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Kashmiri Pandit genocide by Muslim Jihadis - Never Forget

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Mar 15, 2012
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The Kashmiri Pandit genocide, spare a thought ... lest we forget !!! - YouTube

They will talk about secularism, human rights, religious freedom and all the good stuff when they are the minority, but the moment they are in a majority all this will go out the window and they will slaughter you. That has been the true fact of the Jihadis ever since they stepped foot in India. We need to wake up and reply with an iron fist.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"

1947 we got slaughtered by Pakistani Muslims, we went South. 1989 we got slaughtered by Kashmiri Muslims, we went south again. Already been fooled twice. Whats next? Get slaughtered in Delhi/Mumbai/Kolkata and move more South? Soon there will be no land left to go South and we will have to move to the Indian Ocean.
The Kashmiri Pandit genocide, spare a thought ... lest we forget !!! - YouTube

They will talk about secularism, human rights, religious freedom and all the good stuff when they are the minority, but the moment they are in a majority all this will go out the window and they will slaughter you. That has been the true fact of the Jihadis ever since they stepped foot in India. We need to wake up and reply with an iron fist.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"

1947 we got slaughtered by Pakistani Muslims, we went South. 1989 we got slaughtered by Kashmiri Muslims, we went south again. Already been fooled twice. Whats next? Get slaughtered in Delhi/Mumbai/Kolkata and move more South? Soon there will be no land left to go South and we will have to move to the Indian Ocean.

Sorry Bro , you are second class citizen in India. Indian is ruled by Muslims (Via Proxy like Kongress, Mulla-yam and Lallo). Hindus are second class citizen in India.

Sardar (Mulla) Manmohan singh has already said from Lal Quila "Muslims have first right on indian resources.".. DO you think some one need to hoist green flag on Lal-Quila, when My Sardar (Mulla) PM has already did it.....
CONgress has and is committed/ing genocide against its own people, a f-ing HUGE list of deaths, Kashimiri Pandits, Sikhs 84, farmers suicides, millions dying of hunger every year, countless ethnic and religious riots . AND STILL Indians vote for this party.... WTF!!!
Hindus, Sikhs , Buddhists etc who support Congress are nothing but fools. That party should be banned. Or else just prepare for India to be integrated into Pakistan and Bangladesh during the rule of Congress
Thats urdu not punjabi.

rassi jal gayi par bal nahi gaya.(The twirl remains even after the rope burns out)
Nah, when indians try to type roman it gets weird
I think rassi is what you have and our bal is still invincible?
Thats not Genocide as Muslims are killing other religious groups.
hai, itna ghussa
aa ke le kyun nhi lete humse kashmir?

kaunsa kashmir?

as far as i know last tym u were the country playing all possible tricks, games, con to get kashmir and its happening since 1948.

or are you in lala-land where kashmir is owned by pakistanis?
I beleive...you should not put Muslim Jihadis as this is presenting all Indian Muslim in a wrong side...rather title should be fanatics terrorits in Kashmir killed Hindu Pandits...
kaunsa kashmir?

as far as i know last tym u were the country playing all possible tricks, games, con to get kashmir and its happening since 1948.

or are you in lala-land where kashmir is owned by pakistanis?
Relative to both countries' sizes a large part of kashmir is owned by Pakistan, and not to mention Aksai CHina and Gilgit Baltistan whom Indians dream about

Thats not Genocide as Muslims are killing other religious groups.
For every pundit a hundred muslims are getting butchered by IA
because we don't run terrorist camps and bring down towers containing hardworking people and kill families dining in restaurants...

Right. The LTTE were Muslims who received training in Pakistan, weren't they!

The funny thing is that their main strategy in warfare -- suicide bombing -- al-Qaeda and its derivatives all copied from the LTTE. Be proud, or whatever.
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