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Longest range missile to be tested by Pakistan

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Nope, this has happened before, in the last test. 2900km is the last point of the safety corridor. The impact point is of course lies shorter than that. A mere 3-4% probable increase in range is trajectory optimization at best (if it is even there), not an improved or new version.

Try taking deep breaths before jumping to conclusions next time.
What if we test the Missile from some where close to Islamabad ???
May be it is a 20,000 Km range missile which can go round the earth and then hit the target. Mind boggling .
The distance of NOTAM never indicates the range of missile. The Height tells the range of missile. if the NOTAM is 2900 km then the range is above 7000 km if they test a missile.
how did you calculate 7000 KM, i mean what is the method to calculate range using NOTAM?
are we going to test anti ship ballistic missile? hope my dream comes true..
Do you really need an ICBM !?
May I ask the reason for unwanted yet wannabe expert posting without any reason? Why can't we discuss the matter on merit and let's agree to disagree, if couldn't find it plausible per own capacity, findings or known facts to an individual. There is no need to mock each other or try to be proven expert over other. Furthermore, members with titles holds a bit of more credibility per their participation, knowledge and time spent in this forum hence, there is no need to make fun or taunt at all.

@The Deterrent what's going on? Details?

fighter jets are flying over islamabad..............the sound of sonic booms woke me up
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