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KSA's US$100 million donation for IDPs biggest to date

Yzd Khalifa

Mar 24, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s US$100 million pledge to the UN for the specific purpose of meeting the needs of some 2.7 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) in northern Pakistan is the largest single contribution to date for that cause, according to Martin Mogwanja, UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Pakistan.

“It will enable the humanitarian community in Pakistan to reach hundreds of thousands of people in need and help restore their homes and livelihoods,” Mogwanja said in a statement.

The Pakistani government launched a military offensive against militants in the Swat, Buner and Dir districts of North West Frontier Province (NWFP) on 3 May 2009, forcing more than 2 million people to flee their homes. Before that, intermittent conflict in northern Pakistan had driven some 555,000 people from their homes, according to UN estimates.

About 1.64 million people have returned to their homes since July 2009 and just over a million people remain displaced. The vast majority live with host families and the remainder live in 19 IDP camps.

While some IDPs are returning to homes in safe areas, others are fleeing ongoing or renewed military offensives in restive areas of NWFP and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

Photo: OCHA
The UN Secretary-General’s special humanitarian envoy, Abdelaziz Arrukban, visiting IDPs in a camp in the Mardan area of NWFP (file photo)Saudi Arabia “compelled to assist”

In early September, Mogwanja told a press briefing in Islamabad that a lack of adequate funding for UN agencies and their implementing partners could signal “disaster” for returning IDPs and called for more help for them.

“With more than 2 million people displaced in just a few months, Saudi Arabia felt compelled to assist the humanitarian community in Pakistan so that they could more effectively meet the needs of these IDPs,” Abdul Aziz Arrukban, Special Humanitarian Envoy of the UN Secretary-General, told IRIN on 27 September.

He said the $100 million was being allocated by the Saudi Fund for Development as part of the UN-led consolidated appeal for Pakistan and that the money was immediately available.

“I am heading a committee - including Mr Mogwanja and members of OCHA [UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs] and the Saudi Fund for Development - that will meet in the coming days in Saudi Arabia to discuss how best the money can be used,” Arrukban said.

Before the Saudi donation, some $411 million, almost 55 percent, of the $680 million revised requirements for the Pakistan Humanitarian Response Plan had been funded. With Saudi Arabia’s contribution, 75 percent of the appeal will be met.

@Desert Fox
@Talon @Quantifier @kalu_miah @JonAsad @K-Xeroid @Zarvan @chauvunist @Hyperion @Al Bhatti @Devil Soul @tyrant @Bubblegum Crisis

@Mosamania @Armstrong @BLACKEAGLE
@Developereo @Luffy 500

@Imran Khan
@BATMAN @JUBA @Armstrong @al-Hasani
@Pakistanisage @Secur @Slav Defence

Thank You ! :kiss3:

Hopefully, today our Pakistani friends will understand that we don't offer lip-service, since we care for them.

Pakistan deserves better than this particularly on such issues. Surely, we will try to do our best.
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This isn't an assistance in my book, it's our moral and ethical duty.

Wishing you all the best.

The Pakistani nation will remember this gesture of GOODWILL and BROTHERHOOD, my friend.

We hope someday soon we can reciprocate this kindness in some way for our Saudi Brothers.

This isn't an assistance in my book, it's our moral and ethical duty.

Wishing you all the best.

The Pakistani nation will remember this gesture of GOODWILL and BROTHERHOOD, my friend.

We hope someday soon we can reciprocate this kindness in some way for our Saudi Brothers.
@Desert Fox
@Talon @Quantifier @kalu_miah @JonAsad @K-Xeroid @Zarvan @chauvunist @Hyperion @Al Bhatti @Devil Soul @tyrant @Bubblegum Crisis

@Mosamania @Armstrong @BLACKEAGLE
@Developereo @Luffy 500

@Imran Khan
@BATMAN @JUBA @Armstrong @al-Hasani
@Pakistanisage @Secur @Slav Defence

Hopefully, today our Pakistani friends will understand that we don't offer lip-service, since we care for them.

Pakistan deserves better than this particularly on such issues. Surely, we will try to do our best.

We appreciate Saudi assistance, or assistance from any country for that matter.

But i think there is a misunderstanding here. The point i was making in the other thread was that Pakistan needs to have its own independent foreign policy free of any influence/interference from any country, be it IRAN or SAUDI ARABIA. We don't and should not be involved in Saudi-Iranian rivalry.

Just as Saudi Arabia would not severe its relations with india for Pakistan's sake, neither should Pakistan compromise its interests for any country.

@p(-)0ENiX @Armstrong
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he isnt saudi i thought he was born, raised educated there?

No, he's a Yemeni Saudi, born to a rich family with a net worth of $30 billion. He left Riyadh in his early 20s, he dropped out of business school to leave to Afghanistan. In 1987, OBL returned to Riyadh for a few weeks, he claimed his most of his wealth, $300 million, return to Afghanistan to continue fighting till the last Russian tank left Afghanistan. Later in 1996, his citizenship was revoked and his assists within KSA returned to his family. His family also expelled him, stating that he had gone out of the norms of their faith. Some of the money OBL managed to bring out of KSA was deposited in Yemen, and Sudan. Until his last day, it was estimated that he spent as many as $250 million on Al-Qaida, other funds came from the Arab Afghan - of whom some were as rich as him - while other cash came from some NGOs all around the globe though corrupted employees who were supposed to spend that money on poor people or those who were in need. Therefore, neither Pakistan or KSA had a thing to do with Al-Qaida in 1st place. However, the Taliban of Afghanistan offered a safe heaven to those scums. We tried to take OBL out but Mullah Omar refused to hand him over. Mullah Omar said " If Osama was even a cow, I would rather not hand him over to those who will hand him over the the US "

second thing about net worth, where does he get this funding from? in saudi arabia maybe? and his accounts are frozen in saudi arabia? and i came to know bin laden group is famous builder in saudi arabia

He got the money from Shiekh Baker Bin Laden, the founder of Bin Laden's group. This year, it was estimated that the Bin Laden's family net worth is $30 billion. If you came here to KSA to visit Mecca and Madina, you will see their signatures everywhere. Their company is one of the largest companies in the world.

but its not just about osama
its about the saudi network which is doing terrorism with TTP in pakistan please watch the video i posted

The only group that I will openly admit that my country along with yours created was the Taliban of Afghanistan :) and if you ask me, I will never regret such move at all. Once the US withdraw, the Taliban will be given a chance to raise up to power once more on our own terms and conditions.

If you think that the Pakistani blood is cheap to us, then you have got to be insane :) I'm talking on behalf of my country that I SERVE.

hi, eid greetings to you 2

Actually, two congressmen spoke about that as well as a Pakistan-neutral historian.

The very least thing we want to see in Pakistan is an overspill of blood.
It is indians who are funding TTP, not Saudis.

A US congressman confirmed this.

Know who your friends and enemies are.

@Desert Fox

No harm man.

I would like you to watch this please :)

This is the Imam of Mecca, he's a pro-Pakistan nut :D
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We appreciate Saudi assistance, or assistance from any country for that matter.

But i think there is a misunderstanding here. The point i was making in the other thread was that Pakistan needs to have its own independent foreign policy free of any influence/interference from any country, be it IRAN or SAUDI ARABIA. We don't and should not be involved in Saudi-Iranian rivalry.

Just as Saudi Arabia would not severe its relations with india for Pakistan's sake, neither should Pakistan compromise its interests for any country.

@p(-)0ENiX @Armstrong

exactly and that include USA/UK as well

demands come after dollars/pounds/riyal
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We appreciate Saudi assistance, or assistance from any country for that matter.

But i think there is a misunderstanding here. The point i was making in the other thread was that Pakistan needs to have its own independent foreign policy free of any influence/interference from any country, be it IRAN or SAUDI ARABIA. We don't and should not be involved in Saudi-Iranian rivalry.

Just as Saudi Arabia would not severe its relations with india for Pakistan's sake, neither should Pakistan compromise its interests for any country.

Exactly! Saudi Arabia's humanitarian aid will be greatly appreciated by the Pakistani people, especially by those poor people that have been displaced.

It's ridiculous how recurring calamities have kept on striking Pakistan since the past 12 years.

In any case, we must make our own moves for the benefit of solely ourselves in the international arena.

No one should have a say in our internal affairs, & our government should keep its nose out of other nations' affairs as long as there is no threat to us.

Everyone should keep in mind that this doesn't imply that our old friendships shouldn't be honored, especially the one we have with Saudi Arabia.
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