Yeah, those who have a problem with the word "Mohajir" haven't walked in our shoes.
Myself being a "Mohajir" of "Bihari" origins was unfortunately born in NWFP now KPK. Grew up with terrible racism and discrimination against me and my family.
Being ethnic Bihari, I am of very dark complexion and different facial features than the "locals" I grew up thinking as "My own people ", only to realise that nobody in my primary school wanted to talk to me because I looked different and had dark skin and they were of lighter skin tones.
"Go back to India " , "You are a burden on Pakistan " , regular beatings , having to shut up after locals would threaten us on simple things.
So what should I call myself?
Born and raised in KPK , should I call myself "Pathaan" ?
Oh wait, the "locals" made it clear throughout my childhood, how much they hate me and my skin color, my face and my "foreign origins" , so I can't call my self same as them.
So calling myself "Mohajir " us my only acceptable identity.