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lies of Talat Hussain and Nusrat Javed accusing MQM for targetting journalists and media exposed


Jan 20, 2011
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it is believed by few political activists that MQM threatens journalists and the recent report by amnesty international confirming it

everybody conveniently forgets how nusrat javed's case who openly lied about MQM that it threatened aaj tv to kick out nusrat javed, while the video below exposes his shameful reality which led to the controversy and MQM got the blame

Talat Hussain accused MQM for attacking AAJ TV after 12th May but the reality which came out shown in the video below

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Why MQM never refuted ANSAR ABBASI claim?

It means MQM murdered Wali khan !
@W.11 would you kindly put some youtube links about the clip you posted above? I can't watch you posted.
Saab joote MQM sachi. First it was BBC and now its Amnesty International also lying lol not to forget wikileaks
Saab joote MQM sachi. First it was BBC and now its Amnesty International also lying lol not to forget wikileaks

y u keep humiliating yourself first tell me

u turn on ahmad noorani?
Why MQM never refuted ANSAR ABBASI claim?

It means MQM murdered Wali khan !

What proof you need that MQM killed Wali Babur. I have several times on this forum shared a comprehensive investigation carried out by Council for Protection of Journalists which details how MQM killed Wali Babur.

Its another thing this free media does not have ball to name MQM, while blames ISI on someone's emotional statement!
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