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Lets Do Something before its too late against a sinister plan against India

Why do you want to have a PIL against them? These power hungry idiots will create enough controversy and a bad reputation for the congress which will then be utilized by a strong social media community in favor of BJP and will led the congress to lose the 2019 general election. Which should be our ultimate goal.;)
There is law according to which it is an offense to defame the image or to use abuse for the country, flag, nation, constitution, and President of India. Mani Shankar Aiyer have not attacked and abused N. Modi, while in foreign soil, but he have attacked the constitutional procedure and law of Election by the Constitution of India which have selected the maan


You failed to understand the situation, these moron are defaming indian Images so much and don't realize it.

1000 Mushraaf could not do much damage to India, who is united , but this Jahil Mani Shanker , Salman Kursheed, and Ajam Khan, idiots are doing much damage to India, and giving the chances to our enemy to spill venom and attack India.
so can i file a PIL against salman khurshid and mani shankar yes or no or should i coulsoult a lawyer ?
@GURU DUTT I'm with you man. There are some people in our political system without brain. They need some pills of ' intolerance ".

So you are taking the Bait

This is what these people want that some body should attack them

The biggest damage to Modi has been form this INTOLERANCE drama
that has taken place in the last one month

They want more such things to happen
So you are taking the Bait

This is what these people want that some body should attack them

The biggest damage to Modi has been form this INTOLERANCE drama
that has taken place in the last one month

They want more such things to happen
so what should we do should we let it pass and let them make fool of owr constitution without any check ?
Read your first line.

PIL is not made ' to' a person.

Next, do you seriously think the courts will accept such a litigation ? Its not for the courts to decide.
I think, its a strong case if pursued that a person of mani's and khurshid;s stature (i am saying that because they held cabinet posts in the past, hence aware of what kind of language should be used in which country) openly suggesting Pakistan to remove India;s PM. This is like either inviting them to attack India or by creating chaos in India or by directly killing PM Modi. This is open case of treachery and should be dealt with strictest action.
I think, its a strong case if pursued that a person of mani's and khurshid;s stature (i am saying that because they held cabinet posts in the past, hence aware of what kind of language should be used in which country) openly suggesting Pakistan to remove India;s PM. This is like either inviting them to attack India or by creating chaos in India or by directly killing PM Modi. This is open case of treachery and should be dealt with strictest action.
now that was what i was talking about thanks bro
so can i file a PIL against salman khurshid and mani shankar yes or no or should i coulsoult a lawyer ?

This matter will be RAISED in the upcoming parliament session
There will be a discussion in Parliament and Aiyar will be critcised and CENSURED

That is for sure

See If a PIL or a legal option was open ; then Subramanyam Swami would have done that already

The Court will ask you to File a Police complaint
At the most ; the police will say we are investigating and will file a report

The police moves only when Govt asks them to do something

Govt does not want to make Mani Shankar aiyar a hero ; so no legal action against Aiyar

But they will punish Aiyar in the Parliament

In the parliament any member can say ANYTHNG to anybody

If you remember in 2013 ; mani shankar aiyar was called a Pakistani agent in Parliament
and he came to blows with other members

Something like this will happen again
So you are taking the Bait

This is what these people want that some body should attack them

The biggest damage to Modi has been form this INTOLERANCE drama
that has taken place in the last one month

They want more such things to happen
We are not attacking some one. We should take action under the Indian law.
We are not attacking some one. We should take action under the Indian law.

Please read my above posts
LEGALLY nothing is possible

Both politically and in the media ; Aiyar can be punished

You can a start a Facebook page against him or a Twitter handle #**** agent Aiyar
You are getting too emotional

The BIGGEST damage to India was done by former PM
Man mohan Singh who used to appease Pakistan in Many ways

Mani Shankar Aiyar ; earlier too was obsessed by
friendship with Pakistan

At least Man mohan singh had to " Condemn " Pakistani activities
whenever they happened

Mani shankar aiyar has been playing the same tune for a long time

He cant get any more listeners for his views

So he will resort to MORE atrocious statements

Yes I am getting emotional, but should not I Be.

These Morons making ideotic, unresposible, illogical statements daily got me confused whether I should laugh or cry.

Look How Putin took the pledge that he will search, find and destroy the one who is responsible for the bombing of the russian airline in egypt, whereever they are hidden in any place on the earth. And I am sure the Russian will do it.
If you have made such pledge in India, within the same night, the Supremecourt would be knocked by the Army of the so called self proclaimed anti Radical groups and thousands of prize would have been returned, and in Media breaking news would have been flashed,

Never the less Ajam Khan and Mani Shanker Ayer have sympathy to the ISIS attackers in France.
Please read my above posts
LEGALLY nothing is possible

Both politically and in the media ; Aiyar can be punished

You can a start a Facebook page against him or a Twitter handle #**** agent Aiyar
Right. But Today's different era. Its not 90s. Presstitute will take it hand to hand.
Never the less Ajam Khan and Mani Shanker Ayer have sympaththe ISIS attack in France.
so can i file a PIL against salman khurshid and mani shankar yes or no or should i coulsoult a lawyer ?

Yes PIL could be filled against both of them. I remember a famous comidian (Indian) was brought to the court for making fun of the India, in Dubai during the shoe to entertain the shiekh.
If you have made such pledge in India, within the same night, the Supremecourt would be knocked by the Army of the so called self proclaimed anti Radical groups and thousands of prize would have been returned, and in Media breaking news would have been flashed,

Putin vowing revenge against ISIS is nothing exceptional or new

Same thing is done by every Head of state and government

Indian govt ministers also say that we are trying to get Dawood
or we will conduct surgical strikes

Azam Khan and AIyar are clever people

They can say anything and get away

But the moment they break the law they will be arrested
There is no sinister plan against India...... Yes this could be called as a sinister plan against the current leadership.........This is the worst way of playing politics...... Which aiyar is known for.......
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