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Look at India’s underwater Punch

Ashoka The Great

Jan 18, 2012
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With Trigger Happy Nuclear Neighbour by you side and India’s “no-first-use” nuclear policy which prohibited the pre-emptive use of nuclear weapons. Question was not “ why “ but “ when “ India will develop a submarine launched missile for to complete underwater leg of the nuclear triad, which always has been regarded as the most survivable. SLBM (submarine-launched ballistic missile) and SLCM (submarine-launched cruise missile) will be the backbone of India’s underwater nuclear deterrence.
India’s SLBM (submarine-launched ballistic missile)

K-15 Sagarika : on 27 January 2013 which was twelfth and final development trial of the K-15 missile, India officially Gate crashed into Exclusive club of countries with capabilities to develop and launch missiles from a submarine , missile tests were conducted from a submerged pontoon 50 metres (160 ft) beneath the surface off the coast of Visakhapatnam. Missile will be first of India’s SLBM’s to be deployed in India’s Nuclear Submarine INS Arihant. With range of 700km to 1000km, missile is specifically developed to counter attack Pakistan in event of nuclear war.

K-4: Considered India’s Black Project, officially not much has been talked about it but, on contrary to the popular belief, missile will not be based on any current ICBM of India but will be different, It has been speculated that missile will have two variants one with lesser payload but with higher range (4500km) and other with Higher payload and reduced range (3500km). DRDO has hinted possibility of a Land based version based on K-4 missile, Sources have informed idrw.org in past that missile will be ready to be integrated in INS Arihant in next few years.

K-5 : Details of the Missile which is also known has K-X is another highly secretive missile under development ,but Status of this missile is still unclear and it is likely that it will be ready only for deployment in future variants of Arihant class submarines of the Indian Navy. Speculative range of the missile reported in media is 6000km to 8000km.

India’s SLCM (submarine-launched cruise missile)

BrahMos-1 SLCM : India on 20 March 2013 successfully test fired anti-ship variant of Brahmos for the first time from a submerged pontoon near Visakhapattanam at the coast of Bay of Bengal , once India’s Nuclear submarine INS Arihant completes its sea trails and enters Weapons testing phase submarine variant of BrahMos -1 will be tested from INS Arihant .

Nirbhay SLCM: Submarine launched variant of Nirbhay will be ready around 2015 and first launch might take place from submerged pontoon and later will see integration with Arihant class submarines.

Look at India
I am satisfied if thesre projects commissioned in armed forces.
Has anyone even seen these projects? These are not real projects.

If you have never seen Africa that does not means Africa does not exists. These are top secret projects. So no one knows what is happening at the moment. Only photos of k15 made public after its last development trail concluded.
Has anyone even seen these projects? These are not real projects.

yes some have ;)
any way thats not the point thing is there is a weak govt at the centre to my knowledge these projects were given go ahead in the last years of atal bihari vajpai & APJ abdul kalam the same guy's who speeded the LCA , MKI & arjun projects congressies with there US lap dog attitude had put them on backburner they even messed up with the groshkov deal as they needed there cuts in every deal why do you think we are so slow when we have the largest pool of engineers and doctors ect. ect.

but finalli GOI is fearing backlash friom the forces as there is acute shortage of big bore guns and owr babus slept on bofors blueprint for almost two decades onli when we have a very agressive dragon in north there sleep is finnalli coming to an end god have mercy on owr forces

now about the K series well work is already going on them for the last decade if govt does shows some balls & do what it should we can see them in indian inoventory in couple of years...Thanks
if nda was having so much courage then keep sleeping on bofors blue prints 6 six year tenure . after parliament attack y they did wage a war even after months for army deployment on border y they let terrorrist free in khandhar y they stop our army to enter pakistan in kargil war or airforce to cutoff their supply line my brother its not about nda or upa its about mindset of our indian culture is to defend not attack like america israel or germany

if nda was having so much courage then y they keep sleeping on bofors blue prints 6 six year tenure . after parliament attack y they did not wage a war even after months for army deployment on border y they let terrorrist free in khandhar y they stop our army to enter pakistan in kargil war or airforce to cutoff their supply line my brother its not about nda or upa its about mindset of our indian culture is to defend not attack like america israel or germany
if nda was having so much courage then keep sleeping on bofors blue prints 6 six year tenure . after parliament attack y they did wage a war even after months for army deployment on border y they let terrorrist free in khandhar y they stop our army to enter pakistan in kargil war or airforce to cutoff their supply line my brother its not about nda or upa its about mindset of our indian culture is to defend not attack like america israel or germany

are you realli an indian

well bhai NDA did asked the DRDO guys about the bofors during the kargill event and they tried there best but since bofors and pinaka were doing the job + there major priority was the arial bobarding they went in for israeli and france for help

they even did the pokhran two despite US pressure and forced pakistan to follow suite and forced US to but ristrictions which helped us to do more indeganisation work at much much greater speed than this UPA ever did NDA was responsible in bringing Pinaka , LCA , Arjun , MKI , advance jet trainer , groshkov deal, Barak missile deal and K series which all were later messed up by commission loving congressies and there babus and corrupt milliatarry generals had NDA got another chance we wount have to loose so many pilots and time hope u get the point sir

now about the kandhar well tell me what will you do if the terrorist are holding more than 200 pessengers at gun point and we count send in the commaondos as the tallibunnies deployed SAMS as they very well knew the response ..though its off topic but try to be more sensible or your giving ammo to your enemies in trying to be too smart

and now about the parliement attack well why should we attack pakistan when they were getting all the bad press from the world over and backed when they cut off all the aid to these so called jihadies and closed down all the terror camps on there soil exept the ones running in so called azad kashmir

now about the lahore and kargill issue well atal ji wanted peace so both india and pakistan get some breathing space to do real development work (NDA in 6 years constructed more roads and infra than 8 years of UPA) if pakistani armies over zelous genrals back stabbed it was not owr fault and we did respond forcefulli the way enemy never had imagined us that we will do and even today some of there generals are writting books on the stupidity of then pakistani millitarry leader ship and there kargil advantured which back fired on pakistan itself

so as i said earlier in order to show yourself as over smart refrain from posting idiotick fancies about your own nation which gives ammo to owr enemies to be little us like shindes remark and now this :hitwall:
Has anyone even seen these projects? These are not real projects.

Have you ever touched a missile? touched a fighter aircraft? Ever inside a military base?
Then dafaq, Chinese havent seen their projects at all. They are all fake i think
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