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Major Indian cities to get missile defence shield


Nov 14, 2007
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Major cities to get missile defence shield
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, December 12
Major cities of the country, including Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and other “high value targets” will get the anti-ballistic missile defence shield, once the ballistic defence system (BMD) is fully operational within the next three to four years, missile and strategic system chief of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) Dr V.K. Saraswat said here today.

Encouraged by the two successful tests of the BMD system with the indigenously developed “interceptor missile” hitting a “target missile” last week in Orissa, Saraswat said his scientists needed to conduct some more flight trials to fully validate the objectives.

This process, he said, would be over in the next three years or so following which he was hopeful of providing the protective shield to high value targets and metropolitan cities. This, he said, could happen over the next three to four years.

The successful testing of the BMD has put India into the elite club of countries having the capabilities of such a system. The DRDO missile chief said India could now also shoot down missile fired from ranges varying from 400-3,000 km.

He, however, clarified that the BMD system was a defensive system and given India’s nuclear doctrine specifying “no first use” of nuclear weapons, the BMD was needed more as a deterrent.

Although he did not name Pakistan and China, but said the countries in the neighbourhood had missiles of ranges from 400-3,000 km in their arsenal and the Indian BMD was capable of eliminating them endo-atmospheric (within the earth’s atmosphere) as well as exo-atmospheric (outside atmosphere).

While the interceptor now named “Praduyama” can liquidate the target at altitudes of 50km and beyond in “exo’ mode, the BMD can also hit the target at heights of less than 20 km in “endo” mode as was done earlier this month from Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur-on-Sea in Orissa. The DRDO scientists would now focus on conducting simultaneous tests of “endo’ and ‘exo” by launching multiple interceptors on an incoming target, Saraswat said.

As regards the high points of the two tests of the BMD, he said the country now had the capabilities of shooting down a cruise missile traveling at very low heights. Incidentally, the cruise missile is a sub-sonic system while the ballistic missiles travel 2,000 metres in one second and the BMD system can it shoot down in 23 seconds after detecting it with the help of a network of sophisticated radars, Saraswat said.

The BMD system, at present can cover an area of 200 sq km and is comparable of such systems like the Patriot missile system from the US and the Arrow missile system from Israel. “Thus, for Delhi and the NCR (National Capital Region), we would require two batteries,” he said adding the interceptor can also perform many other roles.

These roles included taking on an incoming hostile aircraft at distance of more than 100 km and bolstering the air defence cover of the country with the help of a reliable network of radars, he said.

Incidentally, the US is interested in offering the Patriot missile system to India.

The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Main News
The new shield
Raj Chengappa
Wheeler Island, Orissa, December 13, 2007

A A AIn the summer of 2012, the rollercoaster relations between India and Pakistan suddenly go steeply downhill. Terrorists had launched a successful attack on the Indian Parliament, killing two Union cabinet ministers and 12 MPs.

Pakistan’s hand is clearly proven and, after a month, India goes to war. Pakistan threatens to use nuclear weapons if India doesn’t stop the invasion. As Indian troops close in on Lahore, Pakistan launches a barrage of nuclear-tipped Ghauris to strike Delhi.

In the past, such an attack would have meant certain death and destruction for Delhi. But by that year, India is equipped with a sophisticated ground-based anti-ballistic missile system (ABM).

The ABM system’s long-range radar detects the barrage of Ghauri missiles within 30 seconds of lift-off. Five minutes later and 80 km above Delhi, the ABM batteries launch a set of interceptor missiles to strike them down.

Four of Pakistan’s Ghauri missiles are blown up and their fragments fall harmlessly. But two of them evade detection and head for the capital.

The AAD01 lifts off from Wheeler IslandAs they arrive 30 km above Delhi, the Indian Army launches another barrage of interceptors that successfully bring down the remaining two Ghauris. Delhi is saved. India launches a counter nuclear strike that would, as an officer puts it, “make Pakistan not worth living in anymore”.

Science fiction? Not really. With a series of major technological breakthroughs recently, scientists of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) have demonstrated that they are capable of developing an indigenously-built anti ballistic missile shield (See graphic) that could protect not just Delhi, but other major metros and key installations from enemy nuclear attacks, whether they come in from Pakistan or China.

In doing so, India has become the newest member of the rarified club of four nations— the USA, Russia, France and Israel—having ABM capabilities.

India began revealing its prowess last year itself after keeping the project to develop an ABM system under wraps for close to five years.

On a blustery winter morning on November 27, 2006, at the Wheeler Island off the coast of Orissa, it launched an interceptor missile codenamed PAD01 (Prithvi Air Defence 01) that successfully struck down an incoming Prithvi missile posing as an enemy launch, 47 km above the earth.

While the interceptor was indigenously built, the two powerful long and medium-range tracking radars were developed with the help of Israelis and were codenamed Swordfish1 and 2. Together these radars are able to detect an incoming missile 600 km away, identify its trajectory and speed and pass that information on to the control centre.

Experts termed the test as the first big step towards developing an effective ABM defence.

The problem was that the Single Shot Probability Kill ratio, as it is known in scientific parlance, is rarely 1:1 for exoatmospheric interceptors (strikes outside the earth’s atmosphere).

An exclusive club

Only four other nations have anti-ballistic missile systems

Anti-ballistic missile USA
In the past decade the US has invested heavily on building ground-based interceptors but still has only a rudimentary anti-ballistic missile ABM) system in place.

Missiles: It uses a combination of THAAD, SM3 and GBI systems for strikes of 50 km and above and for its second line of defence the PAC3.

A relative new-comer France has made steady progress with ABM systems.

Missiles: ASTER, its main interceptor, has a capability of knocking down incoming missiles at a height of 40 km.

Endoatmopsheric missiles RUSSIA
It was unhappy when the US pulled out of the ABM treaty in 2001. It has now revived its programme to build sophisticated missile defence systems.

Missiles: Russia relies largely on endoatmopsheric missiles of the S-300 and S-400 series that can strike targets at an altitude of 20 km and above.

Along with the US, Israel has jointly developed its ABM systems including the most sophisticated longrange radars.

Missiles: Israel uses highly accurate ARROW systems for its line of defence.

India Today - The most widely read newsweekly in South Asia. .
hmmmm sounds strange though - - - as the indian missile defence system - - (designed only for defence against ballistic weapon attack by the way) - -was completely wiped out by the Pakistani cruise missile strike which preceded the ballistic missile attack( as all major strikes are preceded by SEAD )- - - i do hope you know what SEAD is- - -?
The new shield
Raj Chengappa
Wheeler Island, Orissa, December 13, 2007

A A AIn the summer of 2012, the rollercoaster relations between India and Pakistan suddenly go steeply downhill. Terrorists had launched a successful attack on the Indian Parliament, killing two Union cabinet ministers and 12 MPs.

Pakistan’s hand is clearly proven and, after a month, India goes to war. Pakistan threatens to use nuclear weapons if India doesn’t stop the invasion. As Indian troops close in on Lahore, Pakistan launches a barrage of nuclear-tipped Ghauris to strike Delhi.

In the past, such an attack would have meant certain death and destruction for Delhi. But by that year, India is equipped with a sophisticated ground-based anti-ballistic missile system (ABM).

The ABM system’s long-range radar detects the barrage of Ghauri missiles within 30 seconds of lift-off. Five minutes later and 80 km above Delhi, the ABM batteries launch a set of interceptor missiles to strike them down.

Four of Pakistan’s Ghauri missiles are blown up and their fragments fall harmlessly. But two of them evade detection and head for the capital.

The AAD01 lifts off from Wheeler IslandAs they arrive 30 km above Delhi, the Indian Army launches another barrage of interceptors that successfully bring down the remaining two Ghauris. Delhi is saved. India launches a counter nuclear strike that would, as an officer puts it, “make Pakistan not worth living in anymore”.

Grow up!!!:disagree:
India to have missile defence shield in 3 years

India will have its own missile defence shield ready in three years, a development that will mark a big leap in securing the country's high value assets and major cities like Delhi and Mumbai.

The two-layered Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) system to cope with both threats from ballistic missiles as well as terrain-hugging cruise missile could be ready by 2010.

This assurance came from the country's top missile scientist V K Saraswat in the backdrop of Pakistan building up an arsenal of missiles which would give India hardly a 3-4 minute reaction time.

"An integrated test trial of the interceptor missile and its sub-systems would be conducted in June next year," Saraswat told newspersons on the recent successful test trials of the Advanced Air Defence (AAD) missiles in endo-atmospheric mode.

He said three to four more flight trials of the AAD and another four trials of exo-atmospheric missiles were required before declaring the system as "operational".

The missile scientist said the AAD system could also be configured to take care of threats from terrain-hugging cruise missiles.

Asked when BMD could be mass produced to cover the whole nation, Saraswat said that within weeks of the system being validated the production lines would be ready to roll out the system in bulk.

He said there was a "substantial" private sector participation in the BMD development programme.

On the June test, Saraswat said a system was being developed to fire two missiles simultaneously at a single target to intercept it both in exo- and endo-atmospheric zones.

On comparison of the missile with the US PAC-III, DRDO officials said both were essentially interceptor missiles but while the PAC-III has a limited range of 15 km "our missiles can go upto 25 km."

The new system, to be ready by 2010, would be capable of protection against existing threats to the country but "we are developing a system for Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile interception, which could take upto seven years.

He said the country's indigenous AAD system would get a filip when India gets more AWACS, AEW and dedicated satellite-based tracking radars.

While affirming that the country would go ahead with developing its indigenous BMD system, DRDO officials said New Delhi was "keen and looking at" similar systems being offered by the US, Israel and Russia.

"The system has been configured with radars for long range surveillance and tracking, command, control and communication systems for effective control and optimisation of exo- and endo-atmospheric interceptors at altitudes above 40 km and below 25 km respectively," Saraswat said.
India speeding up nuclear missile production

1 hour, 4 minutes ago

NEW DELHI (AFP) - Nuclear-armed India said on Friday it was ready to jump-start production of long-range nuclear missiles which can hit targets deep in China or Pakistan.

V. K. Saraswat, the chief of India's missile development project, said the assembly lines were in place to speed up the production of the precision rockets.

Military insiders told AFP the announcement was a response to reports of growing cross-border military intrusions into India by China, which has an unresolved border dispute with its smaller Asian neighbour.

The statement came amid reports Friday that India had moved a brigade-sized (6,000-man) army unit to the Bhutan-China border on India's uneasy eastern flank.

"India is now capable of delivering missiles much earlier than the earlier period of three to seven years as basic building blocks for production and deployment of long-range missile are now in place," scientist Saraswat said.

The comments also coincided with the second test in so many days of the locally made 700-kilogramme (1,540-pound) surface-to-air Akash missile on Friday.

Saraswat, speaking to reporters in southern Hyderabad city, one of India's largest hubs for strategic research, said nuclear-capable missiles would be built much faster with private sector participation.

"We will develop the next levels of missiles in a much shorter time.

"The private industry has emerged as a co-developer of the sub-systems of the missiles, which is helping us in cutting down development time," Saraswat added.

India's defence industry opened up to the private sector three years ago after state-owned ordenance units failed to deliver.

Saraswat's comments came after India's chief military scientist M. Natarajan Wednesday said New Delhi will test a ballistic missile with a top range of 6,000 kilometres (3,800 miles) in 2008.

"The defence industry, having gone through a reality check, is now kicking up with results, and I'll describe it as a positive sign," a senior defence ministry official, who did not want to be named, told AFP.

India has built a range of ballistic and cruise missiles as part of a 1983 project.

It has fought three wars with Pakistan since their 1947 independence and received a bloody nose in a 1962 brief but bitter border clash with China.

India speeding up nuclear missile production - Yahoo! News

I didn't know India had developed cruise missiles... :what:
Are you guys sure that you want to leave the defence of India's key cities in DRDO's hands?

The only solution to this is MIRV capability on the Pakistani BMs and advancing the Cruise Missile program.
India launches a counter nuclear strike that would, as an officer puts it, “make Pakistan not worth living in anymore”.

Leaving the misplaced bravado :disagree: of this officer aside, turning Pakistan into a non-livable place has similar consequences for India due to the close proximity.
Leaving the misplaced bravado :disagree: of this officer aside, turning Pakistan into a non-livable place has similar consequences for India due to the close proximity.
Seriously... I honestly don't understand what runs through these people's minds prior to making such statements.
He said three to four more flight trials of the AAD and another four trials of exo-atmospheric missiles were required before declaring the system as "operational".

So let me get this straight, 3 more tests of the AAD and four trails of the exo-atmospheric missiles, india would finally declear the shield operational. Woww now that was quick. All the sudden a country which has absolutely no experience with a system as complex as a anti ballistic system or let me put it this way a country who with all the help they could get couldnt make a jet operational and a tank for their airforce and army, suddenly tests fire a anti ballistic system,moreover just requires 3 to 4 more tests and would be ready to defend against ghori and shaheen system. I must admire DRDO. Finally they did it. Indians can now sleep well. Lol I guess americans were just stupid, deploying all there resources to make their defence system operational, all they needed was to ask DRDO for help.

The missile scientist said the AAD system could also be configured to take care of threats from terrain-hugging cruise missiles.

Really! how convinent. DRDO must be proud of themselves.:tup:
hmmmm sounds strange though - - - as the indian missile defence system - - (designed only for defence against ballistic weapon attack by the way) - -was completely wiped out by the Pakistani cruise missile strike which preceded the ballistic missile attack( as all major strikes are preceded by SEAD )- - - i do hope you know what SEAD is- - -?

Oh my goodness, very thanks for conveying me to have briefed about SEAD capability. First of all tell me how does your cruise missile will know about exact location of Air defense system comprises of Missile batteries, radar as well as host of all other communication systems?

Neither my close adversary have Anti-radiation missile like HARM.

Tracking range of Green pine radar as well as similar radar that has developed by Indian scientist has range of about 600 km. In addition to it there will be vast array of low level to medium level radar and SAM system like Rajendra radar & S-300PMU respectively. That means even if you use Aerial object equipped with Anti-radiation missile like HARM to surpassed Enemy Air-defense systems, SAM like S-300PMU, PAD, AAD as well all other SAM system will make sure about Aerial Object would not return back in single piece.
Are you guys sure that you want to leave the defence of India's key cities in DRDO's hands?

The only solution to this is MIRV capability on the Pakistani BMs and advancing the Cruise Missile program.

Leaving the misplaced bravado :disagree: of this officer aside, turning Pakistan into a non-livable place has similar consequences for India due to the close proximity.

First of all don’t teach us to whom we should shouldered the responsibility of our security and defense of our country. DRDO is more then competent enough to recognize and organize our security needs.

Regarding MIRV capability, don’t get so much shaken with couple of initial test of PAD and AAD, as it is only the promo, Let this system get evolved further, then you will see the whole movie.

And regarding turning Pakistan into non-livable place, nobody in India have any useless intentions of such misadventures since Pakistan is already get suffering from political turmoil which is prevailing there.
So let me get this straight, 3 more tests of the AAD and four trails of the exo-atmospheric missiles, india would finally declear the shield operational. Woww now that was quick. All the sudden a country which has absolutely no experience with a system as complex as a anti ballistic system or let me put it this way a country who with all the help they could get couldnt make a jet operational and a tank for their airforce and army, suddenly tests fire a anti ballistic system,moreover just requires 3 to 4 more tests and would be ready to defend against ghori and shaheen system. I must admire DRDO. Finally they did it. Indians can now sleep well. Lol I guess americans were just stupid, deploying all there resources to make their defence system operational, all they needed was to ask DRDO for help.

Really! how convinent. DRDO must be proud of themselves.:tup:

You should not only get it yourself straight but also required to stretch yourself much more further and awake yourself from your deep sleep and ignorance. Have you ever heard about Akash missile? DRDO has testing Akash missiles on numerous occasions and it is decade old project and it has also believed to have limited capability to engage ballistic missiles.
About 3 to 4 test to opersonalize the AAD and PAD is only the glimpse, nothing more then that, excessive test will be carried out to makes it parameters and interfaces to get more competent enough to evolved further with Armed forces ever-changing technological needs.

Regarding your usual harping about operational hiccups in Arjun and LCA, it only goes to express about your extreme anxiety with DRDO, as how does it manage to achieve such a landmark success, this is what you can’t accept. Don’t forget DRDO has also running several other ambitious projects and it has managed to excel in it more precisely and this what we proud of themselves.
Drill on Akash missiles begins

T.S. Subramanian

CHENNAI: A 10-day campaign that will involve the launching of several surface-to-air Akash missiles in field trials meant for the Indian Air Force (IAF) began at the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur near Balasore on the Orissa coast on Thursday with the firing of an Akash from a mobile launcher.

The eventual user of the missile, the Indian Air Force (IAF), conducted the drill including the firing of the missile.

Prahlada, Chief Controller, R&D, Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO),who was present at the launch at the ITR at Chandipur, said the entire Akash system including missiles, radars, launchers and support systems would be used during the ten-day campaign. A series of flight trials of Akash would be done during this period as part of an understanding between the DRDO and the IAF.

“At the end of the ten-day campaign, we will assess how everything went. Evaluation of Akash during this field trial for the user is a very complex process,” said Mr. Prahlada from Chandipur.

Another DRDO official said the entire flight of Akash on Thursday was captured by electro-optical tracking systems. “The entire track was excellent,” he added. The target was Lakshaya, a pilotless target aircraft.

Akash is a medium-range surface-to-air missile and it can reach targets 25 km away. It is 5.6 metres long. It is essentially an anti-aircraft weapon.

It can handle multiple targets with the help of a digitally coded command and guidance system. It is fuelled by solid propellants. It can be fired from tracked vehicles.

Finally years of hardwork has paid off
First of all don’t teach us to whom we should shouldered the responsibility of our security and defense of our country. DRDO is more then competent enough to recognize and organize our security needs.

Regarding MIRV capability, don’t get so much shaken with couple of initial test of PAD and AAD, as it is only the promo, Let this system get evolved further, then you will see the whole movie.

And regarding turning Pakistan into non-livable place, nobody in India have any useless intentions of such misadventures since Pakistan is already get suffering from political turmoil which is prevailing there.

Calm down buddy!

:P I am not teaching you anything. Simply made a suggestion looking at DRDO's track record.

Pakistan should not wait for you guys to put on a demo/promo/Indian movie around this capability. If she did then it would be complacency and plain old stupidity. I would hope we get a basic MIRV capability so the benefits of a rudimentary Indian ABM shield can be negated. That is the whole idea behind the nuclear deterrence.
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