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London riots: Violence erupts for third day

One good thing about this will be there will be a new fairer world order resulting from americas demise. I am pleased even though I realise that this will have negative impact on my quality of life in the uk

Nothing is fair.
These riots are mukafaat e amal which the UK is facing. They being part of NATO have made the lives of people of other countries hell. It seems that time is near UK / US to become another libya / Iraq / palestine / Afghanistan etc. thereafter these blood hounds will realize the meanings of invasion on other countries and killing millions of innocent people.
if you are saying that the british people have a habbit of blaming others while making themselves an exception then i can agree with you. but trust me the people who are looting these shops have a certain social & mental background.

they are all youngsters and teenagers who are an spoiled genrration now....this society failed to teach anything good to their children.

just saw a video on BBC...A youth injured lying on the tosd and other youths muggong him and walking away with hos phone and other belongings...
they are all youngsters and teenagers who are an spoiled genrration now....this society failed to teach anything good to their children.

just saw a video on BBC...A youth injured lying on the tosd and other youths muggong him and walking away with hos phone and other belongings...

you are right, also the extent to which the STATE influences & shapes the private lives of it's citizens is a contributor towards this mayhem.
The scam has been going on for about 30 years. Salomon bros bank started securitising mortgages and creating more and more complicated financial instruments. Over the years a lot of people have made a lot of money in banking out of this etc. In recent years in america there have been mortgages taken out on property in massivly inflated prices. These mortgages have been given to all and sundry even people who cannot afford them. Initially the US banks traded these instruments with each other. However soon the European banks started to buy these instruments. Eavh time there is a sale or purchase they make a small amount percentage wise. Few even on the biggest banks boards understood the real risk exposure on these. I thought it was classic when under questioning by american lawmakers the former cheif of Lehaman bros stated it was wrong that he had made $500 million in the last 4 years it was $350 million. He didnt seem to grasp the reality that he didnt make this vulgar amount of money in a fair way. Basically these bankers were gambling when their gambles came off they earmed the money so they deserved the bonus and when they lost money it was the banks loss not theirs. These bankers have over 30 years taken out billions out of the system. Clearly the system is a failure if it allows this. The western goverments and politicos have taken this systemic failure and realised that they cant crow anymore about their capitalist system being better than for example communism so they have let the boat out and given moneys that they dont have to keep the banks from going bankrupt. (in reality true capitalism should have allowed some banks to go bankrupt but west could not affordeven this). They then have to find some money for this from somewhere. So they start tightening their fiscal policies and taxing the people. Alow a certain amount of inflation so joe averages savings get eroded. They are and will also have to make cuts in their defence budgets. Which is all veery good because they have had a unfair staranglehold on the world. Yes now the public are behaving in this manner. I am sure there are oppurtunist thieves and what not there but fuse is the capitilism is a failure just as much as communism. Anyone now any code or religion that is a way of life that may replace the communist or capitalism? Islam. I am no expert on Islam but I do know that we are supposed to pay zakat ie a welfare system. Maybe someone out there can tell us why islam would be a good replacement for these systems. I also realise that pakistan is far from an islamic republic and the british welfare system in years gone by been nearer to the islamic model
Damn!! I am worried about UK nukes falling into the hands of an Al-Qaeda cell during these riots!!!!!! :coffee:

And I have heard that the Government of Syria and Libya have sent supporting messages to the London rioters and looters saying that we are with you all the way to bring down the financial tyranny!!! I have heard that the Syrian Secret Service is sending US$10 million to the rioters to be better equipped in their freedom of expression!!!!! :what:
Please visit the British forums for a greater insight.

Don't expect the very 'correct' British to show it in a vulgar way. The Govt would be ever so correct. Heard Cameron's speech. Very correct. Read between the lines!

They would not have ruled an Empire with the few that they did!
@tiki tam tam

if you are saying that the british people have a habbit of blaming others while making themselves an exception then i can agree with you. but trust me the people who are looting these shops have a certain social & mental background.

You have a very simplistic take on this. Of course the government is responsible for the choices it has made. They chose to spend money on iraq war, afghanistan etc. They chose to bail out the banks and the rich bankers at a cost to the average man on the street. Tolerance levels are low in the UK they are not used to this way of life. Granted there will be oppurtunistic thieves and bad people out there but just to give you one example as students have been demonstrating here: 25 years ago which is not that long in historical terms the uk has become a country that gave free education and even gave a grant to students for living expenses to study to today they charge up to £9500.00 per annum in england and a student has to fund their own living probably another £10000.00 per annum. Tell me these british governments didnt make these choices. Taxes have been brought down significantly in the same period. Tell me however subtley money has not been taken out of poor peoples pockets and given to rich.
so many different parts of London have been hit, especially last night. Hooligans shouldn't get air time, but the root causes aren't really being addressed by media as nobody seems to really understand how much of this is due to tears in the social fabric and how much is just ''very naughty kids'' getting their kicks and wanting "Plasma TV's"
so many different parts of London have been hit, especially last night. Hooligans shouldn't get air time, but the root causes aren't really being addressed by media as nobody seems to really understand how much of this is due to tears in the social fabric and how much is just ''very naughty kids'' getting their kicks and wanting "Plasma TV's"

If you examine the coverage carefully, you can see how the tory government has a plan to spin this. Every government hack giving interviews on TV, keeps pound on the word 'opportunistic' without ever mentioning that this might be a social problem.
and another city falls into rioters hands..
MANCHESTER....thats where i live.
If you examine the coverage carefully, you can see how the tory government has a plan to spin this. Every government hack giving interviews on TV, keeps pound on the word 'opportunistic' without ever mentioning that this might be a social problem.

Thats cos only china and muslim countries have social problems. How could they have problems with their human rights and their way of life
You know if this were to get really get serious you would see how ruthless the british establishment can get. They will be far worse than the likes of gadaffi wwith human rights. But their propaganda will be oh so perfect
Dont be a naughty boy. Dont join the rioters stay at home!

they are giving free TVs ipods and all the gadgets you want from a shop of their chice.
difficult to resist the temptation....
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