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Lanka policy after defeating LTTE terrorists


Sep 7, 2008
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Lanka in on the verge of victory. The Indian sponsored Tamil Tigers that operate from India’s Tamil state is on the verge of being annihilated. What has led to the LTTE reversal. There are certain factors that are instrumental in defeating the Indian terror on the island paradise. It is pedagogical to analyze those factors and try to analyze how a United Lanka free of Indian terrorists will emerge within the next few years.

India has to stop terror, face some hard realities in Sri Lanka. Our breaking news stories about RAW has inspired thousands of readers from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, US and the world over to throng to our site. Anatomy of Indian Intelligence Services and Alliances. Rupee News also has had several dozen articles on RAW and their design from 1968 to the present time. India admits to supporting LTTE terrorists in Sri Lanka! Pakistan to continue to help Lanka crush the Tamil Tigers. Rupee News has exposed RAW activities in Pakistan and through our other South Asian colunists in India, Bangaldesh and Nepal. Understanding Nehru’s India Doctrine.

1) India though it still supports the Tamil Tigers, but is unable to sustain the level of support due to various internal and external factors. LTTE was created by India

2) China’s renewed interest in Lanka has led to a realization that the world is serious about Sril Lankan sovreignty. India’s ocean is Chinese lake: “String of pearls” threaten India

3) Chinese arms helped the Lankan Army in beginning the reversal.4) Among China’s latest moves is the billion-dollar port its engineers are building in Sri Lanka.The Chinese insist the Hambantota port is a purely commercial move, and by all appearances, it is. But some in India see ominous designs behind the project, while others in countries surrounding India like the idea. A 2004 Pentagon report called Beijing’s effort to expand its presence in the region China’s “string of pearls.” (Gavin Rabinowitz Associated Press. August 31, 2008)

4) Pakistani arms delivered to Lanka at the right time in the right place was crucial in helping the Lankan army win the battle against the Indian secessionists. Pakistan Sri Lanka growing military alliance.

COLOMBO, Nov 24: The battle for the Sri Lankan rebel stronghold of Kilinochchi raged on Monday under torrential monsoon rains, with both sides saying they had killed scores of their enemy in three days of fighting.

The military, emboldened by the capture two weeks ago of the entire western coast for the first time since 1993, is fighting its way toward the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelams (LTTE) self-declared capital of Kilinochchi on three fronts.

The pro-rebel TamilNet web site, quoting LTTE officials it did not identify, said the rebels killed 78 soldiers over the weekend, including 43 in a battle a few kilometres west of the strategic Paranthan junction on Sunday.

The stiff fighting by the Tigers pushed back the Sri Lankan troops, TamilNet wrote of the battle.

Meanwhile, heavy rain has led to floods.

The military said on Monday troops killed 120 LTTE fighters on the southern edge of Kilinochchi, at Paranthan and on the eastern coast near the other major Tiger-held town, Mullaittivu. Twenty-seven soldiers died, the military said.

Heavy fighting is going on in the three locations. Rain has started, but it will not affect the troops. But the hazards faced by everybody will also be faced by troops, military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said. Agencies The Dawn

New Delhi has once again expressed serious concern over Sri Lanka’s continued reliance on Pakistan for arms.

The Indian anxiety comes after reports mid last week claimed that Sri Lanka has ordered emergency military supplies from India’s arch rival Pakistan, as hostilities between government forces and LTTE rebels took a turn for the worse.Agency reports claimed that the Army has sought 150,000 rounds of 60mm mortar ammunition and as many hand grenades for immediate delivery to Sri Lanka from Pakistan.

“Sri Lanka has requested US$ 25 million worth of 81mm, 120mm and 130mm mortar ammunition to be delivered within a month,” IANS said, in a news report filed in New Delhi.

The report claimed that the military links between Islamabad and Colombo are worrying India because they allow Pakistan access to Sri Lankan defence and intelligence establishments.

New Delhi mid last year publicly expressed displeasure over Sri Lanka’s military purchases from Pakistan and China. The Dawn

The Chinese have had an interest in China for centuries. It is nothing new. China now plays a very important role in Lanka. It is building a base right under the nose of the Indian territory. Delhi has tried to stop this but failed. Lanka now plays a crucial role in the Chinese “Strong of Pearls” strategy that stretches from Gwader to Burma and Thailand.

China of course is not a newcomer to the Indian Ocean. In 1405, during the reign of Emperor Yung-lo of the Ming Dynasty, a celebrated Chinese naval commander Ching-Ho visited Ceylon (presently known as Sri Lanka) bearing incense to offer at the renowned shrine of the Buddha in the hill town of Kandy. But he was waylaid by Sinhalese King Wijayo Bahu VI, and he escaped to his ships. To seek revenge, China dispatched Ching-Ho a few years later. He captured the Sinhalese king and his family and took them away as prisoners. But on seeing the prisoners, the Chinese emperor out of compassion ordered them to be sent back on the condition that the “wisest of the family should be chosen king”. The new king, Sri Prakrama Bahu, was given a seal of investiture and made a vassal of the Chinese emperor. That was how Ceylon remained until 1448, paying an annual tribute to China. Asia Times. Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar was a career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service. His assignments included the Soviet Union, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Germany, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kuwait and Turkey.

Pakistan has had links with Sri Lanka going back to the early 70s. Recently Sri Lanka stood out on its support for Pakistani membership at the Commonwealth. Pakistani arms have made a difference in the Indian inspired Tamil onslought on the peaceful Buddhists of Sri Lanka. Recently Sri Lanka has made huge progress against the Hindu Tamils who come across the from Tamil Nadu (India). Tamil Nadu also have their own beef with the Indian government and want to be independent from New Delhi.

Both sides routinely inflate casualty figures to suit their advantage, and independent verification is nearly impossible because the military bars most independent journalists from the war zone and the Tigers rarely allow them into areas they hold.

Talk is swirling that President Mahinda Rajapaksa will use the battlefield success — the most by any government in the 25-year war — to call early elections to consolidate power while circumventing criticism about Sri Lanka’s ailing economy.

Tiger leader Vellupillai Prabhakaran is due on Thursday to give his annual Heroes Day speech, which in the past has been a worldwide call to arms to supporters, including those in the worldwide Tamil-speaking diaspora, who have funded the LTTE.

Last week, the military captured the strategically important town of Pooneryn on the northern edge of the mainland and opened a new front to advance on Kilinochchi from the north.

The Tigers tacitly admitted that they had lost vast areas to advancing government forces, and said the current fighting was at a location just eight kilometres west of Kilinochchi. Agencies The Dawn

Once the Tamil Tigers are defeated the Indo-Lankan relations will grow colder. Publicly Lankans will be polite to India. Privately they are livid, seething at the Indian interference that almost destroyed the island paradise of the Buddhists which in many ways is the last refuge of the Buddhists after they were exterminated from the birthplace of Buddha. India will try again to bring Lanka into its fold and make it another Sikkim. Lankan’s will resist and probably reach out to Pakistan, Bangladesh and China for survival.

pearl in the string is a link in a chain of the Chinese maritime presence,” he said. “Among other locations, the string moves Northwards up to Gwadar deep sea port on Pakistan’s Makran coast. A highway is under construction joining Gwadar with Karachi and there are plans to connect the port with the Karakoram Highway, thus providing China a gateway to Arabian Sea,” he said adding that this could pose a problem for India.

Indians think that Gwader is of no value to Pakistan becasue Pakistan already has two commercial ports of Karachi and Port Qasim. The Indian Naval Chief thinks that the Gwadar port is part of a Chiense strategy.

“pearls” that China has been developing are naval facilities in Bangladesh, where it is developing a container-port facility at Chittagong; in Myanmar, where it is building radar, refit and refuel facilities at bases in Sittwe, Coco, Hianggyi, Khaukphyu, Mergui and Zadetkyi Kyun; and in Thailand and Cambodia.”
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