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Just to Clear, How Afghanistan Interfering in Pakistani Areas.


Jun 8, 2010
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It's a prevailing perception that Pakistan is interfering in Afghanistan. Let me show you how we are suffering from other side interference. Here are last year reports showing, How Governor of kunar Province providing support to TTP.

tuesday, February 23, 2010

By Mushtaq Yusufzai

PESHAWAR: A known Taliban commander, Qari Ziaur Rehman, who has been engaged in fighting against security forces in Bajaur, claimed on Sunday that he had rejected lucrative offers and financial support offered to him by Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance for fighting against the Pakistani military and carrying out bomb blasts in the country.

He also claimed that the militants in Bajaur had deposed regional Taliban chief Maulana Faqir Muhammad for his alleged secret links to the government and for refusing to resist security forces in their recent advancement on the militant strongholds in Mamond area.

“I received lucrative offers from the Northern Alliance of Afghanistan,” claimed Ziaur Rehman. Talking to The News by phone from an undisclosed location, he said he and his fighters had been fighting under certain compulsions in Pakistan.


Bajaur’s slow slide into growing trouble is because of Kunar governor, 55-year-old Haji Syed Fazlullah Wahidi. For almost a year he has provided sanctuary in his area to retreating militants. New reports suggest that he is actively recruiting the locals offering up to Rs25,000 for bringing in foot-soldiers and spies.

I have seen the documentary evidence of agreements that some prominent locals have struck with the governor’s native interlocutors identifying Pakistan’s security forces as the common enemy and vowing to arm and replenish the Tehreek-i-Taliban in the areas where Bajaur and Mohmand meet. It is inconceivable that the Kunar governor is running this organised terror campaign on his own without the knowledge and approval of Nato and Isaf’s commanders.

In other words, Afghan government is bringing miseries to it's own civilians and trying to expand it into Pakistan. And Pak government is bringing miseries upon its own civilians and trying to expand it into Afghanistan. In short, to hell with both governments!

End of the matter.
It's a prevailing perception that Pakistan is interfering in Afghanistan. Let me show you how we are suffering from other side interference. Here are last year reports showing, How Governor of kunar Province providing support to TTP.

tuesday, February 23, 2010

By Mushtaq Yusufzai

PESHAWAR: A known Taliban commander, Qari Ziaur Rehman, who has been engaged in fighting against security forces in Bajaur, claimed on Sunday that he had rejected lucrative offers and financial support offered to him by Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance for fighting against the Pakistani military and carrying out bomb blasts in the country.

He also claimed that the militants in Bajaur had deposed regional Taliban chief Maulana Faqir Muhammad for his alleged secret links to the government and for refusing to resist security forces in their recent advancement on the militant strongholds in Mamond area.

“I received lucrative offers from the Northern Alliance of Afghanistan,” claimed Ziaur Rehman. Talking to The News by phone from an undisclosed location, he said he and his fighters had been fighting under certain compulsions in Pakistan.


Afghans fail to stop all the infiltration from Kunar, Khost, Nuristan into Mohmand/Bajaur, South Waziristan & Dir respectively; & are quick to blame Pakistan for all their troubles.
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