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Major F-35 Component Cracks


Sep 10, 2008
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The cracks have appeared in the STA 496 bulkhead, located just aft of the main landing gear, of the F-35B static test airframe. (Alcoa illustration)

PARIS --- The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter has encountered a new, serious problem as a bulkhead on an F-35B fatigue test airframe developed cracks after only 1,500 hours of tests that are due to last 16,000 hours.

“The aft bulkhead of the F-35B BH-1 fatigue-test specimen has developed cracks after 1,500 hours of durability testing,” Aviation Week’s Ares blog reported yesterday. “This is less than one-tenth of the planned fatigue test program, which is designed to prove an 8,000-hour airframe life with a safety factor of two.”

This incident again raises questions about the technical viability of Lockheed Martin’s redesign of the aircraft, especially for the F-35B STOVL version, and about the company’s claims that its simulation systems are so good that flight testing can safely and drastically be cut back to lower costs.

Lockheed Martin issued the following statement on the issue:

"During a recent durability ground test, fatigue cracks were discovered in the aft bulkhead of BH-1, an F-35B ground test aircraft. The cracks were discovered during a special inspection when a test engineer discovered an anomaly; the aircraft has logged approximately 1500 hours of durability testing. Precautionary inspections were conducted on all flight test aircraft and the CTOL ground test aircraft. No additional cracks were found and flight testing has not been impacted.

“The root cause investigation is underway and will determine if the cracks were caused by a test anomaly that is not indicative of flight conditions, an engineering issue or a material failure. Durability testing is conducted early in the development of a new aircraft program to avoid costly sustainment issues later in the life of the aircraft."

A knowledgeable source confirmed to defense-aerospace.com that the frame in question is the STA 496 bulkhead, and added that “by all accounts, so far, the undercarriage loads are in the mix, which brings into focus a debate that was had some time ago about whether or not the full spectrum of the [Conventional Take-Off and Landing] loads should be used as well as those for the STOVL scenarios ([Vertical Landing] and, possibly, Ski-Jump)” for the fatigue test program.

Major F35B Component Cracks
Well if countries gave Pakistan half of what they give to boeing and airbus we would build a UFo and fly it to mars
Seriously!? :woot: These countries are into making such stuff since the last 40 odd years and you are telling me that you can conceptualize, design, develop, integrate, test and induct all this in half this money? :blink:
Well if countries gave Pakistan half of what they give to boeing and airbus we would build a UFo and fly it to mars

A UFO is an unidentified flying object. It would be quite an achievement and probably a first if Pakistan or any other country, for that mater, would build an object that they themselves would be unfamiliar with.
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A UFO is an unidentified flying object. It would be quite an achievement and probably a first if Pakistan or any other country, for that mater, would build an object that they themselves would be unfamiliar with.

u did not get his sense of humor apparently!
Boeing and Airbus they both have a monopoly on world aviation

And this is true since 1920's on wards these companies were involved in ww2 so they also get backing by governments like US/UK etc on all contracts and special treatments

They are not even the best companies in world but becasue they eat up Billions and billions even the inefficient workers of these companies eventually make a flying bird

Even in ww2 their planes were not best in market
their planes were known to have engine problems and horrible kill rate but luckily for them they had radars and that changed the game - otherwise

Germans had better tanks
Japan/Germans had better flying planes

American inginuity died after 70's with Kennedy what have US done in technology its been all work of immigrants from China , India , Pakistan or others who have been doing all the work even stealth is based off Russian scientist innovations

US is a crumbling empire under huge debts and their only way out is if they start a WW3 with other nations who own their debts

Americans are not going to work their way out of debt they will simply start a fake war and then wipe clean all their debt by stealing other resources -

Thats why US/UK others are ordering the F35 Quickly they know in a fair combat their forces will get beat pretty easily

I mean come on a few sheap hearders in Afghanistan they could not tame them in 10 years -

The funny thing is they USE DIRTY tactics to ban airlines that don't put orders with these CORPORATIONS ... like they did with PIA banned their whole flights ...

What about the NEW boeing and airbus planes that are crashing due to bad engines did anyone BAN them ??? no simple ITS MONOPOLY to force other nations to buy their planes
Each plane is like Billions and billions for their economies so they blackmail other countries to buy planes from these companies ...

If we had 100-200 billion budget on building aviation plan yes we would build a space vehicle with our innovation
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No Boeing and Airbus ARE the best commercial airline aircraft manufacturing companies in the world. If you want to beat them make a better product because if you can't they will eat you alive and you will go under. That is how it always works.
I had mentioned in another thread that it is manufacturing problems that delay the F35.
That is what I meant. There are failures associated with either structural performance or fabrication quality to be solved still.
A UFO is an unidentified flying object. It would be quite an achievement and probably a first if Pakistan or any other country, for that mater, would build an object that they themselves would be unfamiliar with.

Well dude, the UK has come up with Cricket.. something that is not a UFO , but a USE (unidentified sporting event) and they themselves are unfamiliar with because all the ex colonies are beating them at it !!!

I like it if this jet program is delayed because it will give China, Russia and others to catch up to US aviation tech. Good news indeed.
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