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Korean soliders the crulest war criminals in Vietnam war?


Nov 4, 2011
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I read some articles claim that S.Korean soliders were the crulest war crime perpetrators in the Vietnam war.S.Korea sent 312,853 troops to Vietnam and they killed at least 8,000 Vietnamese civilians,mostly women and children and they raped thousands of Vietnamese women and now many Vietnamese have both Vietnamese and Korean origin.

Does anyone here can provided some detailed information about this little known history of the Vietnam war?
When I was in basic training, we had a Korean guy in our platoon (32 years old, lol, he was the "old man") He was tough as nails, and could put most of us kids down with little effort. We learned a good lesson, don't screw with Bang Hok (sorry if the spelling is wrong, but that was how his name sounded)
I read some articles claim that S.Korean soliders were the crulest war crime perpetrators in the Vietnam war.
I don't know about being the cruelest, but the most feared. The ROK troops were the toughest foreign troops that North Vietnam ever faced, and they battled the Japanese, the French, the Americans, and the Chinese in series.
I actually saw a documentary a few years ago and they interviewed a woman who said that the Koreans were the most brutal.
She said that everyone really got scared when they saw Korean soldiers.
I actually saw a documentary a few years ago and they interviewed a woman who said that the Koreans were the most brutal.
She said that everyone really got scared when they saw Korean soldiers.
This is why the Korean military sees the PLA as a joke army, a disorganized troop weaker than the Vietnamese.
My dad mentioned that the Koreans were hard-@sses. In Korea he said the Turks had a reputation too, the theives learned not to enter their barracks, the last guy they caught they put a rifle-rod through his head and hung it on the main gate.
The term 'Chinese torture' is not symbolic for no reason

beheadings , cut by 1000 cuts are old Chinese practices. there is a lot of history of this and many articles, studies on the web about Chinese methods of torture. perhaps banned in china but it's there
I've heared too that Koreans were really brutal nation. Why can't we have peace in our world : (
I read some articles claim that S.Korean soliders were the crulest war crime perpetrators in the Vietnam war.S.Korea sent 312,853 troops to Vietnam and they killed at least 8,000 Vietnamese civilians,mostly women and children and they raped thousands of Vietnamese women and now many Vietnamese have both Vietnamese and Korean origin.

Does anyone here can provided some detailed information about this little known history of the Vietnam war?

We Vietnamese have been fighting for our Freedom and sovereignty. From 1945 - 1979, around 3 million Vietnamese was killed by our dirty enemies, included Chinese.
Chinese PLA killed over 100,000 innocent Vietnamese in 2/1979. You are dirty Chinese. :smokin:
All the aggressors are punished in Vietnam.


A South Korean soldier laments the death of his comrade-in-arms, who was buried in an interim grave after being killed in battle during the Vietnam War. South Korea dispatched about 320,000 troops to fight alongside U.S. soldiers during the 1965-75 war. More than 5,000 of them were killed and nearly 11,000 others wounded. Many remains have yet to be recovered.




They can't beat anyone alone in battle, so they treat unarmed person brutally. From the history, you can conclude it easily.
Just one question, what was in their for the South Koreans? Was Vietnam a threat to Korea in any way?
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