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Kids less fit than parents were: Global study


Sep 20, 2013
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Todays kids cant keep up with their parents. An analysis of studies on millions of children around the world finds they don’t run as fast or as far as their parents did when they were young.

On average, it takes children 90 seconds longer to run a mile (1.6 kilometer) than their counterparts did 30 years ago. Heart-related fitness has declined 5 percent per decade since 1975 for children ages 9 to 17.

The American Heart Association, whose conference featured the research on Tuesday, says its the first to show that children fitness has declined worldwide over the last three decades.

"It makes sense. We have kids that are less active than before," said Dr. Stephen Daniels, a University of Colorado pediatrician and spokesman for the heart association.

World Health Organization numbers suggest that 80 percent of young people globally may not be getting enough exercise.

Health experts recommend that children 6 and older get 60 minutes of moderately vigorous activity accumulated over a day.

Only one-third of American kids do now.

"Many schools, for economic reasons, dont have any physical education at all," Daniels said.

Sam Kass, a White House chef and head of first lady Michelle Obamas Lets Move program, told the conference on Monday, "We are currently facing the most sedentary generation of children in our history.

"The new study was led by Grant Tomkinson, an exercise physiologist at the University of South Australia.

Researchers analyzed 50 studies on running fitness - a key measure of cardiovascular health and endurance - involving 25 million children ages 9 to 17 in 28 countries from 1964 to 2010.

The studies measured how far children could run in 5 to 15 minutes and how quickly they ran a certain distance, ranging from half a mile to 2 miles (3.2 kilometers).

Todays kids are about 15 percent less fit than their parents were, researchers concluded.

"The changes are very similar for boys and girls and also for various ages," but differed by geographic region, Tomkinson said.

The decline in fitness seems to be leveling off in Europe, Australia and New Zealand, and perhaps in the last few years in North America.

However, it continues to fall in China, and Japan never had much falloff - fitness has remained fairly consistent there.

About 20 million of the 25 million children in the studies were from Asia.

Tomkinson and Daniels said obesity likely plays a role, since it makes it harder to run or do any aerobic exercise.

Too much time watching television and playing video games and unsafe neighborhoods with not enough options for outdoor play also may play a role, they said.

Other research discussed global declines in activity.Fitness is "pretty poor in adults and even worse in young people," especially in the United States and eastern Europe, said Dr. Ulf Ekelund of the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences in Oslo, Norway.

Kids less fit than parents were: Global study | HEALTH - geo.tv
I think is the same the world over. when i was a kid i used to spend most of my time outdoors, my kids spend it indoors playing video games , there is no way they are going to be healthy that way .
I didn't have too many video games growing up, the only thing I remember were the mario games and contra. For entertainment my friends and I used to play cricket or beat an old cycle wheel around the streets. Or open up an old battery and use it as wheels and run around like idiots.

Now a days, kids are too much holed up inside, I rarely see kids playing in the play ground near my house.
I didn't have too many video games growing up, the only thing I remember were the mario games and contra. For entertainment my friends and I used to play cricket or beat an old cycle wheel around the streets. Or open up an old battery and use it as wheels and run around like idiots.

Now a days, kids are too much holed up inside, I rarely see kids playing in the play ground near my house.

Well those were the two video games i used to play as well but not as much as children play now a days and we used to have a lot of out door activities as well that i hardly see around anymore. But my parents used to tell me this always and theirs used to tell them as well lol
I didn't have too many video games growing up, the only thing I remember were the mario games and contra. For entertainment my friends and I used to play cricket or beat an old cycle wheel around the streets. Or open up an old battery and use it as wheels and run around like idiots.

Now a days, kids are too much holed up inside, I rarely see kids playing in the play ground near my house.
I know what you mean , in those days we had video game parlous in Delhi ,and even when we shifted to Nagpur there was one near liberty cinema. but i never liked those. i was used to playing hocky or football. but i guess those were simpler times, we did not have the choices the kids have now a days.

And oh yeah !!!! we used to cycle everywhere. we need to visit a friend we would cycle, my daughter just says she wants to go here or there and my driver has to drop her. :hitwall:
The global chain of eating joints in each county along with internet, mobile, ipads widespread use among the children is greatly responsible for there not fully fit physically
Also PDF.

You too is a reason of downfall in physical health of pakistani kids. Lots of them are here. ;)

At least they are not on inappropriate sites or useless video games site playing dress up games. ;)
At least they are not on inappropriate sites or useless video games site playing dress up games. ;)

What you think the tharki group is doing now? Just check their other tabs and you will find the reasons behind their horny posts. ;)

I do agree, though unintentional, many trolls learn a lot here.
Also PDF.

You too is a reason of downfall in physical health of pakistani kids. Lots of them are here. ;)

Not at all PDF has given me knowledge regarding lots of things
& gave me a chance to meet many people
I earlier thought that all Arabs are lazy religious idiots
Who don't know Shite
I did not knew much about china
I never knew india had such Advance space & Nuclear program
I never knew what BDs thought about us
& most important I developed intrest into politics
Earlier I wanted to join Youth Congress & admired RG

What you think the tharki group is doing now? Just check their other tabs and you will find the reasons behind their horny posts. ;)

I do agree, though unintentional, many trolls learn a lot here.

Tharak Tharak
Dhua udaye re Tharak Tharak
At least they are not on inappropriate sites or useless video games site playing dress up games. ;)
I dont mind if they go to those sites, at least it will give them something to do then instead of vegging out in front of the TV:)
How i wish those inappropriate sites were available when i was young , all we had in out days were debonair:D
Not at all PDF has given me knowledge regarding lots of things
& gave me a chance to meet many people
I earlier thought that all Arabs are lazy religious idiots
Who don't know Shite
I did not knew much about china
I never knew india had such Advance space & Nuclear program
I never knew what BDs thought about us
& most important I developed intrest into politics
Earlier I wanted to join Youth Congress & admired RG

Tharak Tharak
Dhua udaye re Tharak Tharak

@WebMaster Give this guy a cookie. :D
Not at all PDF has given me knowledge regarding lots of things
& gave me a chance to meet many people
I earlier thought that all Arabs are lazy religious idiots
Who don't know Shite
I did not knew much about china
I never knew india had such Advance space & Nuclear program
I never knew what BDs thought about us
& most important I developed intrest into politics
Earlier I wanted to join Youth Congress & admired RG

Tharak Tharak
Dhua udaye re Tharak Tharak

:clap: for you.
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