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Man smashes maserati after bad service


Oct 24, 2012
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Man smashes Maserati to protest bad service

No word for it .............

That vehicle looks ordinary, that is not even close to luxury Italian vehicle...
Someone is so anxious to bash Chinese and China so he uses a local news, which is banned in this forum BTW, to use as an example. Hey China's a big country with more than 1.3 billion people I'm sure you can find something worst than smashing an expensive car.
RIP to poor car...my condolences for "her...":rofl:
his own money
no malice
so trivial
maserati needs to check out their own service if it wants to win the largest auto market in the world
his own money
no malice
so trivial
maserati needs to check out their own service if it wants to win the largest auto market in the world

what a loser @jhungary!

I can understand his frustration, In India Maruti Suzuki Servicing center behave the same what this poor guy faced. I wish some one in India do the same with Maruti...

MoFo Service center, they think that they are doing favour on us by servicing our vehicle...
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Chinese got cash to splash and with that comes attitude.
This is an example.
Honestly, I don't see how this related to Bashing Chinese, 對號入座 Much everybody? @shuttler @longyi

How would a post, with literally no word, can be called a "Bashing"? Am I that good now can bash Without saying anything?? or did people just see news coming from certain member bashing regardless what is the value of the news. Then this is such a generation of some member here lol

Then should I say this Mainland Chinese Website who reported the incident "Chinese Bashing" too


I would have post this if the guy who splash the car is Italian (Actually I did know a guy who Drop his brand new Mercedes SR Off to land fill and a guy who smash his own Ferrari)

As you can see, Chinese member here have a mentality that everything that conspire and hostile against them, this post alone show this mentality of some Chinese member here

I admire the guts of these Chinese who protest using "Extreme Violent" on the car, but dude, that's a Maserati for Christ sake. Quattroporte no less.

Posting because you don't see car like this got destroy like that everyday :)
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WHY WHY??? The guy smashed my favourite car.....(after Lamborghini Veneno ofcourse):cry:
There was probably a motive behind all this. Destroying a $400, 000 car for a $390 bill seems stupid to me.

According to Carnewschina, “the windows were all smashed up and the bonnet received some blows as well, but the vehicle is otherwise all right.” Apparently, the owner went for maximum show effect with minimal destruction
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