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KSA for closer African-Arab ties


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
Last updated: Thursday, November 21, 2013 12:41 AM
KUWAIT CITY – Arab and African leaders ended a two-day summit in Kuwait Wednesday by calling for closer cooperation on the political and economic levels, as well as in the fight against terrorism.

The leaders issued the Kuwait Declaration which called for accelerating economic integration in the Arab world. They called for the creation of a joint “Africa-Arab Financing Mechanism” to fund programs and projects, under a plan adopted at the second summit in Libya three years ago.

Addressing the summit on behalf of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal called for enhancing all ways of cooperation between Arab and African countries and removing all constraints, as there are some elements who try to harm these relations, disrupt their progress. The Kingdom emphasized that the focus on the goal of development and investment requires the settlement of disputes by peaceful means in a manner which preserves the legitimate rights of the concerned parties and leads to the achievement of security and stability in our countries, indicating that the coordination between the Arab Peace and Security Council and African Peace and Security Council helps to address many of these differences.

He said the Kingdom has provided development assistance to African countries over the past four decades including non-refundable aid totaling $30 billion. Saudi Arabia has also exempted loans worth $6 billion. The Saudi Fund for Development has provided soft development loans to finance 345 projects in 44 African countries in the health, education, housing, social, and infrastructure sectors with a total value of $6 billion.
— Agencies

Saudi Gazette - KSA for closer African-Arab ties


Excellent news. Africa is going to become the next powerhouse of the world after Asia with unlimited opportunities if certain issues improve.

We as Arabs have the closest ties to many parts of Africa of all people, aside from having hundreds of millions Arabs living in Northern Africa already and millions of Africans of Arab ancestry living in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The ties should become much, much stronger. Especially with the Horn of Africa, Swahili coastline countries etc. I am sure they will.
Do you know which exact countries? I just think it should be confirmed this aid actually goes to what it's intended for, since the corruption in some nations is high.

Although, I would put this off for now, until another maybe ten years. There are issue that need to payed attention to in Syria, Palestine, Sudan, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, etc..

If it's possible to dedicate our selves to both regions than that would be a good idea. I also think it's a better approach since these nations have dealt with past imperialism and colonialism and still are trying to recover from that in their system. So they may like this idea.

Just be careful with anti Egypt and pro Israel nations.
Do you know which exact countries? I just think it should be confirmed this aid actually goes to what it's intended for, since the corruption in some nations is high.

Although, I would put this off for now, until another maybe ten years. There are issue that need to payed attention to in Syria, Palestine, Sudan, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, etc..

If it's possible to dedicate our selves to both regions than that would be a good idea. I also think it's a better approach since these nations have dealt with past imperialism and colonialism and still are trying to recover from that in their system. So they may like this idea.

Just be careful with anti Egypt and pro Israel nations.

I think it is all the non-Arab African nations - meaning basically all of Sub-Saharan Africa including the Horn of Africa. That is still a HUGE area and huge population with immense potential for a closer economic, cultural, religious etc. cooperation.
Yes, of course our own region first need to solve some of its many problems but already now the ties could grow step by step.
There is a saying that your best friends are first known when you are in great difficulties and they are there to help you. It is now that we should mutually help each other IMO, if we can. It will benefit both regions on the long run. Why wait until others take the bite of the cake when we are those with the best options of reaching out to them? Instead you see China very active. Located 15.000 km away with much, much less in common with the region than the Arab world.

The Arab world (Middle East) and Africa have always been connected. Half of the Arab world is after all located in Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa's closest markets/people are the Arabs in Northern Africa or the Arabs across the Red Sea in the Levant or the Arabian Peninsula.

Yes, on that front the regions also share a common problem as well.

I just think that the region (Sub-Saharan Africa and even Northern Africa) have been left out by the Middle Eastern Arab countries and Muslims as a whole. That is strange given that the potential is so huge.

And notice the huge population growth in Africa and the economic growth.
I think it is all the non-Arab African nations - meaning basically all of Sub-Saharan Africa including the Horn of Africa. That is still a HUGE area and huge population with immense potential for a closer economic, cultural, religious etc. cooperation.
Yes, of course our own region first need to solve some of its many problems but already now the ties could grow step by step.
There is a saying that your best friends are first known when you are in great difficulties and they are there to help you. It is now that we should mutually help each other IMO, if we can. It will benefit both regions on the long run. Why wait until others take the bite of the cake when we are those with the best options of reaching out to them? Instead you see China very active. Located 15.000 km away with much, much less in common with the region than the Arab world.

The Arab world (Middle East) and Africa have always been connected. Half of the Arab world is after all located in Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa's closest markets/people are the Arabs in Northern Africa or the Arabs across the Red Sea in the Levant or the Arabian Peninsula.

Yes, on that front the regions also share a common problem as well.

I just think that the region (Sub-Saharan Africa and even Northern Africa) have been left out by the Middle Eastern Arab countries and Muslims as a whole. That is strange given that the potential is so huge.

And notice the huge population growth in Africa and the economic growth.

Islam greatly expanded and was powerful during the spice trade. :tup:

I think this is interesting going back to the old days.
LOL! Where are all the other Arabs? We're like the only two non lazy Arabs here. This is why we will never become anything if we never get rid of these habits. Organization people! You get tagged you better get right on it! Ha Ha Ha.
LOL! Where are all the other Arabs? We're like the only two non lazy Arabs here. This is why we will never become anything if we never get rid of these habits. Organization people! You get tagged you better get right on it! Ha Ha Ha.

This Saudi Arabian baby agrees with you, 7abibi.


Another one.


I love our Arabic dialects:D

The best one of all is a Lebanese Arab baby:

Watch the last video to the end. You will LOVE it haha.

LOOOOOOOOLLZZzz :rofl::laughcry:

The Lebanese baby is so awesome he knows more than I do. And he didn't forget about Palestine after asked about all those capitals.
LOOOOOOOOLLZZzz :rofl::laughcry:

The Lebanese baby is so awesome he knows more than I do. And he didn't forget about Palestine after asked about all those capitals.

Exactly. He is a world class troll. If I ever see him in the near future I will salute him and give him a years worth of expenses for books and candies.:rofl:

I hope to have kids as clever as well. My nephews are doing good already. Both the small and younger ones. But I am yet to teach them something alike. Maybe I should do it and record it haha. But the Lebanese baby will be hard to beat.

I know most of the Arab capitals but quite frankly I often forget the capital of Mauritania and the Comoros. So he is better than me as well.


It is time to settle down and get a family of your own. After all that is a huge part of life. This is worrying, LOL.
Exactly. He is a world class troll. If I ever see him in the near future I will salute him and give him a years worth of expenses for books and candies.:rofl:

I hope to have kids as clever as well. My nephews are doing good already. Both the small and younger ones. But I am yet to teach them something alike. Maybe I should do it and record it haha. But the Lebanese baby will be hard to beat.

I know most of the Arab capitals but quite frankly I often forget the capital of Mauritania and the Comoros. So he is better than me as well.


It is time to settle down and get a family of your own. After all that is a huge part of life. This is worrying, LOL.

That's great, I have many cousins in Gaza I miss them all. The children loved me, one of my aunts baby sons I would tap him on his body he would tell me rooh rawih, LOL. It was too cute.

The night before I left all the little children were inside in my uncles house and I was outside with my older cousins they kept yelling my name. They loved me. It was so inspirational.

When we raise families it's gonna be funny. Ha Ha Ha. I know I want my children to be family guys. That's how my family is.
That's great, I have many cousins in Gaza I miss them all. The children loved me, one of my aunts baby sons I would tap him on his body he would tell me rooh rawih, LOL. It was too cute.

The night before I left all the little children were inside in my uncles house and I was outside with my older cousins they kept yelling my name. They loved me. It was so inspirational.

When we raise families it's gonna be funny. Ha Ha Ha. I know I want my children to be family guys. That's how my family is.

Everyone and his cat know that we Arabs love to have big families and children in general. That is something I really appreciate in our culture. The close-knitted family ties you have. Not only immediate family but the extended one too. Here in Europe that is really rare in general. Maybe outside of Southern Europe with on quite a lot fronts is similar to the Arab world be it in terms of some landscapes, climate, cuisine, mentality, way of living, the "we do it tomorrow attitude" :-)) etc. After all Arab presence in large parts of Southern Europe aside from Al-Andalus and influences have been very big be it cuisine, language, people etc.

That is great to hear. I am also liked by most children. Haha.

Exactly. I don't know if it is because I am here in Europe but I really miss all the family things. I need to settle down and marry. It is driving me crazy. Relatives and family friends, friends etc. are getting married slowly etc. You notice such things, pressure from family too etc. LOL. Anyway I am still young. At the very start of my 20's. So hopefully in 2-3 years time when I finish my studies I can marry and settle down.
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Everyone and his cat know that we Arabs love to have big families and children in general. That is something I really appreciate in our culture. The close-knitted family ties you have. Not only immediate family but the extended one too. Here in Europe that is really rare in general. Maybe outside of Southern Europe with on quite a lot fronts is similar to the Arab world be it in terms of some landscapes, climate, cuisine, mentality, way of living, the "we do it tomorrow attitude" :-)) etc. After all Arab presence in large parts of Southern Europe aside from Al-Andalus and influences have been very big be it cuisine, language, people etc.

That is great to hear. I am also liked by most children. Haha.

Exactly. I don't know if it is because I am here in Europe but I really miss all the family things. I need to settle down and marry. It is driving me crazy. Relatives and family friends, friends etc. are getting married slowly etc. You notice such things, pressure from family too etc. LOL. Anyway I am still young. At the very start of my 20's. So hopefully in 2-3 years time when I finish my studies I can marry and settle down.

I say 23 to 24 not later. I'm planning the same thing and I could have gotten married but it's better to get myself together and get a degree before doing so.

My cousins get married too and you feel like you're missing out on something. A wife is very needy. LOL. Not for you know what purposes, mostly just for having someone to share your life with.

And believe it or not I'm younger than you. :rofl:

So if you get married before me I want your insight on things. And go back to KSA for marriage or are you planning for Europe?
I say 23 to 24 not later. I'm planning the same thing and I could have gotten married but it's better to get myself together and get a degree before doing so.

My cousins get married too and you feel like you're missing out on something. A wife is very needy. LOL. Not for you know what purposes, mostly just for having someone to share your life with.

And believe it or not I'm younger than you. :rofl:

So if you get married before me I want your insight on things. And go back to KSA for marriage or are you planning for Europe?

Yes, that is the right age indeed. Exactly. You have to be able to support the family otherwise the purpose of marriage is very little. Marriage is a huge obligation.

Know the feeling very well. Time flies by very fast. I fell like i was 18 years old yesterday.

LOL, then you must be below 20 years of age. Keep it up. Judging from your posts you will definitely amount to something in this life. Trust me.

Haha, sure I well tell about the details here. If just the dowry was not that big!

As of now definitely KSA or just an Arab Muslim women in general. But it is hard to say you know. Love knows no boundaries. I would prefer her to be Muslim and from a somewhat similar culture. But as you know then Arab culture is very much influenced by Muslim culture so in theory one could marry with a Muslim of any ethnicity since there would be a big connection there. Of course the Middle East would be the best pick for a lot of reasons. Then we would have more things in common than just religion, maybe some personal views etc. Hard to tell.

If it will be the traditional way then a Saudi Arabian women or an Arab women would be the most logical. Muslim of course.

But Allah (swt) will guide one and decide. Not in my hands.:)
Anyway we better end it here so to not go too much off-topic. It was my fault for posting those video clips as funny as they were.:(
I actually feel bad for Sudan, because of our close relationship with them, they have been targeted by the West by supporting those separatists from the South.

China was 100% against the independence of South Sudan.
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