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Jordanian politician fires rifle at fellow lawmaker in parliament

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Jan 28, 2012
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Arabs being Arabs again:

A Jordanian politician fired an automatic rifle at another parliamentarian in a corridor of the chamber of deputies over a personal dispute, according to two fellow deputies.

More commonly and during heated debates, lawmakers have hurled shoes and bottled water at each other. This was the first incident in recent history involving a discharged firearm in the 180-member chamber.

Over the summer, a deputy tried to point his gun at another lawmaker during a televised debated but was overpowered by colleagues. Weapons are officially banned inside parliament.

The two lawmakers said action would be taken against the shooter, who fired several shots. It will include lifting his immunity and handing him over to police.

The names of the four lawmakers could not be published under parliamentary rules.

Jordanian politician fires rifle at fellow lawmaker in parliament | World news | theguardian.com
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Damn bro. Any video footage?
Knives,guns in parliament? I'd hate to debate something in there...
At least the Jordanians are not executing their political prisoners as Mullahistan have been doing for decades now.

How many political prisoners were executed in Iran again in the 1980's? 10.000?


Some sources even say that up to 30.000 dissidents were executed.

1988 executions of Iranian political prisoners - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Arabs like their guns while the Iranians are still not able to topple the self-proclaimed Arabs that are ruling them into complete and utter misery for the 35 year in a row.

And when they are attacked by Arabs (Iraq) they send 95.000 children to death and praise 13 year old suicide bombers as national heroes.

It's better to put some extra shoes there. It's an unharmful alternative to guns and arabs throw it when becoming angry and wanting to insult someone.

Stay on topic al-Hasani. This topic is about Jordanian politicians carrying a knife in the parliament and trying to shoot other politicians with AK's.
how did he manage to get a gun into the building?
Jordan is a much more civilized and developed country than Iran and a ancient country. Ruled by honorable and ancient rulers and not a bunch of primitive savages.

We can talk about your new inventions instead. Such as this cutting machine.


Meanwhile in Jordan.

Aqaba fort by Stephan Alberola, on Flickr

jordan petra by Infoway - Web Development Company, on Flickr

Amman by ibiss, on Flickr

Aqaba beach, Jordan by Kristel Van Loock, on Flickr

And Jordan is a country flooded by all kind of immigrants (Palestinian, Iraqis and now Syrians) and do not live off oil and gas like the Iranian Mullah's do.
how did he manage to get a gun into the building?

I don't know. Apparantly, they stopped him at the entrance hall, but he was still managing to shoot his AK. Not the first time Arab politicians flash guns at each other in a debate though.

I reported your posts al Hasani. Off topic. Besides the fact that cutting someone's hand or finger is an original Arab punishment. You should be proud.
Probably popped his wife.

Notice to myself: Don't have a personal dispute with Arabs, especially Jordanians.
More commonly and during heated debates, lawmakers have hurled shoes and bottled water at each other. This was the first incident in history involving a discharged firearm in the 180-member chamber.

Not the first incident in history.

During Russian revolution ( between dethroning of Czar in February and power capture by Bolsheviks in October ), Guns were regularly fired in Assembly.

After Czar was dethroned, a Provisional Government was formed in St. Petersburg and Elections were held. In those Elections Bolsheviks could get only 26% seats.

Lenin reacted by showing complete disdain of democracy. He used to doze off in parliament and packed galleries with his supporters who jeered and booed when other delegates were talking. During that time even guns were fired even though nobody died.
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