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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Go ahead. Report me. How many Indians do you see meddling in IRA and UK's internal affairs. As if that's a threat.

What are you doing in a public forum if you can't take someone criticizing your goverement.......do you normally do this tamptrum in real life.
And how do you define genocide of (Muslims by Hindu army) in occupied teritory?

Am not aware of any genocide in the Indian subcontinent post the genocide of muslim innocents of East Pakistan by muslim army of West Pakistan. But thats between Pakistan and Bangladesh and its not my place to comment on that.
Kashmiri's have my sympathies and Indian forces should use rubber bullets, water cannons etc and not fire directly at he protestors...whatever be the provocation.

still doesnt solve any outstanding issue, just exacerbates it (as we are clearly seeing)

Also, the 7-8 lac Kashmiri muslims living in Kashmir valley and who are Anti-India...should be allowed to migrate to Pakistan or ***...

i think you are unfamiliar with the conflict...i suggest you read more about it

Kashmir problem resolved...after all its supposed to be about Human rights and not land.

land dispute in which the people of the disputed land are subjected to gross human rights violations ---primarily (if not entirely) on the indian occupied side

(as we are clearly seeing)

The donations common Pakistani's make to JuD can be used to rehabilitate the Kashmiri's in Pakistan....

you are mistaken if you think JuD is the only pro-Kashmiri group. JuD carries political baggage, sometimes much to peoples' discomfort.

That said, there are many genuinely charity-oriented groups which also highlight the human rights abuses caused by your forces.....and yes, support to those will surely continue.

it will also complete the migration of 47'...when millions migrated east to west and vice versa.....and this time it wont even be bloody

it's a land dispute

by the way, a similar phenomenon did take place in hyderabad deccan when it officially became part of hindustan (through force)....many people did migrate to what was already Pakistan simply because of their political views, and the repression they would face if they remained behind
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What are you doing in a public forum if you can't take someone criticizing your goverement.......do you normally do this tamptrum in real life.

Off topic your level of english is very poor so many spelling mistakes i can see.
Off topic your level of english is very poor so many spelling mistakes i can see

So what is your point do you want a gold star meddle.....what has my level of english got to do with the topic......are all Indian's like that...when you can't handle criticism you use personal attacks.
water guns are used but it will be foolish to assume they will be everywhere. Also rubber bullets were used and one person got killed by rubber bullet. The incident started with one child getting killed by a tear gas shell and any person with common sense can understand tear gas is not meant to kill. Then those people who started protest were surely paid since it was not an atrocity that time.

Now IMO blame goes to people who started it, which is clearly Kashmir paid agents. Kashmir's also have to be blamed since they do not use their brain.

Stop violet protest and their should be no killings plain and simple.
a.) they arent ''paid agents''

b.) they have no other way to channel their anger and frustration; you have sowed the grounds for these realities
So what is your point do you want a gold star meddle.....what has my level of english got to do with the topic......are all Indian's like that...when you can't handle criticism you use personal attacks.

meddle :lol: you make me laugh I suggest you back to school man for your own benefit im British born like you so im giving you this advice its not a personal attack lol
And we will reap it .. Dont lose sleep over it..

seems that further grounds are being sowed.

reaping means blaming ISI agency and labelling all Kashmiri youth terrorists

failed strategy which is bound for further disaster
persnally i would think kashmir is not worth it.

let them go and do whatever they want.

the only apprehension i have is that this decision will bring fanatic taliban to out doorstep.

Well what you personally think is totally wrong...Kashmir is worth every dime being spent and every life being martyred...

Now from the above you would have concluded that I am just in nationalist mood..I am not..
The worth of any place is determined by its strategic importance which is further determined by location of the place...
Giving Kashmir is like giving lifeline of Jammu and then Himachal and then delhi to them..The valley of kashmir is even now the biggest hurdle in the way of enemy...
Once you forgo the of height then in case of our interesting neighborhood , you give them free hand...
Last time they were in such position we had to see our over 500 soldiers loosing lives....
Every other day you will find some fanatic thinking that it was the time to start GHAZWA-E-HIND and you will find Delhi,Mumbai turning into KARACHI...
Hell they are not sparing their own brothers in the name of religion , how will they loose this golden opportunity of punishing HANOOD..
And thats why..Come this generation or, any generation you will find KASHMIR an intact part of BHARAT/ARYAWARTA...:cheers:
still doesnt solve any outstanding issue, just exacerbates it (as we are clearly seeing)

i think you are unfamiliar with the conflict...i suggest you read more about it

land dispute in which the people of the disputed land are subjected to gross human rights violations ---primarily (if not entirely) on the indian occupied side

(as we are clearly seeing)

you are mistaken if you think JuD is the only pro-Kashmiri group. JuD carries political baggage, sometimes much to peoples' discomfort.

That said, there are many genuinely charity-oriented groups which also highlight the human rights abuses caused by your forces.....and yes, support to those will surely continue.

it's a land dispute

by the way, a similar phenomenon did take place in hyderabad deccan when it officially became part of hindustan (through force)....many people did migrate to what was already Pakistan simply because of their political views, and the repression they would face if they remained behind

Im not unaware of the history...If its a land dispute then I dont see it ending to Kashmiri's satisfaction....India giving away Kashmir the 'land'...is a non-starter...at best small part of the Valley in and around Srinagar might get some sort of autonomy...

Unless there is something substantial on the table in return for India giving away Kashmir...i cant think of any such trading item..(and one that wont get your goat)...like Afghanistan, Sindh..etc...money?, Pakistan's nuclear arsenal...!

Thats why I suggested the people who have a problem with India can move where they will be happier...honestly...there is no win-win solution otherwise.
meddle you make me laugh I suggest you back to school man for your own benefit im British born like you so im giving you this advice its not a personal attack lol

What I do in my life is up to me.....I don't want your advice thankyou very much. The only reason why there is spelling mistakes is because I write fast, and I don't bother to check them.
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