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Karzai offers 'anti-terror cooperation' to Pakistan

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom
by Painda Hekmat
[Pajhwok Afghan News]

KABUL (PAN): President Hamid Karzai on Monday denounced deadly bomb attacks in Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan provinces, bordering Afghanistan.

At least 47 people were killed and more than 114 others wounded in yesterday’s bomb explosions in Quetta and Peshawar.

Thirty individuals were killed and 70 injured in a suicide bombing near an imambargah (Shiite mosque) in the Aliabad area of Hazara town in Quetta.

Another 17 people were killed and 46 wounded during an explosion in the Badaber area on the outskirts of Peshawar. Several women and children were among the casualties.

While denouncing the attacks in the neighbouring country, Karzai said terrorists killed and maimed innocents Afghans and Pakistanis on a daily basis.

He called for sincere cooperation between the two nations in the fight against the twin scourge of terrorism and extremism in the region.

Afghanistan had always been willing for such collaboration, a statement from the Presidential Palace quoted Karzai as saying.

Read more: Terminal X
First he gives refuge and Supports, Finances and Trains TTP cadres and then he offers Pakistan help. Karzai speaks with a forked tongue and cannot be trusted as he is a back stabber.
Karzai is pretty desperate to hold on to his power.

It seems like he can't figure out which horse to bet on.

Karzai is smarter than one would think.

He's holding his hand to find the opportune moment.

But the pathetic guy doesn't realize, that there is only side that will win.
Anti terror cooperation??? Lol help yourself first!
First he gives refuge and Supports, Finances and Trains TTP cadres and then he offers Pakistan help. Karzai speaks with a forked tongue and cannot be trusted as he is a back stabber.
Well, IF he is doing that, then wouldn't it be simple tit for tat? Pakistan has already been doing the thing you were talking about. Replace TTP with Taliban, and exchange Karzai for Pakistan.

Karzai is pretty desperate to hold on to his power.

It seems like he can't figure out which horse to bet on.

Karzai is smarter than one would think.

He's holding his hand to find the opportune moment.

But the pathetic guy doesn't realize, that there is only side that will win.
FYI Karzai cannot win, because according to the constitution he cannot contest again. He will leave office before US leaves Afghanistan. Get some general knowledge before leaking bile.
Well, IF he is doing that, then wouldn't it be simple tit for tat? Pakistan has already been doing the thing you were talking about. Replace TTP with Taliban, and exchange Karzai for Pakistan.

FYI Karzai cannot win, because according to the constitution he cannot contest again. He will leave office before US leaves Afghanistan. Get some general knowledge before leaking bile.

Please. Don't insult yourself. Don't quote me.

The constitution of Afghanistan is equal to the toilet paper you used from last night's curry.


Seriously though, don't pretend to be expert of Afghanistan from Pune. Makes us laugh.
If he's sincere, then he should accept Pakistan's offer to train ANA forces, anything less is just an insult.
First he gives refuge and Supports, Finances and Trains TTP cadres and then he offers Pakistan help. Karzai speaks with a forked tongue and cannot be trusted as he is a back stabber.

its okay, his days seem to be numbered.....a friendlier govt. in Afghanistan will be in Afghanistan's own interest -- and of course our interest too
its okay, his days seem to be numbered.....a friendlier govt. in Afghanistan will be in Afghanistan's own interest -- and of course our interest too

Dude Karzai is desperate to latch on to anyone for power.

He can even be on the nuts of the ISI, but they want to see him squirm for talking all dat ****.
If he's sincere, then he should accept Pakistan's offer to train ANA forces, anything less is just an insult.

with all those blue-on-blue attacks on NATO forces and having seen the discipline (lack thereof) firsthand, im not sure if we should have anything to do with ANA..at least not until a more cooperative government is elected (or installed)...either way

Dude Karzai is desperate to latch on to anyone for power.

He can even be on the nuts of the ISI, but they want to see him squirm for talking all dat ****.

he's confused due to internal conflict inside his pea-sized brain and his susceptibility to his emotions

he needs medical help, we should show some compassion perhaps
with all those blue-on-blue attacks on NATO forces and having seen the discipline (lack thereof) firsthand, im not sure if we should have anything to do with ANA..at least not until a more cooperative government is elected (or installed)...either way

he's confused due to internal conflict inside his pea-sized brain and his susceptibility to his emotions

he needs medical help, we should show some compassion perhaps

What I hate about Afghans is, that they are willing to ignore their majority. Pashtun Majority. Either they side with fake puppet bullshit beggar jabroni government, or they are considered 'terrorists'.

Americans/Indians/Iranians want to downplay Pashtun populace like they are some sort of menace, while in reality those are the real Afghans.

They are rural people that have lived there for centuries. They just want to live their lives like they have for decades.
with all those blue-on-blue attacks on NATO forces and having seen the discipline (lack thereof) firsthand, im not sure if we should have anything to do with ANA..at least not until a more cooperative government is elected (or installed)...either way

You work with the cards given to you, not the ones that you desire. Karzai may be a fool, but he's the only one that Pakistan has to work with. After him, there is no guarantee that another government will survive long enough to establish any sort of relationship with Pakistan.

Training the ANA in Pakistan will force the ANA to take a more pro-Pakistan tone than the one they're currently using.
You work with the cards given to you, not the ones that you desire. Karzai may be a fool, but he's the only one that Pakistan has to work with. After him, there is no guarantee that another government will survive long enough to establish any sort of relationship with Pakistan.

Training the ANA in Pakistan will force the ANA to take a more pro-Pakistan tone than the one they're currently using.

Man you are so far from ground reality, that it's outrageous.
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