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KSA grand mufti slams protests as anti-Islamic


Apr 25, 2012
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RIYADH - Saudi Arabia’s grand mufti has slammed popular protests across the region as anti-Islamic, saying they only serve to spread chaos, local media reported on Wednesday.
“These protests are not linked in any way to Islam, which promotes dialogue,” Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah al-Sheikh was quoted as saying by Al-Eqtisadiah daily. Protests “are dangerous and lead to chaos,” he said, adding that they were used by “enemies to spread chaos the way they did in some Muslim countries.”
The grand mufti said that the events occurring in the Arab and Muslim world are a result of the “lack of religion and the disobedience of leaders or the interference by some foreign parties.”
The Arab world has been rocked by massive demonstrations for nearly two years leading to the toppling of four autocrats in the region. Demonstrations are banned in Saudi Arabia - an absolute ultra-conservative monarchy that has remained relatively untouched by the Arab Spring uprisings. On Tuesday, police dispersed dozens of protesters gathered in Riyadh calling for the release or immediate trial of imprisoned relatives. Riyadh warned in October it would deal “firmly” with demonstrations. Rights watchdog Amnesty International slammed the warning and urged the authorities to “withdraw their threat.” The Shia minority who claim they are marginalised in the kingdom’s Eastern Province also sometimes stage protests and clash with police forces.

KSA grand mufti slams protests as anti-Islamic | The Nation
WTF?!....... No offense but a monarchy is not Islamic... So think which side is Islamic and which is no?
He Has a point.
“These protests are not linked in any way to Islam, which promotes dialogue,” Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah al-Sheikh was quoted as saying by Al-Eqtisadiah daily. Protests “are dangerous and lead to chaos,” he said, adding that they were used by “enemies to spread chaos the way they did in some Muslim countries.”
Leave Politics out.

FITNA is not allowed in Islam, under any condition.

I say mufti is doing politics in the name of fitna. He is trying to defend the despots whom people do not want as their rulers. Now, where does it say in Islam that a family that claims the whole country as its personal property must rule indefinitely and in the name of Islam even when most people do not want them as their rulers?
Saudi Arabia will create lot of jobs so these bored youth can sped their time creatively earning a living instead of protesting.
This is Saudis the one who make deal with great Satan the one that if you speak about their hidden activities you be head chopped n grand mufti will declare you kafirrrrrr. This is the same people who sent in super jihadis into Libya n now Syria including gulf rich countries like qatar. This is the same devil saudi who are building sky scrapers in the heart land n destroying the prophets graves. only king faisal was good.
How smart is every one the message is general, no grievances in Saudi public... so far.

Result of Egyptian and Pakistani demoncracy is for every one to see as a practical example.
Religion was suppose to be the answer, now it is the main problem in our region.

In our country and in most Muslim states it is the so-called religion of secularism which is the main problem.
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