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Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

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And they will never be united, because the North Korean regime now has nuclear weapons. :wave:

Seoul is right next to the border, and contains 50% of the South Korean population. And even if South Korea somehow manages to consequently invade North Korea and gain some successes... we will be right there waiting to do a repeat of the last Korean War.
Yeah...Yeah...That is what was said about the two Germanys as well. But at least it is nice for the readers to see Chinese racist cruelty being openly celebrated.
Kim Jong-Il's eldest son 'under Chinese protection'


SEOUL — The eldest son of North Korea's late leader Kim Jong-Il has arrived in Beijing as Pyongyang prepares a state funeral for his father, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported Monday.
Citing what it called a source familiar with Kim Jong-Nam's activities, it said he arrived in Beijing from Macau a few days ago and "has been placed under Chinese protection".
Seoul's National Intelligence Service said it had no information on the report and there was no other confirmation.
It was not clear whether the son would attend Wednesday's funeral in Pyongyang, Yonhap said.
Kim Jong-Nam, 40, has lived abroad -- mainly in the Chinese territory of Macau -- for years after apparently falling out of favour with his father for trying to enter Japan on a false passport in 2001.
Kim Jong-Il eventually backed his youngest son from another marriage as the next ruler. The North proclaimed Kim Jong-Un the "great successor" after his father died of a heart attack on December 17.
Kim Jong-Nam's whereabouts have been the subject of intense speculation since his father's death.
"He's moving here and there. It has been hard to track him down," said Ricardo Pinto, publisher of Macau Closer magazine.
"It appears that he lives at his house sometimes, and sometimes he stays at different hotels."
In a January interview with the Tokyo Shimbun, Jong-Nam was quoted as voicing opposition to the planned dynastic succession.
"Even Chairman Mao Zedong of China did not enforce hereditary succession," he was quoted as saying.
"(Hereditary succession) does not fit with socialism, and my father was against it as well."
Chinese Military History is better than Korea military history. Korea got no military history except being a vassal state of China. China is so big Korea is so small. Tells people alot about the 2 country's military history.

---------- Post added at 12:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 AM ----------

Says Korean that seeks refuge under the American flag. :rofl:

Delusional Chinese nationalist demonstrating his poor understanding of history.

The Korean kingdoms Goguryeo, Silla and Balhae all defeated unified Chinese armies by themselves. IN fact the reason why Korea exists today is because of those victories. China has been a slave to the Japanese, Russians, Germans, Austria Hungary, French Empire, British Empire, Manchus, US, Khitans, Mongols, Jurchens and more in the last 1000 years a lone. Korea, Vietnam, Mongolia and various other countries all defeated unified Chinese dynasties.

What makes all of this sad is the fact that China is the most populous nation in the world by a large margin. You would assume that a country with such a numerical superiority would never lose a war, yet the exact opposite is true for China.

300 years of subjugation by the Manchus. Domination by the brits. +300,000 Chinese killed in a single battle against Korea. The PLA running in terror after fighting VIetnamese rice farmers in the late 1970s. Quit distorting history and admit the facts. China has a pathetic military record.
And they will never be united, because the North Korean regime now has nuclear weapons. :wave:

Seoul is right next to the border, and contains 50% of the South Korean population. And even if South Korea somehow manages to survive the loss of half their population, and consequently invade North Korea... we will be right there waiting to do a repeat of the last Korean War.

not a repeat. this time we won't make the mistake of not wiping the cockroaches off the map.
Yet again, you seem to lack the ability to read. Korea militarily defeated China and gained independence. The same is true for Vietnam. Ever wondered where the majority of the Chinese population stems from and why its so genetically diverse? The answer?

China is the amalgamation of several countries that were conquered, enslaved and subjugated by the original yellow river people. Your ancestors came from countries like Korea, Vietnam and Mongolia. Unlike Korea, Vietnam and Mongolia however, your ancestors were too stupid, weak and cowardly to defend their homelands. Your ancestors were enslaved, raped into the Chinese populace. You lost your language, culture, heritage and identity. You became Chinese whereas my ancestors were much smarter, stronger and braver then your ancestors. Thats why they were able to crush China and gain independence. Thats why we have our own country, speak our own language and enjoy our own culture and heritage. Your ancestors originate from now defunct nations that were raped, enslaved and forced to speak Chinese.

Yet you have the nerve to call Korea the slave of China? What a joke.

The British Empire paid tribute to China. Why don't you fabricate history and claim that China defeated the British. Oh wait the exact opposite happened.
Hahahahhhaa all your delusional claims aside, you and I both know Korea is nothing more than a vassal to China for 1000 years, whose sole purpose is a meat shield to blunt the might of Japan, Mongol, Manchu, USA, etc. against the heartland of the Middle Kingdom itself!

Forget about ancient history, ask your grandmother how it felt for Korea to be gangbanged by Japan, China, USA and USSR!

Meanwhile, China just gets bigger and bigger!

not a repeat. this time we won't make the mistake of not wiping the cockroaches off the map.
This time? Serious delusions if you think there can be a 'this time' for China. But do go on, the more your Chinese racism is expressed, the better for the world to see of the upcoming 'superpower'.
Yeah...Yeah...That is what was said about the two Germanys as well. But at least it is nice for the readers to see Chinese racist cruelty being openly celebrated.

Germany has always been a united nation, but the "country" of Korea is an artificial creation of the UN and Comintern.

There was never really a "Korea", just a bunch of warring mountain kingdoms that killed each other until Japan unified them.

It is more accurate to say that the current situation in Korea is one of the historical norms, the other being divided half by Japan and half by China.
The success of a nation is based on how much land they were able to conquer in their history.

Rome went from a single city to an empire that conquered all of Western Europe, North Africa and the Middle East within 700 years.

Britain went from being boxed in in an island in 1600 to a global empire controlling 25% of the land on Earth by 1900.

The US went from 13 colonies hugging the Atlantic coast to conquering across the entire American continent, and into Hawaii and Alaska.

China went from a tiny kingdom of Qin to conquer most of mainland Asia by the Tang Dynasty, within 800 years.

Korea on the other hand was always boxed into its tiny little peninsula.

More like China being conquered by foreign powers. Then breeding the conquerors out of existence. It has nothing to do with military superiority or intelligence and everything to do with Chinese people breeding like rabbits.

The Yangtze and Yellow river are the two largest rivers in Asia. Its due to these two rivers that Chinas population expanded so rapidly which allowed them to conquer much smaller nations with ease until they fell face first into the dirt when going up against the superior Koreans, Vietnamese or Mongols.

Thats why China was able to conque
This time? Serious delusions if you think there can be a 'this time' for China. But do go on, the more your Chinese racism is expressed, the better for the world to see of the upcoming 'superpower'.

if there is a 'this time' then we will take full advantage of it.
Germany has always been a united nation, but the "country" of Korea is an artificial creation of the UN and Comintern.

There was never really a "Korea", just a bunch of warring mountain kingdoms that killed each other until Japan unified them.

It is more accurate to say that the current situation in Korea is one of the historical norms, the other being divided half by Japan and half by China.
:lol: Then we can argue that the moment the US and allies decided to give China independence after WW II, today's China is equally 'artificial'.
During the Imjin War, we allowed the japanese to first slaughter Koreans, then we fought Japan and won easily.

Thats not what happened although i'm not surprise that such statements come from the mouth of a Chinese person. The same group of people who struggle to tell the truth.
Delusional Chinese nationalist demonstrating his poor understanding of history.

The Korean kingdoms Goguryeo, Silla and Balhae all defeated unified Chinese armies by themselves. IN fact the reason why Korea exists today is because of those victories. China has been a slave to the Japanese, Russians, Germans, Austria Hungary, French Empire, British Empire, Manchus, US, Khitans, Mongols, Jurchens and more in the last 1000 years a lone. Korea, Vietnam, Mongolia and various other countries all defeated unified Chinese dynasties.

What makes all of this sad is the fact that China is the most populous nation in the world by a large margin. You would assume that a country with such a numerical superiority would never lose a war, yet the exact opposite is true for China.

300 years of subjugation by the Manchus. Domination by the brits. +300,000 Chinese killed in a single battle against Korea. The PLA running in terror after fighting VIetnamese rice farmers in the late 1970s. Quit distorting history and admit the facts. China has a pathetic military record.

Korea = Vassal state of China.
Hahahahhhaa all your delusional claims aside, you and I both know Korea is nothing more than a vassal to China for 1000 years, whose sole purpose is a meat shield to blunt the might of Japan, Mongol, Manchu, USA, etc. against the heartland of the Middle Kingdom itself!

Forget about ancient history, ask your grandmother how it felt for Korea to be gangbanged by Japan, China, USA and USSR!

Meanwhile, China just gets bigger and bigger!


Yet again, further evidence that you lack basic understanding of history.

The Yangtze and Yellow river are the two largest rivers in Asia. Its due to these two rivers that Chinas population expanded so rapidly which allowed them to conquer much smaller nations with ease until they fell face first into the dirt when going up against the superior Koreans, Vietnamese or Mongols.

China would go on to eventually being conquered by groups like the Mongols, Manchus and western nations but simply out breeded the conquerors. Nothing to do with military ability. In fact Chinas military record is abyssmal as demonstrate by incidents like this

Battle of Salsu

A few thousand Koreans slaughter 302,300 Chinese with ease.
if there is a 'this time' then we will take full advantage of it.
Masturbate to that big 'if' dream. Along with what a woman feels like given the dearth of females in China. Or may be is it because there are no females in whatever village you are in that the only thing you can jerk yourself to sleep is your racist desire to kill off 'inferior' peoples.
:lol: Then we can argue that the moment the US and allies decided to give China independence after WW II, today's China is equally 'artificial'.

China in WW2 was a fully independent entity in all aspects as the Republic of China with its own currency, military and government, with no foreigners in the top ranks nor supervising division+ level troops.

Korea on the other hand was a colony of Japan since the 19th century.

There is no such country called Korea. The Korean peninsula is a Japanese province occupied by terrorists.

Masturbate to that big 'if' dream. Along with what a woman feels like given the dearth of females in China. Or may be is it because there are no females in whatever village you are in that the only thing you can jerk yourself to sleep is your racist desire to kill off 'inferior' peoples.

you're 50 and unmarried. i'm 23 and had multiple girlfriends already. come on old man. come up with something better :lol:
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