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Land Mafia wants their control in Karachi

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But, please do not say that they represent the brilliant people of Karachi. The 'mohajirs' for me are the backbone of the working class of Pakistan. They have pioneered in all fields such as banking, engineering, science, and others. This community has sacrificed the most maybe at the time of partition when the Hindus used to burn us alive.Was there any injustice when he removed Sindhi and made urdu the the provincial language in his tenure

couldn't have said it better Ahsan...the point is not mohajirs the point in question is MQM a corrupt and terrorist party....
This thread keeps going round and round and so will we can people please read or atleast try to read a bit of what the thread has been saying I can't understang why people confuse between MQM and Mohajir, a lot of people have a disagreement with the MQM because of its trouled history and the fact that events like the 12th of may take place where MQM loses 12 people and the rest lose 50 what matters is we lose a Pakistani in all this I only see parties like MQM and PPP and ANP going about saying they were our people our members however PML(N) takes a slightly better stance.

What I hate is the fact that when the police want to do an arms sweep in Karachi MQM can stop them but if any law and order situation develops they say they have no influence over the cops that is pure lies I wonder why any of you would even vote for such parties that rather than admitting failure pass it on to the next person or simply come up with a bigger blame.
IF mqm they killed this major guy,The army and security forces has in return killed 1000's of mohajirs without knowing if they were a part of mqm or not , there are a lot of articles pictures

We all know that the MQM and PPP have kept the issues of big scams under the carpet. If it is upto the politicians of Pakistan then Pakistan would have been in serious trouble.

But, pak-marine I want to make one thing very clear. I support a clean up operation against ALL parties of Pakistan who have had a chance to come to power. But, you always end up supporting MQM. The party which still takes 'bhatta'', and the party whose leader is a British NATIONAL. The party which killed OUR HONORABLE ARMY OFFICER MR. PAK-MARINE. NO ONE HAS EVER DONE THAT.

Thank God our country is in the hands of the PAKISTAN ARMY. Inshallah Pakistan will always be united because Inshallah HE will keep us united and no plans of jinnahpur will ever be fulfilled. Ameen. [/FONT]

I am sorry Mr. Pak-marine. According to my perception, you are no longer are a person who can protect our national interests if you blame the army for killing innocent mohajirs. I am sorry but Pakistan Army is the reason why Pakistan is unified today and not because of Altaf Hussain. The plans of Jinnahpur are underway in Karachi and this land mafia is a drama by MQM.

Dont be sorry Ahsan i dont need it but tell me do you know what are our national interests ?
"" saach Karwa hai and its hard to bear but had to spoken out"" & the truth is out of 60 years pak have been ruled by Army for more than 45years and they are as much responsible as the politicians are , Current situation:

Situation NWFP :

five hundred thousand people displaced from their home in swat !! The whole place is full of rag head Talibans, armed to the teeth they have taken over the whole area , The country and the army is getting embarased globally ..... who exactly is responsible ? Where was the Army all this time their job is securing the borders .Just how exactly these men got in..!!??? or Shall i just pressume they were waiting for a day like this..... !

Situation Baluchistan & Punjab:

is even worst infiltrated by indian & afghan spies traning the BLA attacking govt installations !! We already have lost bangladesh ..... there are training camps in southern punjab, they have shown some of their moves recently....... Just where exactly is the army ? How did this happen? how these people got there?

Situation Karachi :

Ful of drugs , bombs , guns and millitia same is happning as swat.. there are 2000 madarsass in khi + a million afghans + God knows how many other foreign fighters , Its dosnt take a genius ... but look around map khi, will be the final battle front for Al Qaida and Taliban or its their exit point , If Al Qaida or Talibans fight on our turf just imagine the Iraqi cities and if they try to scape than American drone strikes in our cities or may b a possible american led invasion either way are dead, And here you are talking about Jinnahpur its just rubbish and nothin more !

Lets suppose for one second its true and Altaf really have a plan of Separating Khi ( Nawozobillah) , how u think he can do this ?? with ak 47's !? Army has a million times more fire power , what acheivement can mqm have with few hundred guys !?? and most importantly he cannot do it the people in Karachi wont let it happen he will be isolated ... This whole story is a propoganda nothin else a part of our hippocrat dirtly politics ...

Like it or not Get real or Not, understnd or Not we have a huge enemy Al Qaida and Taliban , The show has just started its going to be a very long war ... The Army sooner or later will have to take action in khi , mqm is just saying to stand up now and waking them up.

Clean up yes I am in support of a major clean up , Hang all the crooks mqm / ppp and anp but it also includes a lot of ex generals and officials from armed forces ,army cant conduct one , they have no control over any thing...! its proven time and again ....

Lets do one thing at a time , First Taliban than politics and last and most importantly the Army and then it will become the land of pure

G.A Pakistan
But, please do not say that they represent the brilliant people of Karachi. The 'mohajirs' for me are the backbone of the working class of Pakistan. They have pioneered in all fields such as banking, engineering, science, and others. This community has sacrificed the most maybe at the time of partition when the Hindus used to burn us alive.Was there any injustice when he removed Sindhi and made urdu the the provincial language in his tenure

couldn't have said it better Ahsan...the point is not mohajirs the point in question is MQM a corrupt and terrorist party....
More than 10 million people voted for mqm from last several elections and most of them are mohajirs , FYI You cant have 10 million ppl standing in assembly thats why govts conduct elections remember!! ....If people dont trust they dont get votes , ...mqm get votes and they win seats thats how it works remember ZOB....! get your facts straight buddy , Dont try and twist things your way , u dont seem know what you are talking about. and For you Ahsan mohajirs and khi ppl voted for ppp and ji's for first 45 years but they lost the trust one way or another ,now they like mqm its as simple as that. If mqm wont perform there will be some one new certainly not existing parties.
i am surprised at this authors approach ..... 450Billion is appx 5Billl USD well referesh your memory our countrys exchequer and pm and others were begging IMF and others for a payment of 3 billion usd

Yes MQM raises its funding for party through this 450billion....and ofcourse the profit are divided 50-50 between ZARDARI and MQM....!!! so no surprise there....and the loan from IMF is for pakistan...while this money goes directly into MQM pockets....and zardari gets 10%!!
What you are saying is Bizzare and out of hate ...! silly guesses nothing else keep trying you wont succeed.

Look the history is full of such incidences !! You are winging about major Kaleem, and bringing in irrelevant stuff let me bring up FALL OF DHAKA ....about Bangladesh dont know about you,but i am and other Pakistanis are embarased till this day about what happened there ? We lost half of the country ! 71000 soldiers laid down there arms ! 71K soldiers ! if the leadership was really a leadership and if they were not wrong 71000 would have put up a big time fight, its a Sham

Yes true PAKISTANI wants to discuss fall of dhaka to hide the fact that major kaleem was tortured by MQM...but you asked no case nothing well here you go read carefully

A Pakistani court sentenced the entire leadership of the MQM to 27 years in prison each for kidnapping and torturing a military intelligence officer. The prosecution claimed that on the orders of MQM leader Altaf Hussain, his supporters kidnapped and severely beat up Major Kaleem and his 4 assistants in June 1991. Hussain went into exile in London

so yes the whole leadership including RAJNIKANTH(ALTAF BHAI) has been sentenced to death....but ofcourse he had run away by then and let's not forget he has 300 cases against him.....unfortunately you can only kill a man once!!!

Ok i have read your now you read this , And please get your facts straight, Your source is wrong and biased , there is no judgment against them::

The Major Kaleem Case was the bedrock of many Pakistani governmental and military operations against the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM),

Altaf Hussain and several other MQM leaders and workers were accused of being involved in the kidnapping and torture of Pakistan Army Major Kaleem in 1991.

On February 6, 1998 the Sindh High Court found all defendants innocent and found the case as one "of almost no legal evidence". [2] [3] However, on February 20, 1998, Major Kaleem appealed the decision to the Supreme Court and contended that "the High Court erred by acquitting the accused who did not surrender themselves before the trial court. He argued that there was sufficient evidence against the respondents to prove their guilt."[4]

On Monday, August 13, 2007, the Sindh government withdrew its appeal [5]

He is indeed saying partition a mistake , he is talking about some blame on Mohajirs and saying this in retailiation,Look i am not saying its the right thing to say in India , but I would keep and open mind here and certainly would like to see the full clip and understand out of what context he is saying that
Ok so like you said you are a true PAKISTANI and you want to see more of the clip...for me any leader be it PPP,PML,ANP,TEHRIK,JAMAAT....anyone if they ever say this its over they are not PAKISTANI FOR ME....don't care whatever god damn reason or context they say it in PERIOD....

Dude here you are right a thing like this shouldnt have been said & honestly being a true Pakistani i dont like it ... On the other hand i dont want to get to emotional and get carried away i just want to know in what context did he said that a full video would certainly help i tried searching on you tube but there is nothin except this clip....! , However here we are discussing about mafias in khi and this is certainly out of the topic ,

Sorry but i have to say "i think you are very sad and so is your post" ! what mqm boy and neutral u are talking about !? you dont have much to say ! do you ?? infact i think you have no idea what more to say you are running out of reasons ? lol , If you wish to blame me then go on man say it on my face what you want to say be honest for once !!
p.s:: a suggetion on a personal note be upfront it will help you.

YOU WANT TO HEAR IT ON THE FACE...YOU ARE PRO MQM .....even after all the facts you asked for were provided which an neutral would also side are completely against MQM....as for your anger...well that will not help you bro from hiding the fact that your an MQM supporter....infact it gives you away.....

Thank you for being so honest and upfront , At what point i said i am not pro mqm , I am here on this post defending mqm's stance on Mafia .....! why will i be on this post if i dont agree with mqm..??. you are just on cause of your anger and hate ........ All evidence you have was this clip???????? & thats all ?? and on this basis you are persistent that mqms stance against mafia in khi is wrong sorry bro but you are incorrect and wrong.....!

what is your point ? ?

my point is HITLER always won why because people were scared of him just like they are scared of ALTAF BHAI....

Well to add some more info for you since you are feeling so sorry about the jews and what hitler did!! try and look at the bigger piture Hitler was used succesfully to get a land for Jewsih people, They got them all out from Europe. And Hitler was at the ground with his people try and work this out.

[B]Zob my friend with no offence to you i dont thnk you have any idea what m i saying ! i am hoping that you will come with a some fresh beter argument instead of this.[/B]

give me an argument not just baseless half baked pro MQM opinon... thank you...

there are several ,, get a fair opinion from some one nuteral they will tell you that your points are wrong , irrelevant & baseless.

How many khietes u see living in nwfp ?, if we in their place & act like the way they are in khi , they wont tolerate us ....let me enlighten you here, in khi there are appx 2 million ppl just from nwfp.

karachi PAKISTAN ka hai MQM kii "JAGIR NAHI" and how many Lahore people do you see in NWFP...or how many quetta people do you see in lahore vice versa.....unless ofcourse you don't think NWFP is part of pakistan...because any pakistani can go anywhere he wants... karachi sindh kaa hai how many sindhis do you see in karachi????

Indeed khi belong to al and so as rest of the pakistan to every one ....... i have said this in a different context again please dont confuse your self and other people! & FYI khi main there is a huge number of sindhis inside out! where exactly are you from ?? u dont have a clue about khi ....do u???

They have been there since ages they are a part of our life ! we cant do business without them & they can sustain a minute without us. Lets look at geographical loctions of both the places , nwfp is the prime source of all the menace we have , The weapons hoods like DARA , Herion and all lethal drugs are openly sold every body knows that ,Karcachi was a peacefull place untill 1980's ,Hell broke loose when this mess was brought to khi

80's the birth of MQM....??? yousaid it yourself they have been living here for ages...but in 80s all hell broke loose because of two reasons afghanis and MQM.....

What you and other like minded sore heads thought khiets wil do sit and watch these afghans and foreignors having their dirty trade in our city.... ?

mqm are right in speaking out against taliban ...... the action has to be taken now before the nusence start

tell ATLAF BHAI to come back and lead a long march or something to show he is serious about the SWAT issue and it is not a political stunt...because hey you,i and everyone condemns the TALIBAN but no one acts on it...because we are not in a position to act...he is let's see some action the part of MQM not just words....

ehh..... what can Altaf do by long march ....so as the whole khi we thought our army is there to protect us ... but by looking at swat today ..... they might wake up when its too late , infact its already late the damage is done the worst will come ...! mqm guys wont let him come nor he himself will come look what hapned to benazir! mqm has stood up against this garbage and they have my full support so as rest of khi. Rest can do whatever they like its our city and we know now for sure there is no help what needs to be done , has to be done now .. and we rather do it our selves. LONG MARCHES ARE OF A POLITICAL NATURE AND ARE CONDUCTED AGAINST POLITICAL FORCES NOT AGAINTS FOREGN INVADORS"""" I hope some one like you is not a part of ARMY no way man...!

Your 3 questions with answers:

1)how does MQM get its funds

Ans ::
i dont represent them, my answer is i dont know for sure....but my wild gues is as its a political organisation , certainly and people and businesses fund it...... & before you come up with some thing more silly again FYI this is how it works out all over the world. Hope you are happy and satisfied now.

2)what is MQM doing besides just "condemning"

What can they do they more they are not an armed force are they ??there is certainly a limit to what a political party can do ..i support them cause i see them doing every thing in their capacity... Most important of all some how they do protect khi and they have developed khi a lot in last few years ...which was neglected badly from last two decades..... have u heard about Mustafa kamal ... ? look ask ur uncles or friends who go there frequently and let them tell you what mqm has done...

3)why is Imran Khan being stopped by MQM??

Imran khan is a hero i still have a lot of respect for this guy ..... Yar bhai sun i am not their representative lol ! why are you bombarding me with this irrelevant rubbish lol ! he was stopped in lahore not khi ? now are you going to say that mqm mafia came to lahore airport.
This thread keeps going round and round and so will we can people please read or atleast try to read a bit of what the thread has been saying I can't understang why people confuse between MQM and Mohajir, a lot of people have a disagreement with the MQM because of its trouled history and the fact that events like the 12th of may take place where MQM loses 12 people and the rest lose 50 what matters is we lose a Pakistani in all this I only see parties like MQM and PPP and ANP going about saying they were our people our members however PML(N) takes a slightly better stance.

What I hate is the fact that when the police want to do an arms sweep in Karachi MQM can stop them but if any law and order situation develops they say they have no influence over the cops that is pure lies I wonder why any of you would even vote for such parties that rather than admitting failure pass it on to the next person or simply come up with a bigger blame.

12 May a bad and sad part of our history and there is nothin worst than innocent blood shed... how it all started..... every one has a different story ...my question is Where were the law enforcement ? while this was happning why are they still quiet about this? where is the judiciary ? why has no one taken action? why why why and a thousand more questions. Not just mqm every body who has presence in khi are responsible , including rangers ,police all security agencies , and all political parties , the judiciary ..! its been 2 years since but no one seems to have done any about it. FYI Police and rangers have done a brutal arms sweep in khi for appx 8 years , this is what the result is ! my point is no one is efficient every one has failed , mqm has the least at least to us khiets and thats why we vote for them and fyi we will keep voting....... untill the bigger revolution.....

The reason is nizam e adal its against the constitution what kind of a hipocratic national assembly it is which passes a law in contradiction to the state constitution!! You mind is so twisted that above para you are calling the army and isi behind every thing and now you becoming all heroic lol !! decide what you want , What part of what i said is a lie please clearify !!? Dont get emotional about pakhtoon blood its sheding all over ! and if your ANP and pukhtoons are so proud why dont you settle scores with taliban first who are openly slaughtering our pukntoons brothers. All you have is rage, Look i dont meant to be offensive to any caste or creed nor i wish to have any differences with my pakistani brothers and sisters ! Like it or not i have to speak the truth of my understanding , please dont be offended!

the pak govt signed the papers because the army couldnt do its job the FC and police were not properly armed or trained and with these circumstances the peace deal was signed but obvoiusly it was a trap set up by the army as they knew the taliban would not put down their arms. ok now u sound so stupid because it is a known fact that the isi and pak army trained and funded the mujahideen, then we funded and supplied the taliban this is fact accept it as fact and dont believe me do some research instead of trying to look like u no everything and coming off as stupid. dont say our pakhtoon brother we are not the brothers of some racist thugs we are settling scores we have armed our villagers and we will retilaiate to any criminal mqm acts. now i will respond to ur other post

12 May a bad and sad part of our history and there is nothin worst than innocent blood shed... how it all started..... every one has a different story ...my question is Where were the law enforcement ? while this was happning why are they still quiet about this? where is the judiciary ? why has no one taken action? why why why and a thousand more questions. Not just mqm every body who has presence in khi are responsible , including rangers ,police all security agencies , and all political parties , the judiciary ..! its been 2 years since but no one seems to have done any about it. FYI Police and rangers have done a brutal arms sweep in khi for appx 8 years , this is what the result is ! my point is no one is efficient every one has failed , mqm has the least at least to us khiets and thats why we vote for them and fyi we will keep voting....... untill the bigger revolution.....

Even if the police caught one gun in such a raid it is a success because we need to reduce the guns however many we catch if they hadn't caught so earlier then on twelve may their would have been another gun pointed a t another Pakistani whoever party race or creed he may have been from.
1Here is the evidence about dara
:click or copy paste into your adress bar , YouTube - Biggest iIlegal Arm Market in the World

watch this video and find out the evidence , Forget kks every damn weapon on earth is on sale by these cockroches , they dont give a damn where all these guns end up ! i dont need to cry its the pushtoon brothers who need to cry on their fate that their beautiful land is now taken over by talibans and a lot of their brothers are helping to make sure it stays with them. hope its satisfying your hunger
2We will go in circles here you will call mqm militia i will can anp , i noticed some guy posted a reply to you in previous post with some photos for your hungry and curious appetite for evidence why dont you see them and satisfy yourself ...... just look what your anp silly saints are doing!!.... at no point i said mqm is not armed it is armed but what option do they have , as i stated before mqm by actions prove they donot want to sit back in khi thinking all will ok soon ,,,, in the presence of such gross idiots ! if the army or the security forces do not want to do any thing about it mqm are taking the matter in their own hands and the ppl of khi fully support them in this cause. As no way would like to end up humiliated like NWFP Not without a fight ,coming to the Herion part what kind of a selfish and self centred human being , muslim you are !? who is so proud of exporting , a lethal drug outside and inside their borders, this is just sad and represents your culture and society , i hope all pukhtoons are not like you.
2We will go in circles here you will call mqm militia i will can anp , i noticed some guy posted a reply to you in previous post with some photos for your hungry and curious appetite for evidence why dont you see them and satisfy yourself ...... just look what your anp silly saints are doing!!.... at no point i said mqm is not armed it is armed but what option do they have , as i stated before mqm by actions prove they donot want to sit back in khi thinking all will ok soon ,,,, in the presence of such gross idiots ! if the army or the security forces do not want to do any thing about it mqm are taking the matter in their own hands and the ppl of khi fully support them in this cause. As no way would like to end up humiliated like NWFP Not without a fight ,coming to the Herion part what kind of a selfish and self centred human being , muslim you are !? who is so proud of exporting , a lethal drug outside and inside their borders, this is just sad and represents your culture and society , i hope all pukhtoons are not like you.
3we all know taliban roots please save the hassle next time . A great example of leadership ...wow i am impressed , The guy BACHA KHAN people call their leader and vote for said to pps dont involve but they did ! was he the only wise guy in NWFP? Didnt your elders realise letting so many foriegnors /peddlors with weapons will later become a problem for themselves.

And then you blame ISI for all your missfortunes , Look honest truth is your ANP was too busy cashing contracts and least bothered about people. Infact here is a fine example of how ANP a political party voted by NWFP failed miserably to addres and counter intruders and problems. Even in khi they donnt give a monkey about Pukhtoons and whats happning to the people all they want to cash in some more dosh with mafia and taliban before they are wiped out. Just think for one second they are loosing domination in NWFP sooner (few years )they will be fully out from their as the Talibans have taken over.
4Thats what mqm is trying to do while still in power they want to avoid slaughtering of khi civilians like tribal areas and other parts of NWFP. I hope God will burn those Talibs who are doing this to the tribals. We clearly dont want to be in the same situation i hope you are getting the point!!
5The mqm never supported nizam e adal its clearlyagainst and in voilation of constitution Reason why i am singling out ANP is they were voted by the people to represent them , all these years they kept quiet now one doesnt left with much options except calling it gross stupidity or corruption !!??? Decide for your selves.
Knowing the fact that these animals are inside why didnt they make an effort all these years? why ? answer for yourself here. Now the poor party workers lives are in danger where as the leadership is still dreaming. If today any thing goes wrong in khi we go to mqm in khi because police and law enforcement is no good there..... They are held responsible by the people .... the leadership comes from middleclass houses so they know what the problems are and they make our voices heard.

above is all ur points
1 dara is the biggest illegal arms market in the world but i ask u is there no other source of arms do u think every individual goes all the way to dara. its business no arms dealer cares where it end up so stop sounding so childish and we were talking about arms in karachi not peshawar u dont give two hoots about peshawar so stop this acting.
2MQM has a militia u cant deny it go do some research its has its own street militia and i replied to those photos of two ANP men with guns that does not make it a militia and again in the other photo people were taking cover so its obvoius they were being fired upon. wat other party has its own militia does ANP have a militia in peshawar no then why do u have thugs on the street and they have taken things into their own hands and we have seen the results of that. humiliated u think the people of peshawar are humiliated has peshawar been occupied the only reason taliban have taken over has been because of the lack of army and development in the region we didnt give them a better substitute and wat are u so proud of threatening helpless people with arms id be ashamed to call myself a mqm suppourter with my coward leader overseas because of cases against him, coming to ur personal attack which shows how childish and pathetic u must be, can u find inmy post where i was proud of the heroin trade? no because ur a liar and as i said its not a big problem inside peshawar so if its a big problem in karachi its a reflection of law enforcement and the society. the army has cracked down on the heroin inside pakistan and im proud of that. ur image of a pakhtoon is preety clear to every1 on this forum.
3ANP always were against any mujahideen in afghanistan because of the trouble it wud cause and the army and isi went ahead anyway now if ur actually not accepting the fact that our army and isi trained them then i cant drag myself down further to ur level of stupidity, it was zia who let the refugees in ur own beloved zia not us we didnt want them. ok the more i read ur responds the stupidier they get if ANP didnt care then asfandar wali would of ran away like that altaf swine after the first attempted assination but hes kept going and survived more attempts. zia let the refugees in and once again give some proof to ur ridicoulous claims u believe that ANP is workin with the taliban and with the mafia while the taliban hunt and kill ANP workers, are u normal, but at least i dont need to make up lies to show u the thugs that MQM are, ANP are here to stay and pakhtoons will make sure of it.
4 everyone knows the taliban will never even be allowed to take over peshawar forget karachi so dont use it as an excuse to kill innocent pashtoons
5ur last point when civilian are dying the army is not able to fight the police are being beheaded and hung and people being terrorised wat did u expect the govt signed it as a trap for the taliban because they would agree and ask them to put down theyre arms which they knew they wouldnt and now u see the army operation. another thing if mqm does wat the people ask then its a poor refelction of the people seeing as how theyre street thugs act
u pak marine cannot say u represent mohajirs u represent MQM a cancer in pakistani society

FYI ur beloved ANP is in the Govt they signed the papers u knuckle head lol !

Listen Genius plz read 1st para i replied to u .....save the taliban story .... !! ""Russians left afghanistan in 80's its apx 20years now , Mujahideen won the war story over ..... then it was the local partys who represent local people their responsibility to start clearing up the mess ask fighters to leave NWFP and apply political pressure to security agencies......... but instead the ur idiot representatives got greedy just for their selfish and self centred interests.

They kept queit ,expanded their businesses . Your dirty politicians were only busy counting the Dough accept it..! i knw its hard ... !

unlike the mqm who are alarming every one & Just because of a freak like you & your pathetic remarks i am not changing the opinion about pukhtoons they are our brothers and it will stay like this.
You sound like one of ANP's super active, die hard supporters one can tel by reading your post that they use people like you to spread their personal agenda in khi , ppl like you want to accelarate racial hatred and than ask for sympathy votes.... i swear man what beggers r u !!!! But remember and make sure its gets in your thick skull you will fail badly in khi!

FYI ur beloved ANP is in the Govt they signed the papers u knuckle head lol !

Listen Genius plz read 1st para i replied to u .....save the taliban story .... !! ""Russians left afghanistan in 80's its apx 20years now , Mujahideen won the war story over ..... then it was the local partys who represent local people their responsibility to start clearing up the mess ask fighters to leave NWFP and apply political pressure to security agencies......... but instead the ur idiot representatives got greedy just for their selfish and self centred interests.

They kept queit ,expanded their businesses . Your dirty politicians were only busy counting the Dough accept it..! i knw its hard ... !

unlike the mqm who are alarming every one & Just because of a freak like you & your pathetic remarks i am not changing the opinion about pukhtoons they are our brothers and it will stay like this.
You sound like one of ANP's super active, die hard supporters one can tel by reading your post that they use people like you to spread their personal agenda in khi , ppl like you want to accelarate racial hatred and than ask for sympathy votes.... i swear man what beggers r u !!!! But remember and make sure its gets in your thick skull you will fail badly in khi!

it shows how thick you are ANP signed it because of the lack of options because peace and our citizens are more important now that the army is in a position to act ANP isnt complaining and it got the presidents approval. ok now u sound so stupid mujahideen and refugees were given free hand by zia then the taliban were given all the arms and supplies in the world by our army u cant deny it how do u expect a civilian govt to disarm them ANP has spoken against it but were not thugs like MQM look at lebanon they cant disarm hezbollah because its a civilian govt. who was MQM been alarming in 1992 asking for jinnahpur who have they been alarming all these years of criminal behaviour who have they been alarming on 12 may dont u feel ashamed u didnt reply to any of my points dont u feel ashamed having a coward for a leader. i am only a suppourter of ANP because theyre secular and i do not have any links or connections with them however i will be the first to admit that im anti mqm becaue only of their actions unlike u i have nothing against any race . can u show me anytime in paks history where we have accelerated hatred and caused racial tension i pity ur brainwashed brain u didnt reply u openly lied. MQM has been causing hatred for many many years now. your racist brand of politics will fail badly just as ur attempt to lie on this forum has failed and ur attempt to look neutral. its obvious ur another brainwashed die hard MQM suppourter and so i no its hard for u to accept those thugs as they are but as pakistanis we cannot let u spread lies about other pakistanis we cannot let u create tensions between other ethniticities that is the only reason i reply to ur utter rubbish
No Jack A .. no one goes to Dara they are brought in khi by the ANP led truck mafia, thats what the mqm is fussing about, And there might be other sources but this DARA is the mail root cause its the illegal arms centre its the sales point. J
Just what sort of careless person you are i am shunned at your mind set "" Selling Illegal weapons is "Just business"" for you , Thats just too bad ! shame on you this shows your approach , I dont know about peshawar to be very honest but i wish all the good luck to people in peshawar with those ANP rascals in power.

If mqm has arms it is to protect its people and use it against whoever is threatning our culture and existence.I was at first against it but now i can see due to what threat they took up the arms , In khi we have similar situation security forces are no where to be found just what exactly are we suppose to do when the threat is there!! , And thats what my point is to u" as you saying in your replies i will quote you
""" the only reason taliban have taken over has been because of the lack of army and development in the region we didnt give them a better substitute""

What were your politicians doing from the last 20years since afghan war was over , what took them this long and still could not provide a substitue ??? ANP should be shammed and barred from the local elections , they have humiliated you and pukhtoon fellow men, You are talking about revenge with mqm take your revenge who is really responsible for slaughtering the pukhtoon

I said you sound pathetic because reading at your reply makes one feel that you have rejected The herion issue by just calling it "Not a problem in Peshawar and showing it khi's problem " Your ANP heros never raised a voice against having a Drug den in their back yard. For ages they were selling al these drugs to many innocent people ,many house holds have been distroyed just because of this.
I have many pukhtoon friends, none of them have hate inside them like you...... your tactics wont work here !!

You blame Zia , Army ,ISI and every one , except for your beloved thick skull Asfandyar Wali and ANP, He never said any thing to the pakhtoon people, he fooled them , he was eyeing all the herion and weapons trade. And listen hate master pukhtoons have been staying and they will stay stop showing every one how small you are , with your narrow approach..

By saying Taliban are allowed to take over peshawar did u mean that swat today was not in the plan ...lol .... why werent u just being honest and said all this in the begaining we have write so much to each other....haha....what a joke you are ..! listen i will certainly like to talk to some one a bit more informative and possibly some body with A brain cell.
ok pak marine....here you go AGAIN.....

Situation Karachi :

Ful of drugs , bombs , guns and millitia same is happning as swat.. there are 2000 madarsass in khi + a million afghans

and MQM....since 1980's.....the video shows the true terrorists and wepeaons users of karachi

More than 10 million people voted for mqm from last several elections and most of them are mohajirs

yes because poor URDU speaking people are terrorised by ALTAF

The Major Kaleem Case was the bedrock of many Pakistani governmental and military operations against the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM),

Altaf Hussain and several other MQM leaders and workers were accused of being involved in the kidnapping and torture of Pakistan Army Major Kaleem in 1991.

On February 6, 1998 the Sindh High Court found all defendants innocent and found the case as one "of almost no legal evidence". [2] [3] However, on February 20, 1998, Major Kaleem appealed the decision to the Supreme Court and contended that "the High Court erred by acquitting the accused who did not surrender themselves before the trial court. He argued that there was sufficient evidence against the respondents to prove their guilt."[4]

On Monday, August 13, 2007, the Sindh government withdrew its appeal [5]

Yes this is the same judicary that give NRO to ZARDARI....and the lawyer who went to fight the case for 12TH MAY was shot outside Sindh HIGH COURT...

Well to add some more info for you since you are feeling so sorry about the jews and what hitler did!! try and look at the bigger piture Hitler was used succesfully to get a land for Jewsih people, They got them all out from Europe. And Hitler was at the ground with his people try and work this out.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:give this logic to the JEWS in ISRAEL hahahaha

ehh..... what can Altaf do by long march ....so as the whole khi we thought our army is there to protect us ... but by looking at swat today ..... they might wake up when its too late , infact its already late the damage is done the worst will come ...! mqm guys wont let him come nor he himself will come look what hapned to benazir! mqm has stood up against this garbage and they have my full support so as rest of khi. Rest can do whatever they like its our city and we know now for sure there is no help what needs to be done , has to be done now .. and we rather do it our selves. LONG MARCHES ARE OF A POLITICAL NATURE AND ARE CONDUCTED AGAINST POLITICAL FORCES NOT AGAINTS FOREGN INVADORS"""" I hope some one like you is not a part of ARMY no way man...!

ALTAF and MQM can't do anything that is what i am saying so why support them....and i thought you HATED THE ARMY....blamed the ARMY for all the problems in PAKISTAN....i say let BRITISH BOY ALTAF come back and then talk until then tell ALTAF to wear "CHURIYAN"

Indeed khi belong to al and so as rest of the pakistan to every one ....... i have said this in a different context again please dont confuse your self and other people! & FYI khi main there is a huge number of sindhis inside out! where exactly are you from ?? u dont have a clue about khi ....do u???

please can you give me a % of SINDHIS in karachi??? because liek you said "I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING"

1)how does MQM get its funds

Ans ::
i dont represent them, my answer is i dont know for sure....but my wild gues is as its a political organisation , certainly and people and businesses fund it...... & before you come up with some thing more silly again FYI this is how it works out all over the world. Hope you are happy and satisfied now.

LAND MAFIA is a better answer given the facts already put up my friend.....

2)what is MQM doing besides just "condemning"

What can they do they more they are not an armed force are they ??there is certainly a limit to what a political party can do ..i support them cause i see them doing every thing in their capacity... Most important of all some how they do protect khi and they have developed khi a lot in last few years ...which was neglected badly from last two decades..... have u heard about Mustafa kamal ... ? look ask ur uncles or friends who go there frequently and let them tell you what mqm has done...

YES MUSTUFA KAMAL is a good man and his done alot lekin.......

i still respect mustafa kamal i wish he leaves MQM....or better become the head of MQM and then maybe i mgiht support MQM....atleast a PAKISTANI would be running MQM not some british national like TONY BLAIR(ALTAF HUSSAIN)

you asked what can MQM do....answer is if they can't do anything then stop complaining.....if PML,PPP,ANP,JAMAT complain as well they atleast have leaders in pakistan to condemn it while MQM is all talk and no action except ofcourse TERRORISING KARACHI....and saying PAKISTAN was a mistake ARMY is a mistake ANP is a mistake everyone EXCEPT MQM seems a mistake to them....and they do politics of ethnicty....punjabi,pathan...provincial politics is only done by MQM.... MQM should RESIGN from government as a SIGN OF PROTEST....but they won't do that either....

3)why is Imran Khan being stopped by MQM??

Imran khan is a hero i still have a lot of respect for this guy ..... Yar bhai sun i am not their representative lol ! why are you bombarding me with this irrelevant rubbish lol ! he was stopped in lahore not khi ? now are you going to say that mqm mafia came to lahore airport.

ok he was stopped in lahore why did the PUNJAB government stop him from leaving punjab??? why is MQM calling IMRAN ZANAI....because he doesn't have anything ele against him no killings no terrorising....

The reason is nizam e adal its against the constitution what kind of a hipocratic national assembly it is which passes a law in contradiction to the state constitution!!

I t was passed by PPP & ANP....ALLIES of your MQM...so MQM should resign as a sign of protest....!!!!! but no SIR MQM will never resign....

stop blaming ARMY,PML,PPP,JAMAAT & ARMY....for the mess that MQM has created....your leader who is a BRITISH NATIONAL....has 300 cases against him....tell him to either comeback or leave the presidency....for god save to save karachi stop doing ETHNICITY politics....

MQM get's its funding from land mafia business except for SHORAB GOTH AREA.....MQM buys illegal weapons and the leader says BUY GUNS & LEARN JUDDO KARATE.....ALTAF calls pakistan a mistake....MQM tortures an ARMY MAJOR.....MQM blames everything on punjabis,pathans,sindhis....

i think i have given you enough videos links and proof however being a typical MQM SECTOR boy....you will never think it is enough what more proof do you want.....
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No Jack A .. no one goes to Dara they are brought in khi by the ANP led truck mafia, thats what the mqm is fussing about, And there might be other sources but this DARA is the mail root cause its the illegal arms centre its the sales point. J
Just what sort of careless person you are i am shunned at your mind set "" Selling Illegal weapons is "Just business"" for you , Thats just too bad ! shame on you this shows your approach , I dont know about peshawar to be very honest but i wish all the good luck to people in peshawar with those ANP rascals in power.

If mqm has arms it is to protect its people and use it against whoever is threatning our culture and existence.I was at first against it but now i can see due to what threat they took up the arms , In khi we have similar situation security forces are no where to be found just what exactly are we suppose to do when the threat is there!! , And thats what my point is to u" as you saying in your replies i will quote you
""" the only reason taliban have taken over has been because of the lack of army and development in the region we didnt give them a better substitute""

What were your politicians doing from the last 20years since afghan war was over , what took them this long and still could not provide a substitue ??? ANP should be shammed and barred from the local elections , they have humiliated you and pukhtoon fellow men, You are talking about revenge with mqm take your revenge who is really responsible for slaughtering the pukhtoon

I said you sound pathetic because reading at your reply makes one feel that you have rejected The herion issue by just calling it "Not a problem in Peshawar and showing it khi's problem " Your ANP heros never raised a voice against having a Drug den in their back yard. For ages they were selling al these drugs to many innocent people ,many house holds have been distroyed just because of this.
I have many pukhtoon friends, none of them have hate inside them like you...... your tactics wont work here !!

You blame Zia , Army ,ISI and every one , except for your beloved thick skull Asfandyar Wali and ANP, He never said any thing to the pakhtoon people, he fooled them , he was eyeing all the herion and weapons trade. And listen hate master pukhtoons have been staying and they will stay stop showing every one how small you are , with your narrow approach..

By saying Taliban are allowed to take over peshawar did u mean that swat today was not in the plan ...lol .... why werent u just being honest and said all this in the begaining we have write so much to each other....haha....what a joke you are ..! listen i will certainly like to talk to some one a bit more informative and possibly some body with A brain cell.
once again ill answer all of ur rubbish points without any personal attacks like u because its a reflection of ur upbringing
1ok so first there was an ANP mafia in collusion with the taliban which is not possible since the taliban are openly killing ANP workers now the ANP drug mafia which doesnt even exist is bringing it in by the truckloads i really cant reply to this because its pure fiction ur quite imaginative. now dont take my words out of context i said that arms dealers dont care where it ends up because its business for them and before u whine about it remember that MQM has a street militia so u wouldnt have a militia if arms dealers were so politically correct.
2 u cant justify having arms to protect ur culture because every party could do that and if u truly beilieve this than surely ANP has the right to arms to protect them but they dont no party does because its a party not a bunch of crimnal bandits. what threat there is no threat altaf the swine is sitting like a coward in another country stirring the pot how brave of him.

3 ANP doesnt allocate the budget we get the smallest funds so again i dont need to attack u personally because uve shown how smart u are urself. hahaha dont worry about us we have and always will suppourt the ANP its either them or the taliban and we suppourt the ANP fully.

4 the army has been very active in the herion trade now i dont wat else pakistan can do. can u please find me a link that says ANP is working with drug dealers id love to see it. u cant hold the ANP resbonsible for the drug dealers its not the police the police is just like i dont hold mohajirs responsible for MQMs action i hold MQM responsible. and by the look of things ur the one with hate its so obvious ur lying u will have no pakhtoon friends with ur racism no one except for MQM trolls have had problems and one has been banned because no1 wants to hear ur crap on this forum which just divides ur all
5 im not blaming im telling u facts and the facts are that zia suppourted the mujahideen fully and allowed the refugees in, taliban were trained and suppourted by the army and isi once again its a fact can u prove it wrong please. and please have ur eyes checked cause its the 100th time ive sed this they were always against the taliban and mujahideen all of ANP was and hes survived many assination attempts unlike that fat pig altaf hussien who is a criminal in hiding can u send any link with prove ANP is involved with drug trade

6 peshawar is the capital the army has learned from swat if u had a brain swat isnt in peshawar the city which will be heavily guarded.haha wanna no something even funnier u were unable to comeback to any points so u lied and lied and lied. if u cant comeback to me even tho according to you im brain dead its a good reflection of ur intelligence and the fact u cant talk without personal attacks shows ur upbringing
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