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Kashmir Solidarity Day Conferences in Pakistan

Its unfortunate that our nations are stuck in this political limbo for generations and only the british are to blame for it to happen such way ...

With Musharif sahib I was very positive he can some how close this issue but unfortunately for India/Pak , we had this craziness of Talibans next door - which just resulted in such a great lost of oppourtunity to resolve the matter

From my calculations , the only other outcome is a accidental war - and the consequences of that are irreversible - for 2-3 generation as scars by Nuclear arsenel do not heal for 2-3 generation , and if any water sources are contaminated it would be end of life in 82% of subcontinent

I agree.. Its extremely unfortunate. I also recently saw a thread on 7 solutions to Kashmir. I think thats a load of BS. In my view there can only be 4 outcomes

1. India sufffers a major setback and becomes so weak economically and/or militarily that it can no longer resist and gives up Kashmir
2. Pakistan's internal situation becomes so bad that Kashmir takes a back seat against fighting for survival
3. Nuclear War. The UN takes over large parts of both countries including Kashmir and creates seperate countries
4. Both countries find a face saving way of converting LOC to IB
The UN resolution is dead as a dodo, it reflected the sit back then in 48. There has been a lot of movement of people ever since. So self determination will not happen. India is only getting stronger, at least next 50 yrs will see substantial incr in Indian mil and economic muscle. So the only solution which is ever possible is conversion of LC into IB and then tale peace by aving soft borders. Borders canot be softened before this b'coz there is too much mistrust. If Indians remove/ reduce forces from LC Pakistanis may take advantage and vice versa.
One day people of Jammu n Kashmir will get freedom.
We (Pakistan) are with u.
:: ISPR :: Inter Services Public Relations - PAKISTAN

wreath laying ceremony was held at Azad Kashmir Regimental Centre, Mansar

To express solidarity with the people of Jammu and Kashmir for the right of their self determination and to pay homage to the Shuhada of Azad Kashmir Regiment, who laid down their lives while defending their motherland, a wreath laying ceremony was held at Azad Kashmir Regimental Centre, Mansar.

Brigadier Syed Shahid Ali, Commandant of Azad Kashmir Regimental Centre, laid the floral wreath at the ‘Yadgar-e- Shuhada’ and offered Fateh.
One day people of Jammu n Kashmir will get freedom.
We (Pakistan) are with u.

Sir ,

dont you think Pakistan should be more concerned about Taliban at this movement.............
And India is waiting for that day from 6 decades .
As you have predicted the future, I humbly request you to give the date also;)
Saw this old article in an Indian Media report.. Has Anyone seen a neutral report on this since this is a non indian event..

Extensive development in J-K in comparison to Azad Kashmir

Extensive development in J-K in comparison to ***
Member of European Parliament (MEP) Geoffrey van Orden said there had been extensive political and economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, which was totally lacking in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (***).

Brussels, Apr 9 : Member of European Parliament (MEP) Geoffrey van Orden said there had been extensive political and economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, which was 'totally lacking' in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (***).

The MEPs heavily criticised Pakistan for 'lack of democracy and development' in Gilgit and Baltistan areas of ***.

While Pakistan was seeking self-determination in Jammu and Kashmir, "it was not even prepared to allow democracy on its side of the border," Baronness Emma Nicholson MEP said at a two-day international conference on 'Constitutional, Political and Socio-economic conditions of Gilgit Baltistan' at the European Parliament in Brussels on Tuesday.

Nicholson, who represents the Liberal Democratic Party, had authored a report on the "suppression of human rights" in the Northern Areas of ***, which was adopted by the European Parliament in 2007.

Charles Tannock, MEP from the UK, drew a sharp contrast between India and Pakistan in terms of economic development and democracy, while UNPO chief Marino Musdaschin said there could be no progress on Kashmir "till the initiation of full political process in ***".

The conference was also attended by several other MEPs, NGO representatives and leaders of the International Kashmir Alliance (IKA).

IKA General Secretary Shaukat Ali Kashmiri wanted the European Parliament to set up a fact-finding mission on the ground realities in the Gilgit and Baltistan region and other parts of the ***.

He also sought starting of a bus service between Gilgit-Baltistan in *** and Ladakh as part of Indo-Pak confidence-building measures.

Kashmiri told ANI that the focus of the deliberations would be on trying to determine the Constitutional status of Gilgit and Baltistan, as well as discussions on the measures required to improve socio-economic conditions of the people of these underdeveloped and remote areas.

All five regions -- the Kashmir Valley, Jammu, Ladakh, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit and Baltistan are perceived to be disputed and part of the Jammu and Kashmir state, as they were at the time of partition.

The IKA has been at the forefront of promoting intra-Kashmir dialogue.

Kashmiri commentators and political activists see the IKA as a symbol of resistance, as it opposed politics of violence and intimidation.

It has challenged the division of the state, and reinforced state boundaries at a time when so-called nationalists and other Kashmiri leaders are considering different options that could lead to a permanent division of Kashmir.

The IKA has always been of the view that the Government of Pakistan is not in the least bit interested in providing the right of self-determination to Kashmiris and to secure the unity of the state.

It was heartening to see the videos of rallies coming out recently. This is what they were chanting in the streets of Srinagar while defying the unofficial curfew recently - Pakistan se rishta kya, La Ilaha IllAllah!

How can we not show solidarity to a people who risk their lives simply so they can show their solidarity with us? Almost brought a tear to my eye. Kashmir Zindabad - Pakistan Zindabad
The UN resolution is dead as a dodo, it reflected the sit back then in 48.... So self determination will not happen.
So let me get this straight. Because you denied them the right of self-determination since 1948, they should now suffer because it's too late? What kind of logic is that? Oh yeah, self-serving logic.

Self-determination will happen. Nobody has ever been able to occupy another people forever. It may go on for another 100 years, but it will end, I assure you. By holding on to this attitude, you will only delay the inevitable and become the cause of the killing of many more civilians (not to mention your own soldiers).

India is only getting stronger, at least next 50 yrs will see substantial incr in Indian mil and economic muscle. So the only solution which is ever possible is conversion of LC into IB and then tale peace by aving soft borders.
This solution does not hold water with three our of the four parties involved; Pakistan, Azad Kashmir and Indian Occupied Kashmir. Just because India has been "getting stronger for 50 years" doesn't mean the rest will roll-over and give in to bullying. At the very least, the Valley must be released from Indian control, and then an international border can be mapped out. I am all for soft-border, but it will be useless if the people of the region themselves aren't happy with the location of the border.

Also, since India was the first to violate the Line of Control in Siachen, you no longer hold any credibility when you say "LoC in IB".
I hereby express my solidarity with the people of Pak occupied Kashmir
Why leave out the Indian Occupied Kashmiris? Are they not people as well? See, Pakistani support for Kashmir is not based on which side of the border they are located on, it's complete and true. Your support, unfortunately, is sad and pathetic as it only serves your own interests. "Pakistan Occupied Kashmir", that's funny coming from an Indian.

But hey, you're half-way there, better than most of your fellow countrymen.
It was heartening to see the videos of rallies coming out recently. This is what they were chanting in the streets of Srinagar while defying the unofficial curfew recently - Pakistan se rishta kya, La Ilaha IllAllah!

How can we not show solidarity to a people who risk their lives simply so they can show their solidarity with us? Almost brought a tear to my eye. Kashmir Zindabad - Pakistan Zindabad
These are your views and sentiments and I will not belittle them by contradicting those ...

So let me get this straight. Because you denied them the right of self-determination since 1948, they should now suffer because it's too late? What kind of logic is that? Oh yeah, self-serving logic.
Actually this is a constitutional logic. In India, a state does not belong to the people living in that state but to the whole nation. If someone has to vote on Kashmir's status, it will have to be the whole country and not a single state though the result of both elections will be the same. You get moved by selective videos on you tube but I rather take my cues from a > 60% polling in national and state elections in J&K. And before someone comes up with fudged numbers defence, let me say that the same will then appliy to the videos that touched your heart..

But the only kinds of elections we hold in INdia are the state elections and National elections and both are done and over with for J&K

Self-determination will happen. Nobody has ever been able to occupy another people forever. It may go on for another 100 years, but it will end, I assure you. By holding on to this attitude, you will only delay the inevitable and become the cause of the killing of many more civilians (not to mention your own soldiers).

If deaths of soldiers and civilians is a driver of breaking up a country, then Pakistan would have splintered some years back. It didnt and neither will India. 100 years is nothing, you can wait a 1000 and I assure you that it will not happen..

This solution does not hold water with three our of the four parties involved; Pakistan, Azad Kashmir and Indian Occupied Kashmir.

There are only 2 parties to this.. India and Pakistan. Dont kid yourself sir by treating Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and the Indian state of J&K as independent parties. They are not no matter how much some one keeps repeating it..

Just because India has been "getting stronger for 50 years" doesn't mean the rest will roll-over and give in to bullying. At the very least, the Valley must be released from Indian control, and then an international border can be mapped out. I am all for soft-border, but it will be useless if the people of the region themselves aren't happy with the location of the border.

Really, do you think the GoP gives 2 hoots about people of Kashmir (on either side). They are just being used a pawns to retaliate against 1971

Also, since India was the first to violate the Line of Control in Siachen, you no longer hold any credibility when you say "LoC in IB".

Well, you returned the favor in 1998 (kargil). But 2 key differences.
1. LOC was not explicitly marked in the Siachen area
2. We succeeded and you did not (pardon the tongue in cheek)

Why leave out the Indian Occupied Kashmiris? Are they not people as well? See, Pakistani support for Kashmir is not based on which side of the border they are located on, it's complete and true. Your support, unfortunately, is sad and pathetic as it only serves your own interests. "Pakistan Occupied Kashmir", that's funny coming from an Indian.

Dont need to express any solidarity towards people of Indian state of J&K just like we dont express any explicit solidarity towards other states of India. All of us are bound together by our nationhood.
These are your views and sentiments and I will not belittle them by contradicting those ...
So you believe that either the videos are doctored or that that was somewhere in Pakistan. Two words, Al Jazeera.

Heck, even The Hindu reported of large-scale protests. Where have you been for the past week?
Actually this is a constitutional logic. In India, a state does not belong to the people living in that state but to the whole nation. If someone has to vote on Kashmir's status, it will have to be the whole country and not a single state though the result of both elections will be the same. You get moved by selective videos on you tube but I rather take my cues from a > 60% polling in national and state elections in J&K. And before someone comes up with fudged numbers defence, let me say that the same will then appliy to the videos that touched your heart..
60% turnout does not ratify your occupation (though it would be a miracle if 60% is even close to reality), I simply don't understand that logic. When you have someone on the ground and are punching their face in, they'll take any opportunity to get you off of them. The fact that they were forced to choose between a rock and a hard place, and chose the lesser of the two evils, does not endorse your actions there.

Secondly, in order for some state to be a part of your nation, the people must first recognize that. The people of Kashmir will get what they want simply because they have never accepted your occupation (at least in the Valley and parts of Ladakh). So no, the rest of India doesn't get to vote on their fate, they do, like they were promised in 1948.

Lastly, unlike some of your countrymen (and most likely you as well), my sources are diverse. I don't simply buy the diatribe sold to me through my TV or computer, I spend hours and hours researching and actually talking with people from that area (surprise surprise). I'm the first to admit our mistakes, and I'm the first to give you guys the benefit of the doubt in most cases. However, in the case of Kashmir, there is no doubt.
100 years is nothing, you can wait a 1000 and I ssure you that it will not happen.
You sound so very desperate to deny a people its rights to determine its own fate. Then you wonder why they want to separate. Amazing.
There are only 2 parties to this.. India and Pakistan. Dont kid yourself sir by treating Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and the Indian state of J&K as independent parties. They are not no matter how much some one keeps repeating it.
So essentially what you're saying is that the people who are being victimized by India should have no say whatsoever in determining their own future? Seriously, it's no mystery why they throw stones at your soldiers.

Really, do you think the GoP gives 2 hoots about people of Kashmir (on either side). They are just being used a pawns to retaliate against 1971
No, wrong. Pakistan has been voicing its concerns over Kashmiris since 1947. There was an entire war fought on this subject in 1965, which incidentally, arrived before 1971. If anything, your actions in 71 were a retaliation for our support of Kashmiris. Pathetic, probably hard to swallow, but true nonetheless.

What you meant to say is that the GoI doesn't give 2 hoots about the people of Kashmit. Hey, you're preaching the choir.
Well, you returned the favor in 1998 (kargil). But 2 key differences.
1. LOC was not explicitly marked in the Siachen area
2. We succeeded and you did not (pardon the tongue in cheek)
Don't apologise. We were stupid enough to believe you would honor your own promise once before, and we kept believing you (Plebiscite in Kashmir, UN Resolution 47 and then Simla Accord). Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me a third time, and I deserve to lose Siachen.

We were unsuccessful in Kargil, admittedly. However, I don't apologize for that, it showed the people of Kashmir that we still haven't given up their cause. At the very least, we accomplished to recharge the resilience of the Valley.
Dont need to express any solidarity towards people of Indian state of J&K just like we dont express any explicit solidarity towards other states of India. All of us are bound together by our nationhood.
Well, you guys aren't so we must. Someone has to stand up for them too. Bound together in nationhood is easy to say when you don't have to live in your own city as a prisoner. Unwarranted curfews, killings and whatnot are a way of life there, and all because of your blindness to their cause.

I'm trying to help the blind cross the road, but they simply don't want to. When I read posts like yours, it makes me all the more assured that my stand is the right one.
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So you believe that either the videos are doctored or that that was somewhere in Pakistan. Two words, Al Jazeera.

Heck, even The Hindu reported of large-scale protests. Where have you been for the past week?

Sir, I was simply saying that i respect your sentiments and wont contradict them for the sake of contradicting. Where did you read my calling them doctored or fake....

60% turnout does not ratify your occupation (though it would be a miracle if 60% is even close to reality), I simply don't understand that logic. When you have someone on the ground and are punching their face in, they'll take any opportunity to get you off of them. The fact that they were forced to choose between a rock and a hard place, and chose the lesser of the two evils, does not endorse your actions there.
Dont discount everything that does not conform to your beliefs..and for your information, the state elections of 2008 were biycotted by the APHC (separatist body of kashmir politics) and their appeal was completely rejected by the people of Kashmir (poll rate > 60%). On top of that the party voted to power is the one most vocal about Kashmir's identity as India's state of J&K.

The same thing was repeated in the national elections of 2009. This time around the separatist leader Sajjad Lone was too shaken to ask for a boycott and decided to contest the elections. Guess what, was defeated..

So while you have your hard set belief system about Kashmir, which I understand is a part of growing up in Pakistan(like we have ours due to growing up in india), dont be blind to every thing else and dont stay stuck in an ideology that is at best antiquated.

Secondly, in order for some state to be a part of your nation, the people must first recognize that. The people of Kashmir will get what they want simply because they have never accepted your occupation (at least in the Valley and parts of Ladakh). So no, the rest of India doesn't get to vote on their fate, they do, like they were promised in 1948.

Incorrect again. What it needs is the signed Instrument of Accession which is in India's favor. Post that if there are any misguided souls that feel closer to Pakistan, they are free to leave like lakhs of people who went to pakistan in 1947. But then we know what was the treatment given to them. Dont we??

Lastly, unlike some of your countrymen (and most likely you as well), my sources are diverse. I don't simply buy the diatribe sold to me through my TV or computer, I spend hours and hours researching and actually talking with people from that area (surprise surprise). I'm the first to admit our mistakes, and I'm the first to give you guys the benefit of the doubt in most cases. However, in the case of Kashmir, there is no doubt.
Getting personal my friend and assuming only you research.. You didnt check which part of India I belong to .. did you?? And you are right, there is no doubt in case of Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir..

You sound so very desperate to deny a people its rights to determine its own fate. Then you wonder why they want to separate. Amazing.
Wrong again my friend.. All we are desperate about is to deny pakistan's nefarious designs wrt Jammu and Kashmir

So essentially what you're saying is that the people who are being victimized by India should have no say whatsoever in determining their own future? Seriously, it's no mystery why they throw stones at your soldiers.
They are being victamised by Pakistan's proxy war.. You will do well to see the difference in the treatment given out to separatist leaders of J&K by India vs the separatist leaders of Balochistan by Pakistan . After all both are asking for a say in determining their future...

No, wrong. Pakistan has been voicing its concerns over Kashmiris since 1947. There was an entire war fought on this subject in 1965, which incidentally, arrived before 1971. If anything, your actions in 71 were a retaliation for our support of Kashmiris. Pathetic, probably hard to swallow, but true nonetheless.
If you say so.. But then again, we succeeded and you didn't

btw, I was not saying that Pakistan did not care about Kashmir before 1971 but was refering to the proxy war started by Pakistan post 1971

What you meant to say is that the GoI doesn't give 2 hoots about the people of Kashmit. Hey, you're preaching the choir.
Check the amount of funds (non military) being pumped into J&K by govt of India thru your extensive research network..

Don't apologise. We were stupid enough to believe you would honor your own promise once before, and we kept believing you (Plebiscite in Kashmir, UN Resolution 47 and then Simla Accord). Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me a third time, and I deserve to lose Siachen.

We were unsuccessful in Kargil, admittedly. However, I don't apologize for that, it showed the people of Kashmir that we still haven't given up their cause. At the very least, we accomplished to recharge the resilience of the Valley.

If anything the tide started turning away from extremism post Kargil. Look this up thru your research. It is this increased rejection of foreign terrorism by population of J&K that forced Pakistan to expand its terrorist operations into other parts of India..

Well, you guys aren't so we must. Someone has to stand up for them too. Bound together in nationhood is easy to say when you don't have to live in your own city as a prisoner. Unwarranted curfews, killings and whatnot are a way of life there, and all because of your blindness to their cause.

I'm trying to help the blind cross the road, but they simply don't want to. When I read posts like yours, it makes me all the more assured that my stand is the right one.

One suggestion.. Look within your house.. You will find much more people requiring your standing up for them and even more blind requiring your help to cross the road..
I hate to repeat myself, but I shall, and then call it a day.

I'm trying to help the blind cross the road, but they simply don't want to. When I read posts like yours, it makes me all the more assured that my stand is the right one.
I hate to repeat myself, but I shall, and then call it a day.

I'm trying to help the blind cross the road, but they simply don't want to. When I read posts like yours, it makes me all the more assured that my stand is the right one.

have a good night sir.. and sweet DREAMS
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