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Karachi violence kicks off 22 may

karachi cant become peaceful till this government is desolved, only the government which truely wants to have peace in karachi can resolve this situation, the PPP govt not only is so unwilling but its rather willing that these killings and violance grows so that entire country just mourns and has no time to curse zardari
its just to show off the control in karachi by killing innocent peoples
Karachi wasn't ownned by this PPP govt, instead ppp , have tried to solve, the karachi issue, by armming, anti-MQM groups, so when the, times commes for the elections, they can get, the gains?
Bt interstingly , it All went wrong, these groups , became so , strong. That ! They thought that , they can become, the local heads of the party!
& now, this parchi mafia, drug mafia, of karachi, got the support of Sharif mafia of punjab, which is desperate to get, its hands on,fedrl by hook & crook, PMLn s support , to the gangesters of lyari is not, a secret to anyone, its new found love, with sindhi nationalists,merger with mumtaz bhuto, & dialoge with qadir magsi, are the clear, signs!
MQM is holding, its grounds for the, finnal round,& is trying, its best to remain, in power to, get benefits is making, it worse? They can clearly ask, for the interrior minstry of sindh, bt they are nt, doing this, becAuse they, still wanted to be , seen as, mazlooms? For their political, future.
ANP is the most, benefited party, in sindh colation govt, it secretly gives arms & ammo, to the terrorists, while taking shAre of drug, trade in karachi, Afaq ahmed was , thrown in the middle, of the road, bt his ability to attrac urdu speaking community, is still remains weak.
From this mistrusted , unresponsible & deadly politics, pakistan is bound to bent, down , further.
Need of the, hour is to put a strong, police force at least 1,00, 000 , in numbers, trainned for urban combat, commanded by, army directly with modern equipments, so they can fight back to this monSter, which is killing, many innocent An peoples.
I think, that the only, truth! Which comes in my minD!
Some key points to consider:

1. Normally MQM is quick to announce their support for anything related to Sindh but this time they kept quite. Like last year PPP celebrated Sindhi cap day and MQM also announced their support. And you always hear Altaf Hussain talking about being Sindhi and united Sindh e.t.c but this time I haven't heard it from them.

2. Most of the MQM dominated areas were peaceful yesterday. No shops were closed although 11 people died. I went to Shah Faisal, Tariq road and Bahadurabad in the evening and it looked like nothing has happened in city. But when one MQM member dies then they take city hostage.

3. Today's strike is also largely peaceful with shops open, petrol pumps open, traffic running because it is not given by MQM. In contrast consider the last strike given by MQM when one of their member was killed near National Stadium in his home. The incident that happened early in the morning at around 5, 6 am and then MQM gave strike call by 8am when most of the people didn't know about it and they left for offices and schools.
I myself witnessed 3 firing incidents that day between 8am and 10am in Shah Faisal, Gulistan e Jauhar and Baloch Colony Express Way thanks to MQM goons. They were firing in the air, forcing shops to close and disrupting traffic. Saw it with my own eyes and had to take a U-Turn thrice.
As you can see this time the strike call is given by other party on "Sindh unity" hence MQM has not sent their goons from sector and unit offices to close shops.
Interior ministry is master minding Karachi unrest.
Super calculations, sir!
I guss, after the proven , involvment of BLA, TTp,& sindhi, nationalists , who can be found,even in PPP,s own ranks(zulfiqar mirza,manzoor wassan)MI should be , given permission, to look into the, matters, because IB, is bieng, hijacked by, political pundits, like REHMAN malik?
If karachi, wasn't owenned by,this govt!then ican,see a huge fire of a sleeping, valcano, let's MQM runs karachi, with responsibilities, & should stop dreaming, about crushing, bulldozing its , real political mandate, if PPP can't, do it in 1996 with rertd gen. Babar, then surly, it is imposible, to do with, OZAIR BALOCH +ANP+HAQiQI+JI, this dangerous game, will surly, bring in BLA & TTp, on front foot, & which can create, a economic, blockge of pAkistan, which would be , perfect situation, to call in, CIA with, its dam, deltaforce, resolution, of the freedom, of baluchistan, is already been put in US , congress, eventully we, will lose everything? & the great game, get succsess!
Just wish, our militry leadership, is not sleeping, they can kick this, dam govt out, & save karachi, & save pakistan?
Spineless ***** MQM is doing what it can destroy Pakistan. I don't know why the Generals of Pak Army are quiet & are allowing havoc & chaos to rain in Pakistan from all directions. Things have never been this bad as they are now in Pakistan today. There is no reason left for why Martial Law should not be imposed by Pakistan Army, these political terrorists have crossed the line & are doing whatever they can to destroy Pakistan.
Some key points to consider:

1. Normally MQM is quick to announce their support for anything related to Sindh but this time they kept quite. Like last year PPP celebrated Sindhi cap day and MQM also announced their support. And you always hear Altaf Hussain talking about being Sindhi and united Sindh e.t.c but this time I haven't heard it from them.

2. Most of the MQM dominated areas were peaceful yesterday. No shops were closed although 11 people died. I went to Shah Faisal, Tariq road and Bahadurabad in the evening and it looked like nothing has happened in city. But when one MQM member dies then they take city hostage.

3. Today's strike is also largely peaceful with shops open, petrol pumps open, traffic running because it is not given by MQM. In contrast consider the last strike given by MQM when one of their member was killed near National Stadium in his home. The incident that happened early in the morning at around 5, 6 am and then MQM gave strike call by 8am when most of the people didn't know about it and they left for offices and schools.
I myself witnessed 3 firing incidents that day between 8am and 10am in Shah Faisal, Gulistan e Jauhar and Baloch Colony Express Way thanks to MQM goons. They were firing in the air, forcing shops to close and disrupting traffic. Saw it with my own eyes and had to take a U-Turn thrice.
As you can see this time the strike call is given by other party on "Sindh unity" hence MQM has not sent their goons from sector and unit offices to close shops.
Just go at Pakistani Talk Shows | Live News Feed | Political Discussion | Political Scandals & see , their MNA,s denial, my dear mate, I can't really, understand , you guys, you all keep, talking about, democrazy , durring dictatorships, & in the times, of this dam, democrazy, you never respects, the mandate of a party, which kept winning, every elections, even in the times, of dictators?
Your argument, is for the support of those, sindhi nationalists , who had never won, a single, hari fedration membership seat in any, district of sindh?
MQM needs, protection of its supporters, who are still on the, most killed , party workers in sindh & in pakiStan?
Your, idea looks to me, is kill every humman bieng, who is living in MQM, dominated, areas & make few, goths out of it?
Who is sending, arms from, years &
Years before,& for whAt?
I am nt , a MQM supporter, & havnt ,voted for anyone , because ! I don't, belive in this democrzy!
Bt let's, just get fair & square here?
If you & I have, the right to keep, arms for our, own personal, family,or political security, everyone else have, the same , rights!
So, plz don't post, bias & racialy bassed, posts!
Just wish, our militry leadership, is not sleeping, they can kick this, dam govt out, & save karachi, & save pakistan?

Why we wish to go ten steps back, why are we asking military for intervention. For last many years MQM is demanding local bodies election, absence of which is depriving her from its legitimate right of leading city and this is not with Karachi or Sindh only because our central and all provincial governments donot want that. MQM should stop extending its support for Federal government and it will be down automatically, no need of military to step in, i think it will be counter productive.
This youtube link below is perfect. Who are the rest of you to declare that I cannot call myself a Muhajir? I am a Muhajir just as you cling to your "Punjabi" or "Sindhi" titles. We demand a province in Pakistan and we will get in inshallah! Muhajir Zindabad!

taalat_21_1 - YouTube!
Spineless ***** MQM is doing what it can destroy Pakistan. I don't know why the Generals of Pak Army are quiet & are allowing havoc & chaos to rain in Pakistan from all directions. Things have never been this bad as they are now in Pakistan today. There is no reason left for why Martial Law should not be imposed by Pakistan Army, these political terrorists have crossed the line & are doing whatever they can to destroy Pakistan.
If Martial Law is to be imposed, it should be imposed on ALL OF PAKISTAN!
Just go at Pakistani Talk Shows | Live News Feed | Political Discussion | Political Scandals & see , their MNA,s denial, my dear mate, I can't really, understand , you guys, you all keep, talking about, democrazy , durring dictatorships, & in the times, of this dam, democrazy, you never respects, the mandate of a party, which kept winning, every elections, even in the times, of dictators?
Your argument, is for the support of those, sindhi nationalists , who had never won, a single, hari fedration membership seat in any, district of sindh?
MQM needs, protection of its supporters, who are still on the, most killed , party workers in sindh & in pakiStan?
Your, idea looks to me, is kill every humman bieng, who is living in MQM, dominated, areas & make few, goths out of it?
Who is sending, arms from, years &
Years before,& for whAt?
I am nt , a MQM supporter, & havnt ,voted for anyone , because ! I don't, belive in this democrzy!
Bt let's, just get fair & square here?
If you & I have, the right to keep, arms for our, own personal, family,or political security, everyone else have, the same , rights!
So, plz don't post, bias & racialy bassed, posts!

I am just stating facts. I am not saying that MQM did this but I am showing how there is a difference between strike calls given by MQM and other parties.
And see this news which proves my point. Yesterday 11 people died but had it been one MQM worker, all goons from sector offices will be out to force shops to shut down. Giving strike call is stupid and nobody wants to shut down their business whether 1 or 100 people dies. It's only when you force them which gives the impression that look they want to shut down their business and are showing solidarity with us.
If MQM doesn't send these "londas" from sector and unit offices then trust me not a single shop will be closed. Why would a shopkeeper or daily wage worker give a **** about it?
And this practice is followed by all parties as you can see old city area is shutdown because goons from PPP must be doing aerial firing and forcing people to shutdown. Same is the case with ANP who closes shops in their own areas.

What happened to the Lyari operation ? Has it ended ?
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