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Malala, 15, set to make Britain her permanent home

I didn't understand your post as it didn't made any relevance with my post.

See Malala can't be left in UK alone, she needs the family. If she goes back to Pakistan, there is no guarantee of her safety in Pakistan. Talibans, if they can attack GHQ, if they can attack Kamran - why can't they kill a girl once again if one, two or three security guards are provided to her

Zaki do you really think malala is as important to them as GHQ and Kamra was, Kmara and GHQ attacks were to de-moralize the security forces portraying we can hit you where we want,it was a kinda payback for them, but malala is of no strategic importance , a girl who wrote few blogs aint gonna harm anyone . Specially if she will not go back to her village why would she be attacked because now its what taliban want .

Till today we even dont know whether taliban's specifically targeted malala or it was just a random attack and out of no where malala came into lime light, forget about what these taliban morons has to say ...they have previously done something accidently and claimed of doing it deliberately. Who knows if media would have put a spot light on some other girls who got injured in the attack we would have some other xyz instead of malala and taliban claiming her to be their target .

You dont want to do what taliban want you to do .... as a nation you are running away from some bunch of idiots just to save ur a$$ rather than confronting them and de-moralizing them we are doing exactly opposite
You did not have the chance Malala had. If you had got it, I am positive you would have taken the same decision.

Sorry to say, but at the root of these comments castigating her I could only see the envy of the Pakistanis who did not get their visa stamped.

You mean a chance to help promote a lie about one's self? Be opportunistic? Play into the hands of the army or whichever NGO for an agenda that at 12 yrs one can barely fathom? Be like her parents who allowed their daughter to be exposed to what she has been through?

My answer: NO.

Back when the entire fuss about Malala was being created, I had preferred not to post because I really did see this coming. Seriously did. I can make a few more predictions, but won't. Let the time come, and you will see for yourself how this family got played, and will continue to let themselves be played.
did she write that blog ? or its fake by some one other on her name !!!!
So you are totally ignorant of the fact that Mr. Ziauddin Yousafzai ran a high School for girls in SWAT.

So what happened is Malala and her parents gona stay in UK in ayashi-
While the school and rest of the girls can go to hell?-

Mr Yousafzai made a pretty canny investment in making a school for girls and putting her daughter in harms way-
It doesnt matter now he will soon be a British National along with Malala our hero- :coffee:-
Happy Ending in the End! Escape from Pakistan and great life ahead in the England.
You mean a chance to help promote a lie about one's self? Be opportunistic? Play into the hands of the army or whichever NGO for an agenda that at 12 yrs one can barely fathom? Be like her parents who allowed their daughter to be exposed to what she has been through?

My answer: NO.

its very very easy to say the NO when its not your passport under the stamp. Believe me I have seen so many cases like this, I have to serve India, I have to help change India and all those slogans and then catch the first flight out when the H1B gets processed.

Anyway since this is just your word against mine, I would leave it at that. But just I will emphasize that she was well within her rights to look after her life, coz the Pakistani state wont do, and her parents have the right to choose te best course of life for their child.
Zaki do you really think malala is as important to them as GHQ and Kamra was, Kmara and GHQ attacks were to de-moralize the security forces portraying we can hit you where we want,it was a kinda payback for them, but malala is of no strategic importance , a girl who wrote few blogs aint gonna harm anyone . Specially if she will not go back to her village why would she be attacked because now its what taliban want .

Till today we even dont know whether taliban's specifically targeted malala or it was just a random attack and out of no where malala came into lime light, forget about these taliban morons has to say ...they have previously done something accidently and claimed of doing it deliberately. Who knows if media would have put a spot light on some other girls who got injured in the attack we would have some other xyz instead of malala and taliban claiming her to be their target .

You dont want to do what taliban want you to do .... as a nation you are running away from some bunch of idiots just to save ur a$$ rather than confronting them and de-moralizing them we are doing exactly opposite

Malala may not be as important as the GHQ but if in case she was shot dead the next time on Pakistani soil imagine the statements of International media and the wrath from the world community? She is technically more important than many other institutions in Pakistan right now as she brought a legacy with her (or the media made it look like). The point is, those who tried to kill her can try once again and if they are successful for the next time, I don't imagine how badly we would be trapped and trial before the international community so it is wise to keep her away from all this for the time being. If she (god forbid) is dead in London the version of the story is going to be very different. Imagine, even if the Talibans don't try to kill her next time and somebody else does, the government will be forced to launch an offensive operation in Talibans/Waziristan which it is ignoring to do so - but the type of pressure from the international community would be as such that it it will be hard to bear next time.
You do understand the difference between a student who goes abroad with ambitions, happy memories and a girl who is the recovering from the trauma of being shot in the head by a terrorist organization right? You realize that such trauma may affect the patient, sometimes forever ? You realize that the most important thing such trauma victims need is the embrace of the family ?

I think you dont realize any of that.

And no one asks you people to hype anything. Just let go of her. You live your life and let her, hers.

I don't realise any of that because I can assure you, a "grazed bullet" can be treated easily in Peshawar, if not there then Islamabad, if not there then excellent hospitals in Karachi and Lahore.

If that's too much of a problem, then some superb hospitals in Dubai, Sharjah and Abu Dhabi.

Why fly all the way to the UK? Just makes no sense!!!

As for protection, ISI has a dozen safe houses... ask where Raymond Davis' victims' families are living or better still Ajmal Kasab's family. No one knows.

It could have been done in Pakistan easily, really.
I don't realise any of that because I can assure you, a "grazed bullet" can be treated easily in Peshawar, if not there then Islamabad, if not there then excellent hospitals in Karachi and Lahore.

If that's too much of a problem, then some superb hospitals in Dubai, Sharjah and Abu Dhabi.

Why fly all the way to the UK? Just makes no sense!!!

As for protection, ISI has a dozen safe houses... ask where Raymond Davis' victims' families are living or better still Ajmal Kasab's family. No one knows.

It could have been done in Pakistan easily, really.

So now it has come to conspiracy theories..next what she shot herself to get asylum ?

A grazed bullet ? really ? Would you be ready to take a grazed bullet in the head to get an asylum ? I hope you are trivializing the trauma the kid might be facing due to the "grazed bullet".
So what happened is Malala and her parents gona stay in UK in ayashi-
While the school and rest of the girls can go to hell?-

Mr Yousafzai made a pretty canny investment in making a school for girls and putting her daughter in harms way-
It doesnt matter now he will soon be a British National along with Malala our hero- :coffee:-

Mr. Yousafzai first responsibility is safety and protection of his family.

There are many other Patriotic Pakistanis who will carry their banner.

This family has borne the brunt of this movement too much and they need to be relieved of this responsibility. I am happy that they have decided to stay in UK. If they want to come to US, I would open my doors to them in New York.
did she write that blog ? or its fake by some one other on her name !!!!

Ummm, she was 12. Better question, did she even have a computer at home ;)

its very very easy to say the NO when its not your passport under the stamp. Believe me I have seen so many cases like this, I have to serve India, I have to help change India and all those slogans and then catch the first flight out when the H1B gets processed.

Anyway since this is just your word against mine, I would leave it at that. But just I will emphasize that she was well within her rights to look after her life, coz the Pakistani state wont do, and her parents have the right to choose te best course of life for their child.

Well, who is sloganeering here? I didn't say anything about bringing change etc etc. Now did I? Show me the post.

I am being objective here. She was grazed with a bullet, went to the UK. You know the next time your knee gets bruised, you should apply for asylum. Makes sense?

I wouldn't mind an H1B, but I would rather work toward it, then get one based on lies and dishonesty. It's called "integrity of character" -- so hard for opportunists to understand.

And it is opportunists like Malala's family who create a bad image for Pakistan, and create hurdles in travel for families abroad.

We can do without that.

So what happened is Malala and her parents gona stay in UK in ayashi-
While the school and rest of the girls can go to hell?-

Mr Yousafzai made a pretty canny investment in making a school for girls and putting her daughter in harms way-
It doesnt matter now he will soon be a British National along with Malala our hero- :coffee:-

Yeah dude, what about all the girls attending HIS school!!!

Are they in line for UK migration and jobs too?

What about their securrity!!!!
Malala may not be as important as the GHQ but if in case she was shot dead the next time on Pakistani soil imagine the statements of International media and the wrath from the world community? She is technically more important than many other institutions in Pakistan right now as she brought a legacy with her (or the media made it look like). The point is, those who tried to kill her can try once again and if they are successful for the next time, I don't imagine how badly we would be trapped and trial before the international community so it is wise to keep her away from all this for the time being. If she (god forbid) is dead in London the version of the story is going to be very different. Imagine, even if the Talibans don't try to kill her next time and somebody else does, the government will be forced to launch an offensive operation in Talibans/Waziristan which it is ignoring to do so - but the type of pressure from the international community would be as such that it it will be hard to bear next time.

Zaki there are 100 of other children who die in drone attacks nobody cares about them, malala is not someone from mars so that she only has the right to live a risk free life. its not the equation of equality , then if you want to be just then be just with the whole nation and not one malala . about international community , since when did we have a positive image or when did last time the international community cared about Pakistan or those innocents getting killed on daily basis . International community aint gonna hate you just for one malala coz they already hate you for your leader's hypocrisy and i wana get sold behavior .
One incident doenot gonna make any difference nor will one malala gonna do any wonders to your image
I don't realise any of that because I can assure you, a "grazed bullet" can be treated easily in Peshawar, if not there then Islamabad, if not there then excellent hospitals in Karachi and Lahore.

If that's too much of a problem, then some superb hospitals in Dubai, Sharjah and Abu Dhabi.

Why fly all the way to the UK? Just makes no sense!!!

As for protection, ISI has a dozen safe houses... ask where Raymond Davis' victims' families are living or better still Ajmal Kasab's family. No one knows.

It could have been done in Pakistan easily, really.
I think you did not follow the story very well. She was out of the danger in Pakistan and successfully operated in Peshawar as per his father and the news reports published in UK. The reason she was brought in UK was due to her safety concerns and initially reported for extensive expertise of doctors in Britain. The hospital she is admitted in to is the best and the world's biggest hospital specialised in similar incidents such as Malala's.

She would have been admitted anywhere in the world but this is the best hospital in this regard, she would have stayed in Pakistan and remained safe but it was more of a political decision than the medical decision.
Mr. Yousafzai first responsibility is safety and protection of his family.

There are many other Patriotic Pakistanis who will carry their banner.

This family has borne the brunt of this movement too much and they need to be relieved of this responsibility.

I am not sure if you are getting what i am trying to say-
Which responsibility Sir? What exactly Mr Yousafzais family was responsible for?-

And define patriotic Pakistani- the Pakistanis which will grab the first opportunity to leave the country?-
And what you want other patriotic Pakistanis to follow?- Chickenin out?-
So now it has come to conspiracy theories..next what she shot herself to get asylum ?

A grazed bullet ? really ? Would you be ready to take a grazed bullet in the head to get an asylum ? I hope you are trivializing the trauma the kid might be facing due to the "grazed bullet".

Just stating what the UK media reported, " a bullet grazed her neck". Someone else said, it went through her head.

And yes, I do know of two successful US asylum cases who got their relatives shot and claimed political asylum!!

Malala has become an unwitting party in this.

All right, I will let the bleeding hearts sing their hymns for Malala.

Me out for now. Catch up soon!
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