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Jewish women can't volunteer at night - to avoid meeting, dating Arabs'


Jun 1, 2012
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Jewish women can't volunteer at night - to avoid 'contact with Arabs'

The Israeli government succumbs to pressure by racist and anti-miscegenation organizations, banning Jewish women from volunteering in hospitals at night, when they might be more likely to encounter Arab workers and doctors.

Young Israeli women volunteering at hospitals in Israel as part of their national service (an alternative to serving in the Israel Defense Forces) will no longer be allowed to do night shifts in order to avoid any contact with Arabs, Channel 10 reported Wednesday.

The director of Israel’s National Service Administration, Sar-Shalom Jerbi, issued a directive two weeks ago banning any volunteer shifts past 9:00 p.m.: “We reached the decision based on concern for our volunteers, and Minister [Naftali] Bennett gave his blessing.”

According to the report, the decision was made following a pressure campaign waged by religious Zionist rabbis, among them notorious Kiryat Arba Rabbi Dov Lior (arrested in 2011 for incitement against Arabs and for legitimizing the killing of non-Jews in war time) and the radical Israeli anti-miscegenation organization Lehava. They began the campaign over the last year after hearing reports of “intimate relations” between some of the Palestinian-Arab doctors and the Israeli Jewish volunteers.

The decision was not sharp enough for Lehava, however, according to a statement issued by its director: “Unfortunately, this is too narrow and too late a step. National service should be terminated anywhere there are goyim [non-Jews]

Just last month, I reported on another anti-miscegenation religious organization Yad La’achim, who is collecting IDs of Jewish Israeli girls who are found socializing with Arabs.
The Apartheid state at it again. Why are we not surprised? All those insane and radical "rabbis" are protected by the Israeli Zionist government.

They gave rise to and supported lunatics such as this one below that was beaten alive by Palestinian Arabs after he opened fire on civilian Palestinians in the Cave of the Patriarchs in 1994 and killing 29 innocent Palestinians Arabs and wounding 125.

Cave of the Patriarchs massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Baruch Goldstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An American Orthodox Jew.


That Khazar/Eastern European "Rabbi" Dov Lior in action:

Lior has legitimized killing non-Jews during wartime.[citation needed] He asserted that Jewish women should not use sperm donated by a non-Jewish man and a baby born through such an insemination will have the "negative genetic traits that characterize non-Jews" and that "Gentile sperm leads to barbaric offspring".[7]
In 2007, commenting on the situation of African refugees in Israel, Lior said that a much more important issue was the situation of Jewish settlers – "refugees" – expelled from Gaza in 2005.[8]
Leading rabbis have testified that Lior was the source of rulings labeling the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin a "rodef" and a "moser" (a traitor who endangers Jewish lives). Rabin's assassin is known to have visited Lior. Baruch Goldstein also met with Lior. After Goldstein opened fire on Arab worshipers at the Cave of the Patriarchs, Lior described Goldstein as "holier than all the martyrs of the Holocaust."[9]

Dov Lior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
al-Hasani, you called me here to rebut something from 972mag? This seems to be a corruption from a story about Israel's National Service. I'll leave it to the Israelis to handle.
:lol: I always wonder when will the Jews & Arabs learn how to let go :lol:
This is a loss for the Arab bros, Israeli chicks are bangin'. Crazy, but bangin'.
al-Hasani, you called me here to rebut something from 972mag? This seems to be a corruption from a story about Israel's National Service. I'll leave it to the Israelis to handle.

In other words, you don't know what the fudge is going on, so you resort to this attempt at ad hominem against the people who broke the story. By the way, it wasn't just 972mag who covered this story.
They don't meet any goyims at all to speak the truth
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