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Let's exchange hearts not dosssiers; Pak's Rehman Malik tells India



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Jun 25, 2010
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ISLAMABAD: Hours before his meeting with Home Minister P Chidambaram, Pakistan Interior Minister Rehman Malik today said he will "satisfy" the Indian leader on the issue of JuD chief Hafiz Saeed, the mastermind of the 26/11 attacks.

Malik, who will host Chidambaram later in the day here, said "instead of exchanging dossiers" the two countries should "exchange hearts".

"Hafiz Saeed is an issue. And we will also satisfy Mr Chidambaram on that. We have no problem in that," Malik told an Indian television channel, when asked about India's insistence to discuss about Saeed.

During the meeting, Chidambaram, the first Indian Minister to visit Pakistan after the November 2008 Mumbai attacks, is expected to press for a probe against Saeed, the founder of LeT which carried out the deadly attack on India's commercial capital.

India has been expressing its displeasure time and again over action not being taken against Hafiz Saeed and the JuD founder is being allowed to "roam freely" and indulge in anti-India rhetoric.

Pakistan has been maintaining that there is not enough evidence to take action against Saeed.

Malik said the two countries will discuss all issues with a view to resolve the problems that exist between the two countries.

"I will welcome him to Pakistan. Let us be friends. Instead of exchanging dossiers, we will exchange hearts," he said.

------ Is this is possible with current state of relationship between the two neighbours?
This might just be the only way we wont nuke the hell out of each other :smitten:
Yeah. I think that there should be a constructive and comprehensive dialogue between the two countries. But with incidents such as 26/11, its hard for any govt to continue the peace process. it is the duty of pakistan to stop anti-india activites.

Perhaps they can start with taking action against hafiz saeed as a confidence building measure.

And in return india might address pakistan's concerns regarding water.

Its high time for pakistani govt to realise that growth of a nation also depends upon growth of ones neighbours. We must realise that we cannot live forever like this. All this violence needs to end.
Suggestion should have been ' Exchange LET's (Lashkar E Taiba) hearts and not 'Lets exchange hearts'!

Send us Hafeez Saeed's heart, we'll send you Ajmal Kasabs!

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Only lip service no concrete action on terrorist targeting India and its interest reflects the reality.

Atleast their is a lip service! have your oligarchs ever talked about stopping RAW from doing terrorism in Pakistan?
The least that Pakistan can do is get the voice samples of the pigs we are accusing...Send it to third country and verify if they matches with the voice samples that India possess.....

If they matches act against them...If they don't India will shut up....Simple isn't it??? Now i do not know what is stopping them from taking such a simple step....Can anyone help???
Atleast their is a lip service! have your oligarchs ever talked about stopping RAW from doing terrorism in Pakistan?

Talking about RAW, they should blame their own intelligence failures in 26/11 rather than blaming it on one sole guy. I mean, how can one guy mastermind an execute such a big act, right under your nose, with those terrorist simple going into India by boat, renting hotel rooms, talking in cache of large weapons and no one finds out until hundreds are dead.
Talking about RAW, they should blame their own intelligence failures in 26/11 rather than blaming it on one sole guy. I mean, how can one guy mastermind an execute such a big act, right under your nose, with those terrorist simple going into India by boat, renting hotel rooms, talking in cache of large weapons and no one finds out until hundreds are dead.

Even if all what you are saying is correct then does that mean Hafiz should be left out???? Are you going after TTP or your intelligence who are not able to stop killings of so many Pakistanis right under their nose????

By the way i do not want to be sensitive about Indian Intelligence however the same boat came from Pakistan...So is your intelligence also incompetent that they had no clue about it because the whole planning...arms and everything else came from pakistan??? Buddy it was an unprecedented attack and one of its kind.....Same was true for 9/11 and now suitable actions have been taken to avoid such incidents....India also has taken many actions how good or bad only time will tell....

In the end yes it was an intelligence failure and cannot be last by any stretch of imagination....That doesn't mean perpetrators should be ignored....yes we could not save those innocents lives but we should leave no stone unturned to send all the pigs to HELL....
Talking about RAW, they should blame their own intelligence failures in 26/11 rather than blaming it on one sole guy. I mean, how can one guy mastermind an execute such a big act, right under your nose, with those terrorist simple going into India by boat, renting hotel rooms, talking in cache of large weapons and no one finds out until hundreds are dead.

Your own govt is prosecuting six or seven people in the case of masterminding the mumbai attacks, that too in a bid merely to save hafeez saeed.

So i don't know when you say one person, terrorists checking into hotels etc etc, what to make of it. Not exactly flattering to sound like Zaid Hamid!

Dude just see the heading and then read the content inside and then please point me to where in the description it is written that COL admitted about Samjhota Express bombings??? Don't you think you should ignore the piece of trash???? They are doing what every other newspaper do - Sensationalize....

Now listen Col Purohit was arrested for role in Malegaon Blasts and later on it was alleged that he might be responsible for Samjhota Blasts as well...Nothing concrete have came out from there....So saying that he is responsible is living in fools paradise....The only concrete thing that has been done is this regard is UN pointing fingers at LET ...Link has already been shared with you....
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