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KSA won't take any refugee,but «offers» to build 200 mosquees in Germany!

Amazing work. So rather than giving muslims shelter in your own home they are building them a 100 mosque in a foreign nation who is currently creating a propaganda of a Muslim invasion. Yeah those hundred mosques will definitely not streghten the believe of a cultural invasion that is starting to take shape in the minds of Europeans.

Why mosques ? Why not hospitals, shelter , food points , heck an entire housing colony where they have all the things. What would refugees find in a mosque who have seen their families cut apart by terror groups and armies. Would these mosques provide medical , schooling, a shelter room for all and clothes? If so then its great and if not then its meaningless.

This shows how pathetic the leadership of Arabia is. Can't do anything apart from funding terrorists organization who have created this issue.

Appreciate your views.

@ topic why mosques ? Why not hospitals, houses, schools ? Interview 100's of those refugees and you wll fnd mosques will be the last thing to appear on their list of required priorities.

Gives the world the clear idea of what kind of leadership arabs can provide to muslim world. And why muslim world is in tatters ?
Well due to the 1+ million refugees that Germany is taking this year alone (Heaven only knows how many they will take in the long run), they're going to need it.

If they took the refugees, they might as well take this offer too. They're going to need the Mosques either way.

Yep.. Thats another way looking at it.. Either way Europe is fucked by their own stupid policies

And these being Saudi funded mosques you know whats going to come out of them
What an Irony.. Muslims are not allowed to live from where Islam start.:cray::cray:

And yet you guys are ready to die for Saudis and other Middle eastern countries, and for what a few dollars in return??

Make you own country capable enough, never put a begging bowl in front of any country and forget about Ummah.

Saudis are only good for creating disturbances world wide with their petro dollars while keeping their own streets trouble free.
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Ofcorse they do,it's part of the planned invasion.Do these people need food,shelter,money for integration?.NO-They need mosques...

Planned invasion? But who is planning according to you? you do realise most Muslims can't even come together to celebrate Eid on the same day in UK, never mind putting any plan together.

The only ones who can plan anything is a certain rich elite who hold large political power in Europe. Saudi Arabia itself is a puppet and a dirty stain on humanity.

What an Irony.. Muslims are not allowed to live from where Islam start.:cray::cray:

The Bedouin are a racist and inhumane people, please read their history. They are like Barbarians, they don't even like their fellow Arabs.

wait till the far right rises in Germany again, and we all know how that went last time around.

That would be bad news for all including Indians.:rofl:
Making Mosques is a good thing i really don't know why we Muslims now pretend to be idiots are Thats a God`s Gift to us specially Arabs , Why Every Group wants to make their own mosque in a small city when they all can perferm same Prayer in same mosque which will promote unity , and will solve many problems but no everyone wants to make their own mosque Allah Doesn't Need mosques , He wants his people to Behave as Humans to care and help each other , how these mosques gone help these people will it provide them job , shelter , food No it wont Do any thing , when KSA Can Support the one who are causing havoc in those States they must provide shelter , food , every thing for those refuges .
Germany Isnt a muslim country why they are providing all these Because At least they care for humans like unlike these Arabs are Pharaohs of 21 century ,
That news is not true. King salman has already said that they have 2 lakh syriana in kSA and they dont call them.refugees. spec waivers are for syrians for education and other facilities in kSA
stop lying you fuckin sick people who has hatred towards Saudi Arabia , since the first day so far Saudi Arabia has received more than 500 thousand refugees from Syria and they have the power to stay and work , and more than 100 thousand Syrian student now in school «free» for a fuckin freeeee !! , treated them like the Saudi students in all educational and legal details, including school health .
thanks for clearing up the air mate....what i don't understand is if KSA has taken in so much of these refugees then why isn't it documented....i was also under the impression that there are 0 refugees in the KSA
With the massive numbers of refugees heading to Germany, Saudi Arabia should lease a land from Germany and build small house/flats then refugees will able to use pastoral farming to benefit refugees and the Germans in general.
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Enough with your lies. There are 500 k Syrians in Saudi Arabia who get special treatment and privileges. Not to add billions of dollars as humanitarian aids to Syrian refugees in other countries.

thanks for clearing up the air mate....what i don't understand is if KSA has taken in so much of these refugees then why isn't it documented....i was also under the impression that there are 0 refugees in the KSA
That's because they're not registered as refugees.
what about as a first priority arrange for there food, clothing as winters is approaching is europe.Then housing, health issue needs to be addressed
They should build a 1000 mosques not just 200. There's plenty of Muslims in Germany and 200 is not enough, nevertheless good efforts :tup:

Thank this man who created KSA:


You Reap What You Sow.

Learn the difference between kingdom of Hejaz and KSA which existed since the 1700s, so how did the man exactly "create" it?
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