panel was ecstatic. Here was a high profile Indian sitting in Pakistan, badmouthing the Prime Minister of India, what could be more fun for them.

It is utterly pointless trying to recoup lost ground and trying to explain what you meant after things went out of control. You did this to yourself Mr Aiyar... you have given comfort to the enemy and any way you hack this onion you are open to charges of conspiracy with the foe. How dare you speak for the country or denigrate Modi in this fashion and, through him, the people of India.

Congress leaders Mani Shankar Aiyar and Salman Khurshid. AFP

Your blather on the one side and on the other the courage of Col Santosh Kumar who died of bullet wounds on that border two days ago. Who do we salute, Mr Aiyar...you have any more words of wisdom for us?

Only in India, with our short memory and the suddenness with which even the most indiscreet of actions are forgotten or shelved in a couple of days or overtaken by fresher events, would you even get away with it. To let down the duly elected government and encourage its departure and link it to better relations is the basis of sedition and treachery. In many countries you would have been branded a Benedict Arnold...that is the elected government of India and that is the Prime Minister...what were you thinking. Even your voice is laced with contempt and the way you address him shows a lack of civility.

What happens to people who have walked the corridors of power that they begin to con themselves into believing they have a different set of rules? So much for a diplomatic career.

Did he think he was improving the chances of the Congress by giving us his intellectual assessment sitting in Pakistan? This is so outside any acceptable contours for a faux pas that it is difficult to even comment upon it.

There is also a fair confidence in such people that nothing will happen, there will be no consequences and such a massive rudeness will drift into the past like a morning mist.

They are TV and media junkies and they are not only becoming dangerous but they need to be increasingly out of line to get attention. Mere rudeness or rabble rousing no longer attracts the public.

How can you go to Pakistan and talk such tripe? And be so casually colloquial in your speech? Has Mr Aiyar forgotten that during the Congress rule we had two major wars and no great initiatives at peace, starting from the Shimla summit. It always went downhill and now you sit there as if you were the great fount of wisdom and you let the country and the Prime Minister down without any great context.

Either Mr Aiyar is engaged in some devious plot or he has gone senile. I think the latter.

Mani Shankar Aiyar has lost it, why else will he be so casually colloquial about Modi in Pak? - Firstpost
Soon Congress leadership will be saying these two are actually BJP implants meant to bring down the last shreds of INC credibility and relevance (the way things are going)......that day will a joyous one when Congress starts to come apart at the seams in a big way.

Grab the popcorn everyone!
This fellow Aiyar is a non entity where we are concerned....
But a pet poodle of Pakistan. His sycophancy knows no bounds!

He's become the biggest moron this side of the Suez.
This man aiyar needs to be sent to mental asylum otherwise he will continue to make stupid comments about a pm on foreign soil
Somewhere Mani Shankar Aiyar has maybe lost his marbles. Like the muse they just flew away. Zip!

Aiyar went to Pakistan and embarrassed the nation like no one else, almost as if he was engaged in the 'Stupidity Stakes' and had to beat Salman Khurshid for the silly statements he had made a few days earlier. Since nothing happened to Khurshid by way of chastisement, Aiyar thought he would go 'one better.'

If you watch the tape of this panel discussion there is no ambivalence. Aiyar clearly said that Modi had to be removed for the Indo-Pakistan talks and peace to move forward. By inference, he indicted the Indian Prime Minister as a warmonger.

It is unbelievable, in the extreme, that he would be so thoughtless especially when on Pakistan soil... that anchor on TV was creaming himself with glee after Aiyar blundered on like a train that has gone off its tracks at full speed. The panel was ecstatic. Here was a high profile Indian sitting in Pakistan, badmouthing the Prime Minister of India, what could be more fun for them.

It is utterly pointless trying to recoup lost ground and trying to explain what you meant after things went out of control. You did this to yourself Mr Aiyar... you have given comfort to the enemy and any way you hack this onion you are open to charges of conspiracy with the foe. How dare you speak for the country or denigrate Modi in this fashion and, through him, the people of India.

Congress leaders Mani Shankar Aiyar and Salman Khurshid. AFP

Your blather on the one side and on the other the courage of Col Santosh Kumar who died of bullet wounds on that border two days ago. Who do we salute, Mr Aiyar...you have any more words of wisdom for us?

Only in India, with our short memory and the suddenness with which even the most indiscreet of actions are forgotten or shelved in a couple of days or overtaken by fresher events, would you even get away with it. To let down the duly elected government and encourage its departure and link it to better relations is the basis of sedition and treachery. In many countries you would have been branded a Benedict Arnold...that is the elected government of India and that is the Prime Minister...what were you thinking. Even your voice is laced with contempt and the way you address him shows a lack of civility.

What happens to people who have walked the corridors of power that they begin to con themselves into believing they have a different set of rules? So much for a diplomatic career.

Did he think he was improving the chances of the Congress by giving us his intellectual assessment sitting in Pakistan? This is so outside any acceptable contours for a faux pas that it is difficult to even comment upon it.

There is also a fair confidence in such people that nothing will happen, there will be no consequences and such a massive rudeness will drift into the past like a morning mist.

They are TV and media junkies and they are not only becoming dangerous but they need to be increasingly out of line to get attention. Mere rudeness or rabble rousing no longer attracts the public.

How can you go to Pakistan and talk such tripe? And be so casually colloquial in your speech? Has Mr Aiyar forgotten that during the Congress rule we had two major wars and no great initiatives at peace, starting from the Shimla summit. It always went downhill and now you sit there as if you were the great fount of wisdom and you let the country and the Prime Minister down without any great context.

Either Mr Aiyar is engaged in some devious plot or he has gone senile. I think the latter.

Mani Shankar Aiyar has lost it, why else will he be so casually colloquial about Modi in Pak? - Firstpost
its not casual as they are peuking there inner desires in pakistan on pakistani TV its all a well calculated strategy by the congress and its there paid media presstitutes who want all sane and nationalist indians to reject there venom as such and fporget it we should keep this act of tearson alive and i am for a PIL to khurshid and mani shankar & there spouse and offsprins to contest any election and if INC dosent takes any action then ban for congress aswell who is with me lets start a signature campain im not on twitter and FB who is going to help me with it on social media
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