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Khaleda set for official India visit

That is because most Bangladeshi's never came to PDF and don't know what average PDF Indians think of them. I think PDF will be a good place to send any Bangladeshi for treatment, if we detect too much love for India.:azn:

As for 1971, that is correct most young people don't care and older ones moved on. Life is hard enough as it is and everyone wants to build a future, not get stuck in the past. The ones that are constantly harping about 1971 and war crimes tribunal etc. are Awami League who use it as their political capital, even though people are tired of hearing the same old story like a broken record. They have Rudi Giuliani (September 11) and we have Hasina with her 1971, we need to make a video like this one:

Rudy Giuliani Mr. 9/11 remix - YouTube

Don't be delusional, Majority of Bangladeshi's want Good relations with India.At first I am surprised to see these jamaati'sand pro pakistani guys who come here and post India bashing posts in this forum. Later I realized these guys are different and represent tiny minority in BD after reading some comments in Bangladeshi tabloids.

It is India who is stealing our water. India is a thief and pariah state. It is danger to the peace of South asia.

Go and say these words to China, They are the ones who have plans to divert Brahmaputra river in future. As far as Teesta water dam issue every country or neighbors will have these kind of issues and will be solved with progressive diplomatic moves. Lot of people here run like headless chickens with India bashing posts.
Just for grin, what would be indian excuse to Awami luguge for back stabbing attempt? What should be Awami response to indian back stabbing?

Can't wait to see response to exposed indian interference and deception.

will india go for it? how can India handel siding with her at cost of hasina?
Do not you want our greatest BD asset rawamIDUNE to make comments about BKZ's visit to India? In a previous post somewhere in another thread he commented BNP leader BKZ will never go to India because it will be sellout. I do not understand why people are so naive to talk like this about a visit to a neighbouring country? Why these brainwashed Jamaatis think it is a sell out? These guys play BNP, but they are Jamaatis. But, their pretention makes BNP to be seen in bad light by others. These disgruntled guys believe the world is moving around BD and all are conspirating against it.


My statement you reposted questioned DS report that did not give any authortive source but was speculating that time. But never I said if KZ goes to indian she will be sell out. That is eastwatch pathological lie. Its natural that you will join eastwatch lying campaign that I said "BKZ will never go to India because it will be sellout". After days of search you still could not back up your and eastwatch lie.

Still waiting for proof of your and eastwatch pathological lie.

You wrote so many stuff and highlighted it but cleverly opted out the part where you said it is a likely propaganda!!!

Why it seemed to you BKZ will go to India is only a speculation and propaganda??? Thats the main point of Eastwatch that you earlier talked negative about the visit and now you are trying to change your course...

With these considerations, what Daily Star published as "likely" is questionable to say the least. Captain of Awami fanboy club has obvious reason to cheer about this likely propaganda.
I wonder how of much of either of your (Kalu & Akmal) thoughts are reflective of the ground-realities of Bangladesh ! I can't recall a single Bangladeshi outside of this forum on in real life that I met who had good words to say about Pakistan; time & again I've seen the question deflected aside as them being 'mere Awami Leaguers', though I wonder if they are representative of majority Bangladeshis ! The same people came across as Pro-India in an Indo-Pak contest & here we're talking about 'Anti-India Foreign Policies', even 'Defence Pact with Pakistan' in addition to 'Friendship' ! :undecided:

well Armstrong bro , lets sum up things like this:

1)Almost all (I would say 9/10) hindus and other minorities will vote for BAL regardless what BAL does. And I am saying this with due respect to the minorities. They are the core & permanent vote bank of BAL.

2) We have 5-10% suckular (not being rude to rational seculars, as these are brain dead awami suckular dalals we are talking about) dalal munafiqs who will vote for BAL even if they officially sell the country to India.

SO that gives BAL a 20-25 % vote bank regardless of any situation. BNP,most likely the largest party in terms of membership at grass roots level also have 25-30% permanent vote bank. JI has 5-6 % vote bank. SO that leaves around 50% of the people who are overwhelmingly neutral and their vote shifts to either party alternatively. Majority bangaldeshis are devout muslims and are non-communal unlike awami sukulars. BNP even though the major party with the largest support base currently lacks cohesion and is intact thanks to Begum zia and some senior founding leaders. JI even though small ,have a strong military like chain of command and have strong cohesion. As for BAL, well they too have to some extent lack cohesion but have militant extremist like cadres that can wreck havoc in the politics of BD any day. Both BNP/JI or any other party pales in comparison to the BAL militancy. Militant, irrational & extreme, that’s how U can define BAL in simple terms.

3) The young gen are mostly not into BAL-BNP politics & are mostly neutral who could care less about 71 & PAK. As KALU Bhai said earlier , 71 is irrelevant to majority bangladeshis. Forget pro-India, the young people don't even give woot to what india farts every now & then. They are overwhelmingly anti-India given India's current policies. U can also add the BNP and JI support base not liking India and also major awami support base who also have apathy to India.

4) SO now U can ask who hates PAK. Well that 5-10% awami suckular dalals that I talked about, survives on PAK hate. Without 71 awami propaganda BAL has absolutely no carrots to lure tiny winy bit of support. Also these group is very influential rich class people and have media under their control even during BNP period and so in various other web forums, it may seem like represent bangladeshis but just visit any BD FB pages , U will see that bangladeshis mostly have classic gali for India. Infact PDF bangladeshis here are more polite and reasonable to Indian arrogant rants than avg. Bangladeshis.

5) Lastly why do think Bangladeshis are pro-Indian?Why should we be pro-anything if U are talking in nationalistic terms. As for forgien policy , we never ever had a pro-indian policy apart from 71-75. Pres. Zia’s shaping of BD’s forgien policy which centered around having a balanced relation, a strict business like relation with India was carried on after him by succeeding gov. Even though BALcame to power in the middle(96-2001), they couldn’t change it. But now, yes these BAL dalals managed to get some pro-Indian tilt. But these dalals don’t necessarily represent Bangladeshis.

6) Don’t mind awami dalal, if U ever met any bro. And also don’t mind what these crazy Indians here say, usually their ignorance farts out of their mouth. Infact PDF is a good representation of BD’s popular sentiments. NO one here is what these Indian fools call “Razakar”. Most here are students and may be in their mid-20s and 30s if I am not wrong.

Don't be delusional, Majority of Bangladeshi's want Good relations with India.At first I am surprised to see these jamaati'sand pro pakistani guys who come here and post India bashing posts in this forum. Later I realized these guys are different and represent tiny minority in BD after reading some comments in Bangladeshi tabloids.

Go and say these words to China, They are the ones who have plans to divert Brahmaputra river in future. As far as Teesta water dam issue every country or neighbors will have these kind of issues and will be solved with progressive diplomatic moves. Lot of people here run like headless chickens with India bashing posts.

Indian calling a Bangladeshi delusional because he thinks he knows more about what Bangladeshi's think than a Bangladeshi himself, classic.

Keep believing and living in your self made imaginary world, it will do you a lot of good.

Like Luffy said above, you are dealing with highly conscious and knowledgeable part of Bangladeshi population here in PDF, who care about their country. Definitely we are not your average clueless Bangladeshi, that is for sure and we know what our countrymen think, much more than you or any other Indian can, just by reading comments off from web some place. Why, because we live among Bangladeshi's in expat community and in Bangladesh itself, as a result we are in tune with Bangladeshi public opinion, which is very difficult for any foreigner to have access to.

Do not underestimate these anonymous web forums, they bring out people's real thoughts which you would not see otherwise from news paper polls or some reports. Consider it as an opportunity to get insight into people who you would not have access to otherwise. I do because I do not doubt and underestimate Indians feeling of hostility and disrespect towards our country, I think its a window into Indian psyche and mindset and I value it, as it is useful information for us.
^^^ It goes both ways, very few know about the venom bd members spew here, most Indians join here with pakistan bad, bangladesh good mindset, but it quickly changes after few months.

In any case I have full faith in our leadership to handle relation with other countries, big and small, I dont want lynch mob to shape foreign policy, so less Indians know about jamati bangladeshi, the better.

We have out own nationalist BNP, its called BJP. I can understand the 'sickular' and minority votebank pretty well, thats a common BJP supperter's argument.
^^^ It goes both ways, very few know about the venom bd members spew here, most Indians join here with pakistan bad, bangladesh good mindset, but it quickly changes after few months.

In any case I have full faith in our leadership to handle relation with other countries, big and small, I dont want lynch mob to shape foreign policy, so less Indians know about jamati bangladeshi, the better.

We have out own nationalist BNP, its called BJP. I can understand the 'sickular' and minority votebank pretty well, thats a common BJP supperter's argument.

Anything that exposes indian interference, double speak and propaganda automatically labeled as "anti india", "venom" and what not. And whoever exposes it or talks about it labeled as "jamatti", "rajakar" that is typical indian behavior from its prime minister to PDF foot soldiers. That does speak a volume about indian psyche; front and back side.

In this forum folks comes with political bias covering all political ideologies in Bangladesh. There are difference of opinions but all have same voice on india - india is a untrustworthy, interfering, intruding and aggressive neighborhood bully, period.
^^^ It goes both ways, very few know about the venom bd members spew here, most Indians join here with pakistan bad, bangladesh good mindset, but it quickly changes after few months.

In any case I have full faith in our leadership to handle relation with other countries, big and small, I dont want lynch mob to shape foreign policy, so less Indians know about jamati bangladeshi, the better.

We have out own nationalist BNP, its called BJP. I can understand the 'sickular' and minority votebank pretty well, thats a common BJP supperter's argument.

It is understandable, Pakistan does a better job of keeping Indian interference out, Bangladesh was not able to, so far. So the hostility with Pakistan is overt and out in the open with a Nuclear stand-off. This also forces you to be respectful and friendly with them.

But Bangladesh was supposedly a country India helped liberate and is a "friendly" country, but in reality it is a pseudo vassal state that India tries to control with Awami League, sometimes it succeeds and AL is in power, other times it fails. So the resentment is for this interference. A larger percentage of Hindu population provides India this leverage with Bangladesh, which is absent in Pakistan, that is another factor that makes the situation different.

Eventually we will also need nuclear deterrence, I think its only a matter of time.

And yes keep deluding yourself that PDF members are jamati, there may be one or two who support the political party JeI, but the vast majority do not.
You wrote so many stuff and highlighted it but cleverly opted out the part where you said it is a likely propaganda!!!

Why it seemed to you BKZ will go to India is only a speculation and propaganda??? Thats the main point of Eastwatch that you earlier talked negative about the visit and now you are trying to change your course...

I said "likely propaganda" because Daily Star did not mention any authoritative source. That is not same as saying "BKZ will never go to India because it will be sellout". Now you can be eastwatch pet parrot for lie but other than your desperate lie and concoction you still could not produce the proof for your and master claims.
Don't be delusional, Majority of Bangladeshi's want Good relations with India.At first I am surprised to see these jamaati'sand pro pakistani guys who come here and post India bashing posts in this forum. Later I realized these guys are different and represent tiny minority in BD after reading some comments in Bangladeshi tabloids.

Go and say these words to China, They are the ones who have plans to divert Brahmaputra river in future. As far as Teesta water dam issue every country or neighbors will have these kind of issues and will be solved with progressive diplomatic moves. Lot of people here run like headless chickens with India bashing posts.

No, it is India who tregularly builds dams and reservoirs to divert our share of water to suit its ego. I have already sent an elaborate post regarding the benefits of a Chinese plan somewhere else which I do not want to post here. But, China's building of a large reservoir will help us by reducing the chances of floods and inundations with excessive water in the Summers.

China will have to produce electricity to power the heavy pumps to bring up the water to a higher ground in the hills before it is sent to the north. Since a regulated quantity of water will flow down the power station and to the Brahmaputra, therefore, more water will be available in winter when we need it more.

Bangladesh is always asking India to arrange for a tripartite (BD, India and Nepal) water management whereby excess water will be retained in the mountains of Nepal and power to be produced which will benefit all three countries. But, an ego-centric India does not heed to our request. It now wants to build a connection canal to divert Brahmaputra water.

So, a China dam will not cause us any harm unless the criminals in Delhi steal our water.
Indian calling a Bangladeshi delusional because he thinks he knows more about what Bangladeshi's think than a Bangladeshi himself, classic.

Keep believing and living in your self made imaginary world, it will do you a lot of good.

Like Luffy said above, you are dealing with highly conscious and knowledgeable part of Bangladeshi population here in PDF, who care about their country. Definitely we are not your average clueless Bangladeshi, that is for sure and we know what our countrymen think, much more than you or any other Indian can, just by reading comments off from web some place. Why, because we live among Bangladeshi's in expat community and in Bangladesh itself, as a result we are in tune with Bangladeshi public opinion, which is very difficult for any foreigner to have access to.

Do not underestimate these anonymous web forums, they bring out people's real thoughts which you would not see otherwise from news paper polls or some reports. Consider it as an opportunity to get insight into people who you would not have access to otherwise. I do because I do not doubt and underestimate Indians feeling of hostility and disrespect towards our country, I think its a window into Indian psyche and mindset and I value it, as it is useful information for us.

Most people who represent BD here are Highly conscious community with strong hatred towards India which is not real BD.
Most people who represent BD here are Highly conscious community with strong hatred towards India which is not real BD.

If you feel there is hatred, may be you should ask them why there is hatred, there is reason behind everything. I personally do not hate India or Indians.
While I'm not a fan of this begum with carbon footprint of a small nation, but it seems BNP is looking for "Indian bags of cash and advice". We should oblige.
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