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Jundallah () or Jundalshaitan ()

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Dec 9, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Jundallah (جندالله) or Jundalshaitan (جندالشیطان)


Jundallah, or Jondollah (جندالله, lit. "Soldiers of God !!!") is Western-sponsored terrorist cell based in Pakistan that claimed to be fighting for the rights of Sunni Muslims in Iran!!! It was allegedly founded by Abdolmalek Rigi who was captured and executed in Iran in 2010.[3] It is believed to have between 700[7] to 2,000 fighters[13] and is said to be responsible for killing 154 and injuring 320 Iranian citizens since 2003,[15] while Jundullah commanders claim the group has killed up to 400 Iranian soldiers.[16]
The group has been designated a terrorist organization by Iran, and the United States[17] and it has been linked to, and taken credit for, numerous acts of terror, kidnapping and the smuggling of narcotics.[18] According to many sources, the group is linked to al-Qaeda.[19][20][21]
Iran has been critical of the U.S. and U.K. governments for supporting Jundallah. Several other sources such as the ABC News, Daily Telegraph, and journalist Seymour Hersh have also reported that Jundullah has received support from the United States against Iran

Abdolmalek Rigi


saudi arabia is the founder of terorism!whY???
just look at ibn walad avatar!
Jundallah are freedom fighters. unlike Hizballah a self confessed Iranian agent organization, Jundallah fallows order from no one, certainly not from Saudi Arabia.
They kill people too - Sunnis included. So yeah, both are Shaitan or neither is Shaitan.

I can only change my flags to a legit country :coffee:

proof ??? not propaganda :coffee:

Jundallah are freedom fighters. unlike Hizballah a self confessed Iranian agent organization, Jundallah fallows order from no one, certainly not from Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia :

Iran considers Jundallah as a group connected to Taliban and their opium revenues, getting financial as well as ideologic support directly from Saudi Arabia in collusion with other hard-line elements within Pakistan and Afghanistan[citation needed]. Others point to the fact that United States has for long supported Low intensity conflict and assassinations with Saudi money, especially against nationalists, socialists and Shias.[29][49][53]

United Kingdom :

Iranian authorities also blame the United Kingdom for supporting Jundallah.[56][57] In a BBC production "Panorama: Obama and the Ayatollah", a terrorist organisation which has carried out acts of terror leading to death of civilians and children in Iran is briefly mentioned but not named, with the official prosecution files and their Interpol warrants blacked out in video. The international warrants call for their arrest under international anti-terrorism laws, which has not happened and Tehran blames western governments particularly British government for protecting them from an international arrest.[58]

United States :

A report by Brian Ross and Christopher Isham of ABC News in April 2007 alleged that Jundallah "has been secretly encouraged and advised by American officials" to destabilize the government in Iran,[59] citing U.S. and Pakistani tribal and intelligence sources.[26] The report alleges that U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney discussed the activity of the group against Iran during his visit to Pakistan.[26] In a blog, the network stated that the support was believed to have started in 2005 and been arranged so that the U.S. provided no direct funding to the group, which would require congressional oversight and attract media attention, drawing parallels between American support for Jundallah and U.S. involvement in Nicaragua.[60]
The report was denied by Pakistan official sources.[61] But despite their denial ABC stood by their claim.[62] Alexis Debat, one of the sources quoted by Ross and Isham in their report alleging US support for the Jundullah, resigned from ABC News in June 2007, after ABC officials claimed that he faked several interviews while working for the company.[63] Ross went on to say the Jundullah story had many sources, adding, "We’re only worried about the things Debat supplied, not about the substance of that story." According to Ross, ABC had found nothing that would undermine the stories Mr. Debat worked on. However, he acknowledged that as the stories of fabrications continue to roll in, the network "at some point has to question whether anything he said can be believed."[64] This caused the network in 2007 to send a second team of producers to Pakistan investigating the original reports.[62]
Fars News Agency, an Iranian state run news agency, reported that the United States government is involved in PRMI's terrorists acts.[65]
Gholamali Haddadadel, Iranian parliament speaker in 2007, told reporters that Jundallah is part of pressure tactics used by United States to subdue Iran, and hoped with Pakistani help, Iran would be able to defeat Jundallah.[66]
On April 2, 2007, Abdolmalek Rigi appeared on the Persian service of Voice of America, the official broadcasting service of the United States government, which identified Rigi as "the leader of popular Iranian resistance movement" and used the title of "Doctor" with his name. This incidence resulted in public condemnation by the Iranian-American community in the U.S, many of whom are opponents of the Iranian government, as well as Jundallah.[67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74]
Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh revealed another report in July 2008 that US congressional leaders had secretly agreed to former president George W. Bush's USD 400 million funding request, which gives the US a free hand in arming and funding terrorist groups such as Jundullah militants.[59]
Three days after the 2009 terror attack against Zahidan mosque, Iranian speaker of parliament Ali Larijani revealed, that Iran had intelligence reports regarding the United States links with certain terrorist groups operating against Iran and accused the United States of commanding them. He implicated the United States in trying to start a civil war between Shia and Sunni segments of Iranian society.[48][48] Regarding the investigation of the terrorist act he added that Iran would want Pakistan to cooperate fully and not become a mere part of the designs against Iran.[75]
According to The Daily Telegraph Jundallah is just one part of a Black Operation Plan involving psychological operations and other covert operations to support dissents among minorities (Baloch, Arab, Kurds, Azeris, etc.) in Iran, which along with tactics of military posturing, risky maneuvers and occasional conciliatory gestures are designed to improve United States bargaining position in any future negotiation with Iran.[22][26][26][76] Furthermore these Black Operations build upon a coordinated campaign consisting of disinformation, placement of negative newspaper articles, propaganda broadcasts, the manipulation of Iran's monetary currency and international banking transactions.[22][77][78][79][80]
Iranian Interior Minister Mostafa Pour-Mohammadi, has said, United States intelligence operatives have been meeting and coordinating with Anti-Iranian militants in Afghanistan as well as encouraging drug smuggling into Iran.[48] [49][81] A former Chief of Army Staff of the Pakistan Army General Aslam Beg has accused the Coalition Forces in Afghanistan of training and supporting Jundallah against Iran.[82]
After Rigi was arrested on 23 February 2010 Iran's intelligence minister Heydar Moslehi at a press conference in Tehran claimed that Rigi had been at a US base in Afghanistan 24 hours before his arrest. At a press conference he flourished a photograph which he said showed Rigi outside the base with two other men, though he gave no details of where the base was, or how or when the photograph was obtained. Photographs were also shown of an Afghan passport and identity card said to have been given by the Americans to Rigi. Moslehi also alleged that Rigi had met the then NATO secretary-general, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, in Afghanistan in 2008, and had visited European countries. He said agents had tracked Rigi's movements for five months, calling his arrest "a great defeat for the US and UK".[83]
On February 25 Iranian state television broadcast a statement by Rigi stating he had had American support and that
"The Americans said Iran was going its own way and they said our problem at the present is Iran… not al-Qaeda and not the Taliban, but the main problem is Iran. We don't have a military plan against Iran. Attacking Iran is very difficult for us (the US). They [Americans] promised to help us and they said that they would co-operate with us, free our prisoners and would give us [Jundullah] military equipment, bombs, machine guns, and they would give us a base.
BBC News carried a report on the statements, noting that "It is not possible to say whether Abdolmalek Rigi made the statement freely or under duress." The US has denied having links with Rigi's group, Jundullah.[84][85] Reuters also reported that Geoff Morrell, Pentagon press secretary, dismissed claims by the Iranian government that Mr. Rigi had been at an American military base just before his arrest. Morrell called the accusations of American involvement “nothing more than Iranian propaganda!!!”
[86] :lol:
On November 3, 2010, the U.S. Department of State officially designated Jundallah as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, thereby making it a crime for any person in the United States or subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to knowingly provide material support or resources to Jundallah. [87]
Jundallah are freedom fighters. unlike Hizballah a self confessed Iranian agent organization, Jundallah fallows order from no one, certainly not from Saudi Arabia.
so called jundallah is a Sunni killer(peaceful ones that not involved in drug cartels and not supporting them) organization sponsored by CIA(intelligence) and Saudi(money they have nothing else to help)

and yet you call hizbullah the wrong movement do they get support from jews or jew supporters?
whats wrong with your logic ?really?

proof for what i said earlier here you can see al saud support killing of sunnis its their nature like jews they kill all kind of muslim
I wasnt aware of this group and the details. I think it is scandalous that the likes of Saudi Arabia are actively encouraging this type of terrorism. ALL terrorists MUST be stopped. No 2 ways about it....
Oh let me get it right for you, when a militia is shia they become Mujaheddin and real Muslims, but when this militia is Sunni, they turn to be real terrorists. Did you get it guys?

Those are the bloodthirsty terrorsts:
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