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Malaysia bans Shias from promoting their faith

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I'm agnostic but I find Shia Islam 1000 times more sympathic than Wahabi Sunni terrorists. I hate Mullahs but I really like Alevism which is Anatolian folk Shiism with Sufi elements. The only humanistic and progressive form of Islam in my opinion. I don't have anything against Malay people but the government of Malaysia behaves mostly like a backward wannabe Saudi-Arabia
Most western countries don't even call them Christian states. And even they might have issue if I start propagating a religion which attacks and mocks religious figures of Christians. There might be more sects in Malaysia but Shiaism might be the most different sect from other sects present in Malaysia. At best most sects would have difference on folding of hands during Namaz. The problem with Shiaism is that propagating it means you are prorogation hatred against those personalities which are reverted unanimously among the sunnis. Other sects don't face this issue. They don't propagate hatred against religious personalities. Unfortunately this isn't the case with Shias, What if tomorrow Shia preacher promotes something against the first 3 caliphs. What if the local population is infuriated by that. Who would be responsible then? If shiaism promotion was limited to just differences between performing namaz and other such trivial issues, things would have been completely different. About the bold part, Pakistan itself is the biggest example. Before Iranian revolution of Khomeni despite sectarian differences, there were not much violence. After iran started to meddle inside Pakistan and started propagating Shiaism, situation started to deteriorate from there. Saudis started to fund Madarsas to counter this trend and hence the bloodshed and extremism started in Pakistan. It might be interesting for you but most books written in Pakistan based on promoting Shiaism were written after the Iranian revolution. If Pakistan would have stopped both Iran and Saudia to meddle in its country, situation would have been much better.

I know the separatism of the church and state thing here , but still the Christianity is the dominant religion there . Trust me , they wont , they have superior tolerance than most of our Muslim states . Shia are present in almost all Muslim country , that is a fact . They have quite different belief and practices , I am not denying that . But , you may be surprised to see the difference between the rest of the sects too - this isn't limited to folding of hands and offering Namaz is another manner - this at best idea is wrong . I , dont want , to go into the specifics of any sect , that isn't my intent . I told you that I am no big fan of Shia Islam but stopping them from propagating is a bad idea . Shia didn't descent from the heaven to Malaysia , just yesterday , they have been living there for long , my friend . So , what is ' what if the local population is infuriated ' thing here , that is why I asked you to tell me ' if anything like that has happened in Malaysia ' because I haven't heard of anything . The problems of Pakistan do not really start with Iranian revolution , but rather with ' Soviet war ' when Riyadh and Tehran made our country - a turf for fighting their wars for dominance and interests , would have been better if we stayed outside it . The Malaysian Govt may have closed some doors on Shia , but they have opened the doors for many others to take questionable and controversial decision for many . Maybe the Burqa infuriates the French , does it make sense ?
@Secur @Jungibaaz no offence mates,but i am really surprised to see the comments of pakistanis here on shias.. though there was a lot of hype and hoola about shia-sunni thing,i didnt know it was so big..
what about the common people in pak?? does this shia hatred emotion run so wildly in them??

It sickens me. As it may sicken you. It's an absolute disgrace, my words aren't enough to express my dissatisfaction.

But no, this isn't all that common. Here on PDF and on the net this kind of rhetoric is amplified.
At least, I'd like to think it is less common, though even if it's less common, it's always too much.
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You can see the reason of Pakistan chaotic situation due the braindead Pakistani in this very thread. They seem to have no honour and dennounce the sect of the man who founded their nation. Reason for that is the same reason for this so called 'news' from mayalsia. It's called wahabi saudi ideology.

You will find that some Pakistanis are the strangest creatures you've come across.
And yes the father of a nation was a Shiah, who made the nation for all Pakistanis, Shiah, Sunni, and believe it or not, for the non-Muslims of the lands, that includes the Hindus, the Sikhs, the Christians.

Pakistanis have, lost their way, far from Jinnah's dream. We bring his name to shame even here on this forum.
The thing is Muslims aren't propagating anything in Burma. They are fighting for their survival. Those idiots monks are paranoid of Muslim birth rate that it would take over Burma in the future.

His argument is valid , my friend . Because the Buddhists fear that once Muslims start gaining stronghold , they would start propagating their sect/beliefs to Buddhists which may result in resistance from the locals because of radically different belief , hence the persecution . Not very different in principle from what the Malaysians are doing , despite having no former history of trouble from Shia community except for the killing and massacre part in Burmese case .
@Hyperion Planning to instigate a new civil war? Escalate this by a level or two and you folks will kill each other dead for us. :yahoo: So..seems like we may just get our empire after all- only it'll be stretched over the whole of Asia and then some- care to run it like latter day Rome? You take the western half while I keep the Eastern. :P
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@Hyperion Planning to instigate a new civil war? Escalate this by a level or two and you folks will kill each other dead for us. :yahoo: So..seems like we may just get our empire after all- only it'll be stretched over the whole of Asia and then some- care to run it like latter day Rome? You take the western half while I keep the Eastern. :P

u forgot me?? :cry:
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u forgot me?? :cry:

Not particularly, I plan to bury you alive with @Armstrong. No one who once knew me as a mere mortal shall be left alive- so that no one may ever bare testimony to the origins of the God-King.:)

I am sure you understand. I'll keep @Secur though- I need someone to share the Kush with.
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They are a very small minority. A huge majority of Muslims are sunnis. Letting them propagate there sect would only increase turmoil in Malaysia. While Shias should have right to perform there religious duties and rituals under Malaysian law, propagation is something totally else. What if the majority local act violently to such propagation. Who would be responsible then? What if things go out of control? Would you still blame Malaysian govt for that. It would be shias who would responsible for any such trouble. So Malaysian govt just avoided a possible conflict and instability in its country.

What exactly is bigot in my post that you quoted? Do tell me.

What an idea sirji,,,if what you said is easy then no religion would have reached where they are today.all the faiths start as minorities.
@Aeronaut can we get this thread closed please! People are just starting to bash!!
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Should you not as a mod deal with such moron in this forum? They are really ruining the image of all Pakistanis...

Forgot the freedom of speech and expression ?

@Aeronaut can we get this thread closed please! People are just starting to bash!!

Nah , they are just starting to reveal themselves and their hatred , miss .
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Not particularly, I plan to bury you alive with @Armstrong. No one who once knew me as a mere mortal shall be left alive- so that no one may ever bare testimony to the origins of the God-King.:)

I am sure you understand. I'll keep @Secur though- I need someone to share the Kush with.

tu hi ban jaa god king.. mujhe nahi banna :fie:

btw, remember-a god king can bleed too :devil:
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tu hi ban jaa god king.. mujhe nahi banna :fie:

btw, remember-a god king can bleed too :devil:

IF he's dumb enough to engage in an audience with a half naked roid head. Not my style- I have changed my mind, I shall have you disposed of by being crushed under a buffalo's feces smeared behind.:smokin:
IF he's dumb enough to engage in an audience with a half naked roid head. Not my style- I have changed my mind, I shall have you disposed of by being crushed under a buffalo's feces smeared behind.:smokin:

no.... :bad: plz kill me with a bullet,for we are proud biharis :kiss3:

accha ok,let us not derail this thread now..
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