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Malala at the UN: We are proud of our sister.


May 3, 2009
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As, our little girls defy the TTP in swat and choose wisdom over supression, Malala speaks at the UN.

Listening to her speech was not only moving,but inspiring. Its because of her references to the Prophet Muhammad [PBUH], Jesus [PBUH], Our father Mohammed Ali Jinnah and Nelson Mandela and their collective message that inspires us today.

I believe,its because of the likes of her,the young bright minds of our young nation, i keep hope that just might one day we could become 'one of the greatest nations of the world', as envisioned by our father M.Ali Jinnah.

I believe that, in the time of despair and chaos, when our own blood washes our streets, the message of education and wisdom coming from our little sister at the UN,with the whole world listening becomes even more important and urgent.

Lets just for once say,that our nation shall not fear the ideology of extremist Kharijites and our rights and freedoms shall not be undermined.

Lets just say that we are proud of our sister and she represents and embodies the spirit of Pakistan.

Happy 16th birthday, Malala, we are enormously proud of you.

Best Regards.
She did her nation proud. Also, she may not know it, but she has also done our entire region a service in it's fight against extremism. This war is a war of ideology, not conventional warfare. And people like Malala do a lot of damage to the extremists cause. God bless her.
In her speech, she had the courage to say the very simple and plain things in minds of so many people. The same things our representatives and politicians never can and always try to avoid.

She no doubt is a source of pride for all of us.
Lets just say that we are proud of our sister and she represents and embodies the spirit of Pakistan.
MSM coverage in the U.S. takes the opposite tack, running TV stories about how Malala has very little impact in Pakistan. (Sorry, no links.)
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