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Local Turkish Dialects


Mar 23, 2014
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Hi I think it would be awsome when we just post as many as dialect with translation and which region it comes from

I start first but befor I have to tell that not everyone knows this words in yozgat in my fathers village they know most of them but some like imdi (amdy) is from my mothers village and for excample my wife don't know all of this but the village of my father and my wife is not so far away should be 8 km..

Yozgat :
ilbiz = örümcek = spider
cimmek = yikanmak = to wash / have a bath
ishlme = gözleme = somethink to eat you can say a yufka like bread filled with potatoes or tomatos, cheese..
hayat = salon = floor
caput = bez = ?rag?
imdi = shimdi = now
cörek = big bread like börek bur it looks like a "slug"

ilazim = lazim = need (the i you can put on some other words)
bahadir = jigit = hero/strong one
bala = cocuk = child
acer = yeni = new
emmi = amca = uncle
gayish = kemer
tosbah = kaplumbag = turtle
bibi = hala = aunt
peshgir = havlu = bath towel
culuk = hindi = gobbler :D

mostly when we have a "k" at the end we say "x" like the juan in spanish try google translate :)
there are more but for now its ok :D
Most of the words have nothing do with dialect! Imdi is more Istanbul dialects nezih Turkish:-). Peshgir, bibi, culuk, hayat and other have nothing do with dialects. Its more cultural then dialect. Like piskuvut:-).
what do you mean with cultural.. not everyone uses hayat for salon.. some of the words are used by different tribes..

piskuvut is english do you wanna say that these words are leanwords from other languages?
Cultural like street culture brings various meaning to a word. Doesnt mean its a dialect. How can a Turkish citizen from igdir understanding what a peshgir means? Its not Turkish anymore.
Hi I think it would be awsome when we just post as many as dialect with translation and which region it comes from

I start first but befor I have to tell that not everyone knows this words in yozgat in my fathers village they know most of them but some like imdi (amdy) is from my mothers village and for excample my wife don't know all of this but the village of my father and my wife is not so far away should be 8 km..

Yozgat :
ilbiz = örümcek = spider
cimmek = yikanmak = to wash / have a bath
ishlme = gözleme = somethink to eat you can say a yufka like bread filled with potatoes or tomatos, cheese..
hayat = salon = floor
caput = bez = ?rag?
imdi = shimdi = now
cörek = big bread like börek bur it looks like a "slug"

ilazim = lazim = need (the i you can put on some other words)
bahadir = jigit = hero/strong one
bala = cocuk = child
acer = yeni = new
emmi = amca = uncle
gayish = kemer
tosbah = kaplumbag = turtle
bibi = hala = aunt
peshgir = havlu = bath towel
culuk = hindi = gobbler :D

mostly when we have a "k" at the end we say "x" like the juan in spanish try google translate :)
there are more but for now its ok :D
now that i think of it, i have heard my relatives from Nevsehir using words like Hayat, Caput, Corek, Tosbah, Peshgir too.
At home we use some of these words too.
Interesting to see Bala. As far as i know, many Turkics use this word for child, even Azerbaijiani bros, if im not mistaken, but undortunately many Turks use cocuk (origins?) or velet (Arabic).
ho, there you are how can a turkish citizen from giresun , yozgat, and sivas understand what a peshgir is wehre someone from igdir don't know what it means? so there also people who do not know what it means in all 4 provinces?

the best word is for me ilbiz mostly turkish citizens don't know what it means but there are everywhere people who understand it.. eg XYZ village in ABC provínce and ZYX village from CBA province :D

the definition of dialect from
Oxford Dictionaries:
"A particular form of a language which is peculiar to a specific region or social group"

@usernameless its from my mother she used many words where my father, etc etc said we do not use it anymore its old turkish
she got corrected and assimilated now she speaks "correct turkish" or "new turkish"

oh I have one too
bodu = gaz gooze
many Turks use cocuk (origins?) or velet (Arabic).

Yeap Çocuk is widely used, but we Ankara guys often say "bebe" instead of Çocuk :D

what is so special on 'do you stil live'? I did look to dictonary and ther is no Turkish word for greetin so merhaba is the keyword. I dont want to see people from yozgat greetin each other like yasimisennn....:-)
"Ende" is a basic word in Antalya dialect, meaning something like this/that, for example "Endeeni hora iletüv"(take this to there) they tend to put "h" in front of some words, hora=ora, hunu=onu/şunu, höle=öyle/şöyle, hindi=şimdi

Gıvramak= hurrying
Ene(sometiems pronounced Eneee): is an exclamation.
Voyn: İs like Aegean region's "Gari" , example "Hadi Voyn"

Instead of for example "edeyim" "gideyim" verbs with first person end like "edeen" gideen"

While giving something they say "Meh", like many other dialects words starting with "k" turned into "g" but some words are exceptions, for example they say "Kölge" instead of "Gölge. They also call people "Bizim oğlan" for example "Nediyin bizim oğlan ?"

Other then that there are so many unique words and verb which I don't know all.
Is the word "Haçan", as in "when", used in local Turkish dialects?
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