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'Maalik' banned across Pakistan

The authorities can ban Pakistanis from viewing a movie without even specifying the reasons? And Pakistanis are willing to put up with this authoritarianism, rather than engage in civil disobedience?

lolzz do you even know what is civil disobedience ? and that too for a movie? BTW we are protesting in a more active way then creating law and order situation
The authorities can ban Pakistanis from viewing a movie without even specifying the reasons? And Pakistanis are willing to put up with this authoritarianism, rather than engage in civil disobedience?
A lot is banned everyday in the name of public interest unless it hits media no one cares

lolzz do you even know what is civil disobedience ? and that too for a movie? BTW we are protesting in a more active way then creating law and order situation
Some baboon leagis are protesting against it because it defames Sindhis
Since when did defaming ppp became defemation of Sindhis?
Some baboon leagis are protesting against it because it defames Sindhis
Since when did defaming ppp became defemation of Sindhis?

“The information ministry reserves the right to ban any film at any time.Maalik has been banned because it shows a former chief minister as a man of corruption and opulence,” a ministry official, requesting anonymity, told The Express Tribune.

:lol: and then NS govt at center banned it in entire Pakistan because it is talking about corruption and since Nawaz shaaaareeef family is facing kooooruption in panama leaks
Is there any other country showing this moive?? If no then it will be a big loss of Pakistan film industry and a lose of motivation to revive the dying industry.
“The information ministry reserves the right to ban any film at any time.Maalik has been banned because it shows a former chief minister as a man of corruption and opulence,” a ministry official, requesting anonymity, told The Express Tribune
You don't know if that's really the reason. There should be a written letter with somebody's name on it. That's accountability. Otherwise you're accepting you're a mere subject of your government, rather than that the government must serve its citizens.

lolzz do you even know what is civil disobedience ?

...and that too for a movie?
There are no security or legal issues in play. It's just a matter of cowing the citizenry - which can serve as a prelude to more important and worse things.

BTW we are protesting in a more active way then creating law and order situation
Which you don't bother to specify.

A lot is banned everyday in the name of public interest unless it hits media no one cares
Then you're getting the government you deserve, yes?
Army showd the worst side of civilians nothing new it's the same old fashioned by army to put down civilians on every step of the way...pathetically ridiculous mannered by the army.
Let people watch and decide why ban it?
Its a story why ban it oh wait lemme guess next dialogue of paid baboon leagi
You are boot polshiya
You don't know if that's really the reason. There should be a written letter with somebody's name on it. That's accountability. Otherwise you're accepting you're a mere subject of your government, rather than that the government must serve its citizens.


There are no security or legal issues in play. It's just a matter of cowing the citizenry - which can serve as a prelude to more important and worse things.

Which you don't bother to specify.

Then you're getting the government you deserve, yes?
بات تو.سچ ھے پر بات ھے رسوائی کی
@django @Moonlight @The Sandman

Some elements among the political parties have turned it into a civilian vs army issue
Lol why did they ban it?
cuz they are douche bags... other explanations include the word CM being corrupt is something that should be censored in movies also... All time low by the douche bags... first ban all this Indian crap in cinemas you spineless cowardly government

the govt lost it, specially after the Panama leaks, they have gone bonkers
they never had any sense... they just fell to new lows.. or no... this is what I expected from them

Some elements among the political parties have turned it into a civilian vs army issue
those elements are okay with Indian movies and their crappy lovey dovey messages... anything with real meaning behind it and they ban it....
The authorities can ban Pakistanis from viewing a movie without even specifying the reasons? And Pakistanis are willing to put up with this authoritarianism, rather than engage in civil disobedience?
pretty happens around the world...not sure why you are surprised:

US can announce a war like Iraq even after not finding WMD they still have a thick face to overstay in Iraq and Afghanistan....they dont even need a reason to go around killing....Same with Israel....Movies are not banned in many places in West but hypocrisy like in France where Muhammad cartoons are fine but Jewish ones are called anti Semitic....surprisingly Arabs and Jews both are Semitic but only 1 gets to be under that roof...

At least banning films doesnt kill unlike legalizing wars on a whim ;)

Semitic: relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
relating to the peoples who speak the Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.

public complaints regarding portrayal of Pakistanis in general and country’s politicians in particular.
Well never was a politician an angel....not sure why public is complaining about having to view them as the devil they really are...
Its a story of lawlessness and abuse of power India made a movie naik on similar concept why cant we make it ?
Or is it that criticizing corruption will get you the label of jamhori mukhalif?
And why are you sharing mutahidas page Bheensa?
Where did I say I supported the ban? I found the clip from facebook showing what is being touted as the reason for the ban.
I neither know nor care who or what Bheensa is. The link was shared with me.

Don't be so quick to judge @Zibago bhai.
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