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It has been revealed VT-4 selected as Al-Haider tank for PA at IDEAS 2018 defence expo. Order placement has been initiated but level and details are usually not shared.

Great engineering marvel of China, awesome choice selecting Chinese VT-4 main battle tank. They made the correct choice.

Pakistan is either in talks with China or has already signed an agreement. The VT-4 will be a suitable choice in modernizing Pakistan Army's armored divisions.
who revealed it .... ???

You will have to do your own searching for it, but conclusion which appears after Ideas 2018 is Al-Khalid-2 still in development and in order to meet urgent requirements 100 VT-4s will be inducted as Al-Haider. PA T-80Us will receive T-84 Oplot type upgrades and several MOUs signed and work is progressing quietly on that front.
A korean Humvee type vehicle in JV with a local manufacturer will be inducted.
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You will have to do your own searching for it,
My dear you will have to use your brain to analysis every news (read rumour) you read.
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