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Karzai reportedly suspects US hand in recent Afghanistan attacks


Jan 20, 2013
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United States
I wonder if now Afghans think that the US like Pakistan does not want a "strong and prosperous Afghanistan" -- the macabre comedy in Kabul just got weirder.


Afghan President Hamid Karzai reportedly believes that the U.S. government and military have been a hidden force behind recent insurgent attacks in Afghanistan, such as an attack earlier this month that killed 21 people, including three Americans, in Kabul.

The Washington Post, citing an Afghan official who it said was sympathetic to Karzai's view, reported that the Afghan leader believes that dozens of attacks blamed on the Taliban have been planned by the U.S. to weaken his government and foment instability in the country. The official did acknowledge that Karzai had no concrete evidence of American involvement in any attack.

original article here on Fox news.
There is ONE attack the U.S. should pull and that is putting a bullet in that whack job Karzais' stupid head.:sniper:
There is ONE attack the U.S. should pull and that is putting a bullet in that whack job Karzais' stupid head.:sniper:

Well, he is the elected leader of the Afghan people. It is conjectured that if the constitution allowed him to run a third time, he would win hands down.

I think we should take him at his word and as someone who speaks on behalf of the Afghan people.
There is ONE attack the U.S. should pull and that is putting a bullet in that whack job Karzais' stupid head.:sniper:

but of course, eliminate anyone who doesn't play along with your, US, games. now where have we seen that before? lost the count... Less american influence will be a blessing.
but of course, eliminate anyone who doesn't play along with your, US, games. now where have we seen that before? lost the count... Less american influence will be a blessing.

If it weren't for the U.S. that corrupt buffoon and his family would still be out herding goats. That's O.K., though. Eventually the talibs are going to skin him alive, literally. :rofl:
If it weren't for the U.S. that corrupt buffoon and his family would still be out herding goats. That's O.K., though. Eventually the talibs are going to skin him alive, literally. :rofl:

whatever might happen will be an internal matter. if Karzai is confident of his decision, then who are you to hold him back? instead we see the US, an uninvited bad forcing guest, now, as we speak, turning up the region upside down for its own interest through drone strikes (theoretically a good thing, practically bad. it provokes the taliban etc. to retaliate against whom? exactly, most of the time its fellow countrymen instead of the US, but the muslim casualties dont matter in the west, right?) and deepening the sunni-shia conflict through playing the saudi/arab and iran card against each other for extra benefits.
And all your men in Afghanistan will be left with a bullet in their back head :sniper:

Sure. We flew all our stuff half way around the world, took over that dirt hole, stayed ten years and will leave when we please. And when we DO leave, which can't come soon enough because that dump just isn't worth it, the talibs will take right over again because the vast majority of Afghans are either too stupid or too lazy (or a combination of both) to defend themselves. It's 'easier' for them to just go along with the taliban and 'live' in that kooky 8th century 'world'.:usflag:
Sure. We flew all our stuff half way around the world, took over that dirt hole, stayed ten years and will leave when we please. And when we DO leave, which can't come soon enough because that dump just isn't worth it, the talibs will take right over again because the vast majority of Afghans are either too stupid or too lazy (or a combination of both) to defend themselves. It's 'easier' for them to just go along with the taliban and 'live' in that kooky 8th century 'world'.:usflag:

If talibs made a super power leave then what those civilian can do against them but to go along
even a super power couldnt beat those kooky 8th century people
If talibs made a super power leave then what those civilian can do against them but to go along
even a super power couldnt beat those kooky 8th century people

No one is making the U.S. leave. We've been there 10 years. We could stay forever if we wanted, but why ? The place is a dump. The U.S. went about that war all wrong to begin with. We never should have tried to 'nation build'.
No one is making the U.S. leave. We've been there 10 years. We could stay forever if we wanted, but why ? The place is a dump. The U.S. went about that war all wrong to begin with. We never should have tried to 'nation build'.
off course you wanted to stay in Vietnam too what happened then?? why did you leave then? because you just couldn't afford it no more. no country in this world could afford wars even if its USA.
you bombed each and every inch of that country killed about few less then million innocent people and you calling it a NATION BUILD???
may be you should just stick your head out of FOX NEWS and come to the reality you went there only because of Afghanistan's strategical importance and untapped minerals.
Karzai suspects other dicks in his own birth...........

I wonder if now Afghans think that the US like Pakistan does not want a "strong and prosperous Afghanistan" -- the macabre comedy in Kabul just got weirder.


Afghan President Hamid Karzai reportedly believes that the U.S. government and military have been a hidden force behind recent insurgent attacks in Afghanistan, such as an attack earlier this month that killed 21 people, including three Americans, in Kabul.

The Washington Post, citing an Afghan official who it said was sympathetic to Karzai's view, reported that the Afghan leader believes that dozens of attacks blamed on the Taliban have been planned by the U.S. to weaken his government and foment instability in the country. The official did acknowledge that Karzai had no concrete evidence of American involvement in any attack.

original article here on Fox news.
No one is making the U.S. leave. We've been there 10 years. We could stay forever if we wanted, but why ? The place is a dump. The U.S. went about that war all wrong to begin with. We never should have tried to 'nation build'.

no one made Soviets leave either, they just collapsed
no country superpower or not want to get into an endless war and US knows very well this would be an endless war so better to pack up
no one made Soviets leave either, they just collapsed
no country superpower or not want to get into an endless war and US knows very well this would be an endless war so better to pack up

I heard Pakistan doesn't want the U.S. to pack up. Because that could lead to Taliban take over of Pakistan.
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