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just because i'm a civilian ?


Sep 18, 2013
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there is always question in my mind that why as a civilian i am not allowed to see and interact with my own country army and jawans ? i always wanted to see the ideas but cant get permission :(
just because i am only a common civilian ? why cant we freely watch the stuff which is make by our scientist like planes , tanks , guns , missiles and etc why there are always peoples from politicians , and army walo ki families ? why civilians are not allowed ?
Because it's costly and opens an attack vector for people who are looking to harm our military.

Let's take the example of JF-17 production. Imagine if PAF were asked to allow civilians to observe JF-17 production. PAF will need to spend a lot of time and money to plan and implement it.
  • Heavy security is needed which will require additional manpower and equipment that can better serve the PAF elsewhere
  • Strict regulations will need to be placed to ensure no sensitive information / components are observable
  • Production process might need to be altered to ensure sensitive components / processes are not observable
  • Engineers and other production workers will constantly be distracted by civilian presence - even if behind a glass wall
Projects like the PAF and Maritime Museums in Karachi are a far safer format for interacting.
there is always question in my mind that why as a civilian i am not allowed to see and interact with my own country army and jawans ? i always wanted to see the ideas but cant get permission :(
just because i am only a common civilian ? why cant we freely watch the stuff which is make by our scientist like planes , tanks , guns , missiles and etc why there are always peoples from politicians , and army walo ki families ? why civilians are not allowed ?

I am sorry but I don't understand your question, are you asking why you are not allowed access to IDEAS Expo?

Well if you want to attend the conference and seminar you will need to be a registered visitor, registered visitors need security clearance from SB before issuance of entry pass, you will need to show your relevance to attend the seminar and conference, such as being a regtd supplier to the army, an indenter, journalist etc...

From what i remember the last day of the expo the external stalls are open to the public, but if you want to find out more about registration visit;
Defence Exhibition & Seminar, Military Police armoured vehicle & weapons export defence show, aircraft drones, UAV, internal security equipment, bomb detection equipments Exhibition IDEAS PAKISTAN 2012

Also if you are in Karachi you can attend http://www.safesecurepakistan.com
That also has displays from POF, HIT etc.
there is always question in my mind that why as a civilian i am not allowed to see and interact with my own country army and jawans ? i always wanted to see the ideas but cant get permission :(
just because i am only a common civilian ? why cant we freely watch the stuff which is make by our scientist like planes , tanks , guns , missiles and etc why there are always peoples from politicians , and army walo ki families ? why civilians are not allowed ?
security reasons....sometimes "evil enemies" will misuse this
@rockstar08 am sure there are public display of such things in big cities ... why dont you attend those, you just need to know when it is happening.
Do you have any idea how many foreign spies there are in Pakistan? If PA made everything public their capabilities would be severely diminished.

No country allows civilians to access sensitive information, just look at the whole NSA/Snowden fiasco.
I am sorry but I don't understand your question, are you asking why you are not allowed access to IDEAS Expo?

Well if you want to attend the conference and seminar you will need to be a registered visitor, registered visitors need security clearance from SB before issuance of entry pass, you will need to show your relevance to attend the seminar and conference, such as being a regtd supplier to the army, an indenter, journalist etc...

From what i remember the last day of the expo the external stalls are open to the public, but if you want to find out more about registration visit;
Defence Exhibition & Seminar, Military Police armoured vehicle & weapons export defence show, aircraft drones, UAV, internal security equipment, bomb detection equipments Exhibition IDEAS PAKISTAN 2012

Also if you are in Karachi you can attend http://www.safesecurepakistan.com
That also has displays from POF, HIT etc.

yeah i mean to IDEAS , i love to army equipment , it was my dream to join army but never dare to do so because of many personal reasons and fitness issues :(
but i am so interested and always a supporter of our army . but its so strickness as for a normal student like to even dare to ask them to let me go in because i am fan of army , i have no political backgorund or any kinda source :( its heart breaking for me to imagine that i cant never see all those battle field equipment which pak army , navy and air force used .
and yeah i live in karachi .

@rockstar08 am sure there are public display of such things in big cities ... why dont you attend those, you just need to know when it is happening.

common yaar i dont look like a spy from any angle :D and my name is khan and i am not a terrorist :whistle:
@rockstar08 am sure there are public display of such things in big cities ... why dont you attend those, you just need to know when it is happening.

its not that easy yara , i remember when i was a kid i went on my relatives house in malier kent and i sit on a destroyed indian tank which was display on a round about , and take a pic .. and after many years when i try to do so again a halwaldar came and say " oye ullu ke pathe pagal ho gaya hai kia ? " means oh you idiot are you out of your mind "
heart breaking ;(
I miss those parades n displays (every garrison had those events/displays)... all gone thanks to security issues...

I miss those parades n displays (every garrison had those events/displays)... all gone thanks to security issues...
its not that easy yara , i remember when i was a kid i went on my relatives house in malier kent and i sit on a destroyed indian tank which was display on a round about , and take a pic .. and after many years when i try to do so again a halwaldar came and say " oye ullu ke pathe pagal ho gaya hai kia ? " means oh you idiot are you out of your mind "
heart breaking ;(
lolz.. we are still allowed to climb on pakistani patton tanks.. if they are not in cantonment areas.. such fun.. :)
btw you are talking about mil hardware used by pakistani forces right?
check for recruitment days... or some special days (like airforce day .. or some war winning day.. if any )
but its so strickness

Two words... National Security!

its not that easy yara , i remember when i was a kid i went on my relatives house in malier kent and i sit on a destroyed indian tank which was display on a round about

Come to Ayub Park in Rawalpindi if you like taking pictures with condemned hardware... No one will stop you:







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Two words... National Security!

Come to Ayub Park in Rawalpindi if you like taking pictures with condemned hardware... No one will stop you:







Two words... National Security!

Come to Ayub Park in Rawalpindi if you like taking pictures with condemned hardware... No one will stop you:


no yara these are scraps , i just want to visit to ideas one time :) but not on 3rd day when they open for normal public but take all hardware like tanks and other cool stuff :(
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