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Let me explain it for you. I am a Muslim and I am loyal to Pakistan. But Iran is the first country that accepted Pakistan within 20 minutes of Pakistan coming to existence and our culture and language borrows alot from Iran. Even our national poet wrote more Persian poems than Urdu. So Iran is like our brother. Of course you do not feel like that. Since you are an American slave, part of NATO that kills Pakistanis every day. And you are lying that you would side with Turkey. You will always remain loyal to America no matter what. There are even American bases in your country so that explains alot.

Pakistan and Iran used to have excellent relations under the Shah but as of late with Pakistan bearing the brunt of sectarianism because of both Saudi Arabia and Iran fighting an ideological war in our streets and with Iran cozying up to our enemy (India), its a long way to brotherhood. Pakistan and Turkey on the other hand truly enjoy reciprocal love between each other - the Turks have helped us a lot, diplomatically, morally, in terms of aid and our people-to-people mutual love is immense. If there is any country, after China, that we can call our brother with some degree of accuracy - its Turkey and unequivocally so.

Additionally, what right do we have talking about American Slavery, when the Turks at least had the guts to tell the Americans No, when their land was to be used in Invading Iraq. We on the other hand not only allowed our lands to be used for the invasion of Afghanistan but we let it happen so, so very cheaply that not even our basic expenses to facilitate that land route were covered, never mind actually earning something interms of toll tax revenue. We are so spineless that we allow drones to come and slaughter countless innocent Pakistanis and yet we haven't done s**t about it.

Lastly about the commonalities - Urdu is a Turkish word. The same Iqbal, our national poet, called Rumi as Pir-i-Rumi (Master of Anatolia) and himself as Murid-i-Hind (His Indian Disciple), as testament to his love for the Sufi saint. Furthermore, our culture is neither wholly Iranian nor is Turkic but it borrows across the board from a whole range of different cultures much like our language Urdu which was born out of Arabic, Turkish and Persian.
Pakistan and Iran used to have excellent relations under the Shah but as of late with Pakistan bearing the brunt of sectarianism because of both Saudi Arabia and Iran fighting an ideological war in our streets and with Iran cozying up to our enemy (India), its a long way to brotherhood. Pakistan and Turkey on the other hand truly enjoy reciprocal love between each other - the Turks have helped us a lot, diplomatically, morally, in terms of aid and our people-to-people mutual love is immense. If there is any country, after China, that we can call our brother with some degree of accuracy - its Turkey and unequivocally so.

Additionally, what right do we have talking about American Slavery, when the Turks at least had the guts to tell the Americans No, when their land was to be used in Invading Iraq. We on the other hand not only allowed our lands to be used for the invasion of Afghanistan but we let it happen so, so very cheaply that not even our basic expenses to facilitate that land route were covered, never mind actually earning something interms of toll tax revenue. We are so spineless that we allow drones to come and slaughter countless innocent Pakistanis and yet we haven't done s**t about it.

Lastly about the commonalities - Urdu is a Turkish word. The same Iqbal, our national poet, called Rumi as Pir-i-Rumi (Master of Anatolia) and himself as Murid-i-Hind (His Indian Disciple), as testament to his love for the Sufi saint. Furthermore, our culture is neither wholly Iranian nor is Turkic but it borrows across the board from a whole range of different cultures much like our language Urdu which was born out of Arabic, Turkish and Persian.

I would like to point out something as well. Sorry fi it is a bit off topic but I have to bring this up:
Saudis 'refuse to let America use bases for attacks on Iraq' - Telegraph
Pakistan and Iran used to have excellent relations under the Shah but as of late with Pakistan bearing the brunt of sectarianism because of both Saudi Arabia and Iran fighting an ideological war in our streets and with Iran cozying up to our enemy (India), its a long way to brotherhood. Pakistan and Turkey on the other hand truly enjoy reciprocal love between each other - the Turks have helped us a lot, diplomatically, morally, in terms of aid and our people-to-people mutual love is immense. If there is any country, after China, that we can call our brother with some degree of accuracy - its Turkey and unequivocally so.

Additionally, what right do we have talking about American Slavery, when the Turks at least had the guts to tell the Americans No, when their land was to be used in Invading Iraq. We on the other hand not only allowed our lands to be used for the invasion of Afghanistan but we let it happen so, so very cheaply that not even our basic expenses to facilitate that land route were covered, never mind actually earning something interms of toll tax revenue. We are so spineless that we allow drones to come and slaughter countless innocent Pakistanis and yet we haven't done s**t about it.

Lastly about the commonalities - Urdu is a Turkish word. The same Iqbal, our national poet, called Rumi as Pir-i-Rumi (Master of Anatolia) and himself as Murid-i-Hind (His Indian Disciple), as testament to his love for the Sufi saint. Furthermore, our culture is neither wholly Iranian nor is Turkic but it borrows across the board from a whole range of different cultures much like our language Urdu which was born out of Arabic, Turkish and Persian.

During the floods, Iran gave us more aid than Turkey, despite their sanctions. Why are you trying to defame the current Iran? Yes, I know that there are many things I hate about what Iran did to Pakistan (border incidents), but they have shown to be more brotherly than not.

We share cultures from not just Iran, but from Turkey as well. Remember, Urdu was created out of Turkish, Arabic and Persian dialect.

I respect Iran and Turkey both equally.
During the floods, Iran gave us more aid than Turkey, despite their sanctions. Why are you trying to defame the current Iran? Yes, I know that there are many things I hate about what Iran did to Pakistan (border incidents), but they have shown to be more brotherly than not.

We share cultures from not just Iran, but from Turkey as well. Remember, Urdu was created out of Turkish, Arabic and Persian dialect.

I respect Iran and Turkey both equally.

Thats why I used the term of late in relation to what we had with each other in the Shahs time. Their aid was very welcoming and hence our changing stance towards them, however, I was merely historically characterizing the effects that the Islamist Regime in Tehran has had on Pakistan and a few $100M, though extremely welcoming, doesn't do away with the bile that dozens of Iranian Cultural Centres in our cities have been spewing. I respect and love Iran for the gesture and I do hope that they'd stop exporting their Revolution to the world; when that happens we would go on from being good neighbors to brothers, however, as of now - Turkey-Pakistan and Iran-Pakistan can't possibly be spoken off in the same breadth because the people-to-people relations are very, very different. I've had family who got to visit Turkey and you know the way we are treated in almost all parts of the world, even the Muslim world, but the Turks, even an ordinary shopkeeper was more warm and concerned about Pakistan, then any non-Pakistani we've ever met. A little example of the strong people-to-people mutual love that we enjoy is this :

"A nine-year old Turkish girl has donated her one year’s pocket money of 150 Turkish liras in cash and her doll as a contribution to help the flood-hit people of Pakistan

The little student, Merve Tekinay, who is from Konya, the burial place of Sufi saint Jalaluddin Rumi, also addressed a personal letter to President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari.

A statement from Pakistani government's information departement quoted the girl saying in her letter 'I will go on sending my help. Don’t hesitate, we are your best friend.'

'I am little, I saw Pakistan in the news and felt so sad. My daddy told me that you helped us in Independence war a lot. So now it is our turn to help you in this flood" the girl wrote to the president.

The cash contribution of Merve has been deposited in the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund account maintained by the Embassy of Pakistan in Ankara.

The letter ends with, "May God help you. Kisses' "

And for those of us who've had interactions with Turks, know that this isn't an isolated example but a reflection of the regard and love they hold for us as a nation. And forgive me but because of that, I consider our relation with Turkey or the love and regard that we have for them, unparalleled in the Muslim World and only in the world at large, could China, be considered on an equal footing.
We share cultures from not just Iran, but from Turkey as well. Remember, Urdu was created out of Turkish, Arabic and Persian dialect.

You totally forgot or didn't include the local dialect which was the base.
Volunteered during the khilafat movement 1919... people sold jewelry,land stuff for it too..

Nice, then you and I, are brothers and our ancestors must have known each other. For half of my family was in the Indian National Congress with the Ali Brothers and were avid supporters of the Khilafat Movement, before they saw what Jinnah had seen many years before and then joined up with the Muslim League as the reality of the Congress became clearer. In fact, my own paternal grandfather went from an avid supporter of the Indian National Congress to a die hard fan of Jinnah after the Congress Rule '37-39.
firstly there are over 40 million Azeri Turks living in Iran, why arent they being allowed to influence any dicision making in Iran? , also terrorist groups like Greywolves?? that is a very ignorant if not hostile statement, they have never commited any terrorist act untill now! They are not even armed you are viewing them as terrorist just because they refuse asimilation, by the way they dont pursuade same policies against other minorities for example Armenians are allowed to have their own schools, to keep their own language, culture etc while Azeri Turks are NOT. This clearly shows who hostile they are against everything that is Turkish.

And about France what do you expect us to do, you want us go step further and declare war? How silly, besides France is far away from Turkiye so they don't have to worrie about several other things what Iran cannot, let Iran do the same and see what happens.. Why didnt they do the same as France did untill now you Armenians are their brothers according to them, so why can't they
there are not 40 milions azari in Iran!
they arent turk azari.they are iranian azeri
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