The mind or sexual orientation is a result of abuse or other tragedy occurred with them.They are not abnormal by birth.
Until and unless any human does not get an extra copy of X chromosome, they are considered normal.For example, a normal man has genetic blueprint of XY chromosome where as a woman has XX chromosome.If any boy during his birth process receives an extra copy of X chromosome gets following blueprint: XXY.Similarly, women with XXX or are called triple X syndrome are physically normal but are having learning diabilities.They are however, very different in a sense that they are capable to reproduce.Same goes with XYY (Jacob's syndrome).XXYY syndrome and XXY leads to similar problem.Here, I will discuss XXY syndrome as this mainly covers influence in the synthesis, capabilities and reproductive characters of humans.
A normal man has XY chromosome where as a normal woman has XX chromosomes.Any addition or subtraction may cause abnormality and even mortality.
Here a question arise, why such humans look like men though they have two X chromosomes.The reason is that Y chromosome, though smaller than two X have a gene called TDF gene.It is the master regulator gene and has amazingly very powerful impact upon human physiology and other characters.Due to expression of this gene alone has such powerful impact that genetic characters on both X chromosomes are suppressed to some extent.Hence, such humans are born with the phenotype of man but psychologically, desires, some physical features of woman.These special type of humans are incapable to reproduce.
In the above case, the woman filed petition because she claimed of social suppression by her male counterparts: Not because she was born with genetic aberration but because of environment.
The homosexual individuals are not born with a disability.Their unusual sexual orientation is a result of abnormal environment, abuse.These people can easily be given fair treatments, psychological reminders, counselling, drugs and heterosexual environment.
Read the news above: The girl wants a change because of stress, fear of ill treatment and abuse.Had she would be living a healthy and normal life she wouldn't be undergoing through this.
Scientists are investigating cases as such and are speculating that environmental stress and other factors may effect their orientation and could be partially inherited if they become parent.
Allah(SWT) is not unjust.The nation of Luth(AS) are destroyed because of their unnatural and abnormal behavior and sex orientation.Prophet Luth(AS) was solely deployed upon them so that he could stop them for not looting travelers and to commit sexual practice upon men:
I seek Allah's refuge from Satan the accursed one
In the name of Allah, the most Merciful the most Kind
And [mention] Lot, when he said to his people, "Do you commit immorality while you are seeing?
Do you indeed approach men with desire instead of women? Rather, you are a people behaving ignorantly."
But the answer of his people was not except that they said, "Expel the family of Lot from your city. Indeed, they are people who keep themselves pure."
So We saved him and his family, except for his wife; We destined her to be of those who remained behind.
And We rained upon them a rain [of stones], and evil was the rain of those who were warned.
Say, [O Muhammad], "Praise be to Allah, and peace upon His servants whom He has chosen. Is Allah better or what they associate with Him?"
(Surah Namal)
He kept telling them to pair themselves with women to prevent damage they will give to upcoming generation.Same sex or homosexuality is a choice that not only destroys oneself but also has impact on later generation due to env. to gen influence and partial heredity.