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Kabul needs to act to bring back refugees: Pakistan


Because people in Pukhtoonkhwa hate Pakistan, and remain hostile to Pakistan, everything in it. Pakistan is evil to them. So, why the force then? The idelogy of Pukhtoonistan is still alive, and Peshawar is one of them; being greater medievel state of Pukhtoonistan. If they want to side with Afghanistan, then you cannot force them to support Pakistan. Eventually, the method of forcing will backbire either way.

Sindh, Punjab have no remorse towards Pakistan, in fact they are committed to serve under Pakistan. If we focus on Balochistan, Balochistan will stay loyal to Pakistan more than ever.

I have lived in KPK... Im from Baluchistan where half the population is Pakhtun... I have Pakhtun family friends... my fathers course mates ... Pak Army has 40-45% Pakhtuns... FC is entirely Pakhtun bar maybe 5% which are from Hazara...

So shove it broheim..
The hate is almost entirely one sided. When Afghans, some of them, hold the kind of blinding and poisonous hate that they do, I'd forget it was someone of my ethnicity. A treacherous person is a treacherous person, if you identify him as a treacherous Afghan Pukhtun.... so the hell what? Does it make him stop being treacherous?

You hold your nationality low, below your sense of ethnic identity and religious. Which is why people here call you an extremists and someone who subscribes to the sectarian crap.

My personal opinion on what I identify myself as:

What sect do I belong do? None of your business, that is between me and my God. Maybe if you ever got to know me more and need arises I will inform you.
Are you even a Muslim? Again, none of your business, that's between me and my God. Maybe if you follow me around you'll see me heading to my local mosque and you could then gather your conclusions.
What ethnicity are you? I see no reason to air this if it creates division, in Pakistan today, too many people are divided across these lines. So I have no answer, and hold no allegiance to any ethnicity over the other.
What's your nationality? Through and through Pakistani. Also British for living here, I hold loyalty to these Brits too.
Hate is on both sides,on many levels, whether you admit it or not.

You live in U.K so i understand why you wont like those questions......i would be very uncomfortable if some white bigot view me with suspicions just because i am going to mosque or have beard. And about ethnicity, why you should respond so rudely? Quran says it is for pehchan, you are born with it, wear it like a badge. Some people merely use it for identity , some organize themselves into a community on the basis of this identity, again nothing wrong with it.....you live in europe, you know better how people of same culture and origin prefer to cling with each other when they are away from their original homelands, it gives them warmth , the matter is of trust and reliability......it comes natural to you
After reading some more, it seem most of so called Bengali refugees after 71 are actually Bihari origin. So they can't be deported for being loyal till the end.

After 71 Bihari refugees did come... but so did the bengalis pole vaultering parasites.... i remember an officer told me how BSF would take bribes from bangali pole vaulters n let me cross into the Pak side.. where Rangers would return them .. n than BSF used to shoot em... even came through sea routes etc... how do you think they have such a sizeable population in Karachi n live in slums.. Apart from some patriots who never left... most are pole vaulters..
Hate is on both sides,on many levels, whether you admit it or not.

You live in U.K so i understand why you wont like those questions......i would be very uncomfortable if some white bigot view me with suspicions just because i am going to mosque or have beard. And about ethnicity, why you should respond so rudely? Quran says it is for pehchan, you are born with it, wear it like a badge. Some people merely use it for identity , some organize themselves into a community on the basis of this identity, again nothing wrong with it.....you live in europe, you know better how people of same culture and origin prefer to cling with each other when they are away from their original homelands, it gives them warmth , the matter is of trust and reliability......it comes natural to you

Want to hear something funny?

When someone in the UK asks those questions, i will tell them that I am a practicing Muslim, openly and freely.
Because the people here are far more civilized, their minds are WAY above the mentality of racial division, ethnic fault lines, religious conflicts.

That little part of my post about identity, that's what I would say in Pakistan. Here I can say it, without any effect.
Oh and I am ever so sorry if I come across as rude, I do not mean to be. This stuff gets my blood boiling, to see such petty differences making people throttle each other in our great nation.

Sure, of course, the ethnicity and races, like to keep to each other, sure, fine. But where ego comes in, that's where it all goes wrong. Bhai, listen closely, because if there's one thing in life I've learnt, only one thing, it's to control one's ego in all situations, even in your thoughts, ego should be beaten to an absolute minimum. You see where ego becomes involved, you have people looking down on other races, claiming superiority of their's and that leads to division.

Is there any wonder why in our nation we kill each other over such little differences, we are 'the land of the pure' not 'the land of the Punjabis, the Pukhtun, the Sindhi, the Baloch, the Muhajir etc etc'

You are a pukhtun, be proud of it, but do not let your ego (nafs) take control of your identity and better judgement.
First 3 million illegal bengalis from karachi should be deported, afghans are sons of soil.

All afghans should get one way ticket to Afghanistan. They should love afghani soil more as they belong there with their own kind.
These very same foreign fighters were encouraged by our ISI and our Saudi Arabian "Allies" to go to Afghanistan to fight the evil Iranians and train for Jihad in Kashmir.

But when Uncle Sam came bombing Afghanistan and then the tribal belt our very own Pakistan Army and ISI disassociated themselves from the same Taliban/foreign militants it was helping to train to fight india.

Most of our terrorist/extremist problems are created by our own hands.

Did Pakistan invite soviets? They pissed of super power by giving shelter to terrorists who were responsible for 9/11. Still Americans has behaved little nicely with them compared to Soviets. Less rapes compared to what soviet troops did, 90% of Afghan budget which is $10-15 billion is provided by them every year.

Anyway training Afghanis to fight India is bs, most of freedom fighters in IoK were punjabis.
Beggars?..............i am in abottabad, so many beggers, locals mostly......some times afghans but kids only.......i have never saw any afghan woman begging...

You never see anything wrong in Afghanis only in local Pakistanis. You never saw woman begging but you may have seen Afghanis selling their daughters to complete strangers. I wonder what is worst?
Most high value immigrants can stay work (high earners and specialist skills). The rest can go home.

Pak cannot afford to mother another countries people when it cant even look after its own.
Yes, I agree.
Kabul needs to act to bring back refugees.
I also firmly believe, that US, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Pakistan and the other nations who were directly involved in the struggle for power in Afghan theater should spend double the amount of money for rehabilitation and reconstruction that they had spent for weapons and other resources to be used in Afghanistan.

Do I sound unfair?
Anyway training Afghanis to fight India is bs, most of freedom fighters in IoK were punjabis.
No! Afghanistan was used as a training ground for guerrilla warfare to prepare the groups to fight india.
Nope, most of the afghan diaspora in west, never had soft sentiments for pakistan from the beginning, they never supported your mujahideen fighters of rural areas , were educated folk of cities many of whom supported commies. They fled a war torn country , stayed temporarily in pakistan or iran to arrange asylums for themselves in the west.
The real casualties of war, the poor rural folk, against whom your spew venom, never were antipakistanis neither they have this much awareness to realize any thing.....

i didnt say they are sons of soil of punjab........Afghan refugees were sheltered in pashtun areas, any real pashtun with little pashto, should not be ashamed of giving hospitality to them.....yes mehman/guests are burden, but we should be o.k with it. We pakhtuns are not neighbors, we are one and same people and i would advise brainwashis like @Abu Zolfiqar , @ghilzai and @Spring Onion to be not divisive. I hope the same from Afghans. The world is laughing at us at our disunity and divisions and enemies are taking advantage of it. Unite we stand, divide we fall

We are not the one and same people, we are Pakistanis and they are Afghans it's that simple.

Just because someone speaks pushto or Dari and shares same culture as me doesn't make him
One of me.

Your love for them is your own but don't expect others to be so loving.

I am pakhtun from KPK. What do you want to ask?

Do you love Pakistan?

Do you love Pakistan more than you love your Pakhtun identity?

How do you feel about Afghans (Pakhtuns/Non-Pakhtuns whatever) who have contempt for Pakistan, doesn't accept durand line as International Border, and disrespect Pakistan?[/quote]

Our love for Pakistan is unquestionable, we may have differences but we will always remain loyal to the land our forefathers decided to join.

We are Pakistani first and then Pukhtooon After, but we are not Jinnahs Pakistanis we are Pakistanis of Nisar Khan, Khushal Khan and so on.

We don't see Afghans as our own as they are just leaches who just leach.

You never see anything wrong in Afghanis only in local Pakistanis. You never saw woman begging but you may have seen Afghanis selling their daughters to complete strangers. I wonder what is worst?

Chill Winston not all are the same by Using the word afghan you are including my tribe The Khiljis and they are not like that.
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Nothing wrong with being patriotic to pakhtun nation and desiring for unity, betterment and progress of 45 million strong nation, a nation engulfed by wars, terrorism and poverty, we are doomed if we do nothing about it......why it is itching your butt?.....

Here is a shocker we don't wanna be with you, we totally despise you and look down on you guys, so you can keep in dreaming.

I am muslim by religion, Pashtun by ethnicity/nasal and pakistani by nationality, marwat by tribe. If you ask any pashtun, he will place islam above every thing, the rest are identities. You cant change your nasal or tribe, but your nationality changes, so it has weaker position in defining your identity.

I dont hate Afghans for not accepting durand line, why should i? the cursed and evil line was drawn by farangis with the purpose of weakening pashtuns who were trouble for them....... Afghans would never recognize durand line, not even taliban.

And i would dislike only that afghan who disrespects me personally or say some thing that is offensive to my ears.......as for disrespecting pakistan is concerned, i would correct him where i feel he is not making any sense. My relation with afghans is through ethnicity, not through nationality.....so i dont believe in alienating an afghan if he doesnt love my country but otherwise is a decent person, they are my kin.......Pashtuns of two countries are not neighbours, they are one and same people, hating on one another would be self-hate[/quote]

Religion is secondary to a Ghilzai, I don't know where you get these ideas from, we are not one people we don't share that mentality, so please talk about yourself or your tribe but don't include us in it.
Here is a shocker we don't wanna be with you, we totally despise you and look down on you guys, so you can keep in dreaming.

I am muslim by religion, Pashtun by ethnicity/nasal and pakistani by nationality, marwat by tribe. If you ask any pashtun, he will place islam above every thing, the rest are identities. You cant change your nasal or tribe, but your nationality changes, so it has weaker position in defining your identity.

I dont hate Afghans for not accepting durand line, why should i? the cursed and evil line was drawn by farangis with the purpose of weakening pashtuns who were trouble for them....... Afghans would never recognize durand line, not even taliban.

And i would dislike only that afghan who disrespects me personally or say some thing that is offensive to my ears.......as for disrespecting pakistan is concerned, i would correct him where i feel he is not making any sense. My relation with afghans is through ethnicity, not through nationality.....so i dont believe in alienating an afghan if he doesnt love my country but otherwise is a decent person, they are my kin.......Pashtuns of two countries are not neighbours, they are one and same people, hating on one another would be self-hate

Why is that you dont know any thing deep about pakistan and its affairs? Members here must notice that this guy can only comment on pashtun-related stuff.....this is a sign of afghan. Check his IP ,he is in europe, i used to know him from PF, where he used to tell us that he is trolling with pakis there as a pakistani pashtun.
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