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LTTE defeat is not good for the region

U r clueless, let me enlighten you about jazia.

Jazia is a name for non Muslims ans the name for Muslim is Zakat, both Muslims and non Muslim pay the same percentage, around 2%.

So there is no difference in payments except the name, one is Jazia and the other is zakat. And therefore u are not hard done by living with Muslims, in fact u r treated much better than many other cultures and Religions.

U assume too many things as u have been brain washed against Islam by those who do not want you to know the facts.

Pl. see previous post.

And I have first hand information & experience as to how even non-muslims are treated & asked to behave like Muslims in the middle east, which is supposed to be a developed area of the islamic world. So don't even get started about how the treatment can be "better" than other cultures / religions.
There is no way you can compare a Kashmiri Freedom Strugle with the LTTE group. Kashmiri Strugle has compleetely been transformed into a Political strugle simillar to the one which Congress or Muslim League did to get independance from the British rule. The movement going on in Kashmir is compleetely free of Arms .

Like the congress of Muslim League? That's the most 'oblivious to the ground realty' statement I've heard. So all the reports over the last 2 decades of terrorism in Kashmir is a figment of the my imagination? :crazy:
when it is time to accept the blame ,Islamists escape cleverly.for them ,media and Mullah's projected India,the kaafir nation(albeit a big muslim centre) must be destroyed.Excites young minds to enforce Islam and make more dhimmis everywhere.true?
Quran 8:12 I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers:
India supported LTTE when it was a rebel army, not when it became too big for its own good or when it start doing a tad too many terrorist ops.

btw, I'm just following the official govt. line that Indian troops should crush terrorism and militancy everywhere. But... personally, I'm not for a forceful settlement of all issues, Kashmir included. It's better to have an independent unified kashmir that both Indians and pakistanis access that is peaceful rather than an "Indian" or "pakistani" kashmir. The issue of tamil minorities is also similar, where they should be accorded devolution rights much like Palestine's genuine demands. The muslim fundamentalists operating in Pakistan have no genuine "goals" of sedition except imposing their own brand of fanatic religious beliefs which most muslims don't believe in anyways.

unfortunately independent Kashmir none will agree to.

Pakistan will integrate it the moment we vacate it, and irrespective of kashmiri wishes, it will remain pakistani (they wont hesitate to use force)
unfortunately independent Kashmir none will agree to.

Pakistan will integrate it the moment we vacate it, and irrespective of kashmiri wishes, it will remain pakistani (they wont hesitate to use force)
Actually ,If we let kashmir out(NO CHANCE!) ,in future ,other muslim ghettos in the country especially the bangladeshi border ,azamgarh(UP) will ask for freedom ,Moplahstan in Malabar ,Kerala ,Osmanistan in Hyderabad , Lucknow and more.Infact ,I read Sometime back about the Idea of Mughalistan for which some strong co-ordination are happening from both the enemeis bordering India.:rolleyes: After Moghulistan ,the whole Ummah will want to slaughter Hindus and India.It will be a great orgasmic thing for jehadi's.there is no moderate muslim BTW!.

Mughalistan (or Mughalstan) is the name of an independent homeland proposed for the Muslims of India. This Mughal-Muslim state in the Indian subcontinent will include all of North India and Eastern India, and will be formed by merging Pakistan and Bangladesh through a large corridor of land running across the Indo-Gangetic plain, the heartland of India. This Mughalistan corridor will comprise Muslim-majority areas of Northern India and eastern India that will be partitioned for the second time in history.

The comprehensive plan for a second partition of India was first developed by the Mughalstan Research Institute (MRI) of Jahangir Nagar University (Bangladesh) under the patronage of the two intelligence agencies, Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) and Bangladesh’s Director General of Forces Intelligence, DGFI. The “Mughalistan Reaserch Institute of Bangladesh” has released a map where a Muslim corridor named “Mughalistan” connects Pakistan and Bangladesh via India.
The Pakistani Punjabi-dominated ISI’s influence on MRI is evident even in the Punjabi-centric pronunciation of the word ‘Mughalstan’ (without the “i”), instead of the typical Urdu pronunciation (Mughalistan). Islamic Jihadis in India have been well-armed and well-funded by the neighbouring Islamic regimes, as part of Operation Topac – the late Pakistani President Zia-ul-Haq’s grandiose plot to balkanize India.

Not surprisingly, Osama Bin Laden has thrown his support behind the concept and creation of this Greater Pakistan to “liberate” the Muslims of India from the Hindus. The Mumbai underworld (led by Karachi-based don Dawood Ibrahim who executed the gruesome 1993 Mumbai bombings), Jamaat-e-Islami, Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, Jaish-e-Mohammad and Hizbul Mujahideen have declared their unified support for creating this undivided Islamic nation in the Indian subcontinent. The Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and Indian Mujahideen are working in tandem with the aforementioned organizations to waged Jihad against the Hindus of India.

It is important to note that in its “holy war” against India, the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba has openly declared Hindus to be the "enemies of Islam" who should all be converted or killed. The Lashkar-e-Tayyaba group has repeatedly claimed through its journals and websites that its main aim is to destroy the Indian republic and to annihilate Hinduism. Jaish-e-Mohammed has vowed to "liberate" not just Kashmir, but also to hoist the Islamic flag atop the historic Red Fort after capturing New Delhi and the rest of India.
Bengal Genocide

India Still is not awakening!:sniper:
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Since when was UN taken seriously? Even Ban Ki moon said that tamils have to be given their rights and devolution. No one takes UN seriously anymore.

I agree, this is why Indians were crying when Shashi Taroor was not made the SG of teh UN ... Are'nt you guys still trying to get a permanant seat in the UN??

If Palestineans or kashmiris fighting are not terrorists, then Tamil tigers are also not terrorists. They also want a right to self determine, that's y they fought this bitter civil war. I think it's double standards to say that only the group u support needs to secede or have rights, while the rest of the world can piss off.

so now you are suggesting that Kashmiris should also fight for their rights ... no matter how bad things get and no matter how many PMs Kashmiris have to kill.

I think everyone has equal rights to self determination and calling for only muslim self determination like in palestine or in kashmir while ignoring others is nothing but sheer naivity at best and blatant hypocracy at worst.

No one said Muslim self determination ... we are talking about Kashmir and not Muslim or Hindu Kashmir ...

lets get back to the topic
I agree, this is why Indians were crying when Shashi Taroor was not made the SG of teh UN ... Are'nt you guys still trying to get a permanant seat in the UN??

Nobody cried cuz nobody died. UN permanent seat is important but it's value is only because of its veto, so that UN is made even more powerless by joining the stooges who veto everything, either good or bad. If u can't beat them, join them.

so now you are suggesting that Kashmiris should also fight for their rights ... no matter how bad things get and no matter how many PMs Kashmiris have to kill.

Its not as if the pakistani-aided militants in kashmir are resorting to Gandhian principles of non-violence to achieve their goals.

No one said Muslim self determination ... we are talking about Kashmir and not Muslim or Hindu Kashmir ...

It's only because there are a large % of muslims in the region that you seem to be showing sympathy. Else u wouldn't be bothered about it, just like u seem to show scant regard for neighbouring regions with similar ethnic problems, unless that neighbour happens to be India. :
Actually ,If we let kashmir out(NO CHANCE!) ,in future ,other muslim ghettos in the country especially the bangladeshi border ,azamgarh(UP) will ask for freedom ,Moplahstan in Malabar ,Kerala ,Osmanistan in Hyderabad , Lucknow and more.Infact ,I read Sometime back about the Idea of Mughalistan for which some strong co-ordination are happening from both the enemeis bordering India.:rolleyes: After Moghulistan ,the whole Ummah will want to slaughter Hindus and India.It will be a great orgasmic thing for jehadi's.there is no moderate muslim BTW!.

Bengal Genocide

India Still is not awakening!:sniper:


Bye bye.... :wave:
We all know that you "cared" about the Sikh Holy temple only because it meant that it would cause needless rampage & riots in India later on. But when it happenned to the Red Mosque most sane pakistanis supported Pak Army's similar move to flush out terrorists. I'm not a Hindu, so don't try to pass moral judgements on me. Moreover, oppressed Hindus don't really convert because they'll lose out on govt. reservation etc. etc. So it's not really a case of them wanting to really change the system also, cause they're gaining something too. And even if they do convert, a large % in India convert to Buddhism & only a small % convert to Islam or Christianity.

It was the local muslims who supported that. None of the international diaspora of muslims, specifically Pakistani muslims have any positive role in the Rwanda genocide. Which is what I wanted to highlight & you've done that yourself. Thanks.

You are either naive or very clever as u talk about Pakistanis Diaspora but never mention Indian Hindu diaspora in the cases u mentioned.
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