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Kayani’s possible new role gives sleepless nights to Indian Establishment


Sep 21, 2011
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Although Pakistan’s army chief General Ashfaque Pervez Kayani, stepping down next month, has made it clear that he will not accept any new assignment after retirement, his possible new role of handling Kashmir and Afghanistan Affairs is giving sleepless nights to India’s military establishment. According to report carried by India Today, recent intelligence reports about the future role of soon to retire Pakistan army chief General Ashfaque Pervez Kayani have not been music to the ears of South Block mandarins.

According to the intelligence reports, Kayani is making a push to assume the charge of Kashmir and Afghanistan affairs as National Security Adviser. India’s Establishment fears that the General would control the Kashmir button and, significantly, assume the charge of Afghanistan operations after his term ends on November 29. This would prove India’s worst fears as true because the move will have a significant bearing on the security of India. Indians are apprehensive that if Kayani indeed becomes Pakistan’s National Security Adviser, he will continue to put the heat on the international border and the Line of Control (LoC) and the terror tap may also remain open even in the summer of 2014. Chances of resumption of peace dialogue will recede with the military running the affairs on Kashmir.

Apart from Kashmir, Kayani’s possible new role will also bring bad news for India’s interests in Afghanistan. Indian Establishment is the real handlers of President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan and with possible say of Kayani on Afghanistan affairs, Karzai perceived to be anti-Pakistan US-puppet will feel deeply destabilized and may have to eventually become totally irrelevant.

India’s fears of Kayani becoming National Security Adviser may be far-fetched given the impression that Kayani himself gave of accepting no new role after his retirement. This is evident from the fact that rumor-mongers had a field day when they were screaming at the top of their voice of Kayani become Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee or Pakistan’s envoy to Washington DC. He had to make the clarification himself that he would like to retire without accepting any future role. After a very long time, Pakistan has appointed a career diplomat as Ambassador to the US dispelling all the rumors.

ALLVOICES: Kayani’s possible new role gives sleepless nights to Indian Establishment
If he could do a zilch as a army chief, I doubt he can do anything as National Security Adviser handling 'Kashmir' and Afghanistan Affairs.

I doubt India would ever bulge from its position on Kashmir, and Pakistan has to come to term that it doesn't has the ammunition to take on India
lol indians are funny...come on guys sharif is not such a naive.and nor PA are brain less.it make perfect sence to keep india busy in bashing pakistan.all the stake holders are waiting the withdrwal of isaf....that make sence becose as a matter of fact millitancy is not like electricity,switch off and on.. it needs time to make up peoples mind and what all is been done is the part of that big game..to be frank what Nato will make difference when they will be allready too few remaining.that will be tackeled by talibans effectively in afg.rest assured there is alote of water to fish.just wait and see.thanx ali
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