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Japan's Growing Naval Power: Japan building more Atago Class GM Destroyers

As I said, the diesel engine is not a big deal.

The gas turbine is what really matters. And we have maintained the legacy of USSR, while Ukraine acted like prodigal son who has lost everything.

If it wasn't a big deal you wouldn't have used or had your own,instead you're building it with a licence.There's nothing wrong in that though,just funny when you criticise the Japanese for that.
F-22 has been tested far less than F-15, but it is going to kick its a$$ in a real confrontation.

The F-15 is by far THE MOST impressive air superiority fighter due in part to its level of successes in hundreds of air campaigns. At the same time, the F-22 is the successor to the F-15 and designers are linked to the F-15. So , in part of the rich military history and impressive performance of F-15, thus that transfers to the F-22.

And, to correct you, F-22 have participated in various strikes around the world where the USAF sends it to. Just because you don't read much about it doesn't mean it doesn't regularly happen, lol.

Okay, ami?
Because Japan is not on the same league with us.

Japan is dependent on the US for everything, while we are independent.

We are addressing the fact here.

Even the fact that you swarm threads like this just to throw childish rants reeks of inferiority complexes.Who cares about what you think that "your league" is ? They have top class navy.
If it wasn't a big deal you wouldn't have used or had your own,instead you're building it with a licence.There's nothing wrong in that though,just funny when you criticise the Japanese for that.

QC-280 is not licenced at all, and it is becoming 100% Chinese.

As for the diesel engine, we don't pay too much attention about those low-end technologies.

And we are creating a lot of jobs for the French workers, and they should thank for us for this.

It is not the totally irreplaceable tech for us.
L'ami,we shouldn't enter in his "dick measuring game",it's sad to see that all 90% threads concerning the Japanese armed forces turn out on a "I'm am better,no i'm a better!!" or "China vs Japan"....
So,do you have any other pics of this baby called Atago ? :pop:
The Japanese navy is so

ha ha ha ha, you're right, mon ami.


PS. now let's have some foie gras et chenin blanc. I'm hungry!
QC-280 is not licenced at all, and it is becoming 100% Chinese.

As for the diesel engine, we don't pay too much attention about those low-end technologies.

And we are creating a lot of jobs for the French workers, and they should thank for us for this.

It is not the totally irreplaceable tech for us.

Yours are truly childlish rants.Grow up dude,yes mighty China masters all but imports licenses from Europe like there's no tommorow.
Yours are truly childlish rants.Grow up dude,yes mighty China masters all but imports licenses from Europe like there's no tommorow.

To correct you, only the low-end technologies like the diesel engine.

And it is a charity work to balance our trade surplus/deficit with Europe.
Japan is dependent on the US for everything, while we are independent.

So what's the point? Japan is also a strategic ally of the United States and linked through military praxis with NATO. Japan and the United States are also linked through IP sharing and military R&D partnerships. Heck we both even co-developed the SM-3s, and coordinated together with our ballistic missile program of the SM-6s, which are installed on Kongos and soon to be installed on Atagos.

Japan and the United States are military and defense allies. While we can develop our own easily, why waste energy and capital when you can easily acquire the best systems? The perks in being in an alliance with the United States and NATO.
Anyways, I'm going to the gym. Will be back later and hopefully this dick measuring contest will end. Will update this thread later on.

Cheers guys,
You seriously don't have a slight idea about what you are talking about.

I am going to call a true British navy enthusiast like @english_man to come here to confirm with you.

LMAO, if someone truly think that the Type 45/Horizon is on the same league with the Type 055, then we cannot help you.

Russia also intended to buy the Mistral class from France, but do you truly think that Russia is technologically inferior to France?

One Yasen class is worth more than 100 Mistral ships.

And the Type 052C/D and Type 055 are European by origin? hahaha, the biggest joke of the century.

You guys are now getting closer and closer to the Viets, as both are the notorious credits thieves.

Well...............its quite obvious, that while the European warship classes such as the 'Type 45, Fremm, and Horizon' are very capable air defence Destroyers.........they are not a match for the new coming Chinese '055 Cruiser', or even perhaps the current '052D Destroyer'.......if they were to engage in a surface combatant battle......we would lose out to the Chinese.

Why?......well, as in particular case the 'Type 45', due to our goverment penny pinching, our Destroyers havnt been fitted with LACM's as they were designed for, and its only now that 4 of the 6 vessels, will be armed with the ancient American subsonic 'Harpoon' missile as an anti-ship capability!

Yes, we have the 'Sea Viper' anti-air, and anti-missile missile, but these are defensive weapons, and not offensive.
The Chinese 055 Destroyer, could launch its anti-ship missiles a very long way off, and even if the missile defences of the European warships had a 100% hit rate........we would, i expect, still lose, because we would run out of missiles before the Chinese.........because we have fewer missiles carried on our ships (assuming the '055' caries more than 48 anti-ship missiles in its 128? VLS.
In return i would imagine the new 11-barrelled CIWS on '055', would make mincemeat of the slow moving American Harpoon missile, even if the Harpoon were to get past the Chinese anti-missile missiles.

Basically the European warships, do not have an advanced anti-ship capability, and certainly not enough missiles anyway!

Luckily, for us i think the Chinese like us British, though i'am not sure if they like those other funny European peoples :-)

Regarding the engines on current Chinese Destroyers........'ChineseTiger1986' is correct in the information he has posted!
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Which you can't manufacture yourself.For high end ,you have starving Ukrainians to do it.

The QC-280 is 100% manufactured in China.

Now Ukraine is manufacturing the hovercraft for us.

Well...............its quite obvious, that while the European warship classes such as the 'Type 45, Fremm, and Horizon' are very capable air defence Destroyers.........they are not a match for the new coming Chinese '055 Cruiser', or even perhaps the current '052D Destroyer'.......if they were to engage in a surface combatant battle......we would lose out to the Chinese.

Why?......well, as in particular case the 'Type 45', due to our goverment penny pinching, our Destroyers havnt been fitted with LACM's as they were designed for, and its only now that 4 of the 6 vessels, will be armed with the ancient American subsonic 'Harpoon' missile as an anti-ship capability!

Yes, we have the 'Sea Viper' anti-air, and anti-missile missile, but these are defensive weapons, and not offensive.
The Chinese 055 Destroyer, could launch its anti-ship missiles a very long way off, and even if the missile defences of the European warships had a 100% hit rate........we would, i expect, still lose, because we would run out of missiles before the Chinese.........because we have fewer missiles carried on our ships (assuming the '055' caries more than 48 anti-ship missiles in its 128? VLS.
In return i would imagine the new 11-barrelled CIWS on '055', would make mincemeat of the slow moving American Harpoon missile, even if the Harpoon were to get past the Chinese anti-missile missiles.

Basically the European warships, do not have an advanced anti-ship capability, and certainly not enough missiles anyway!

Luckily, for us i think the Chinese like us British, though i'am not sure if they like those other funny European peoples :-)

Regarding the engines on current Chinese Destroyers........'ChineseTiger1986' is correct in the information he has posted!

Against the Type 052D, the Type 45 has better stealth design and propulsion, while the rest goes to the Type 052D.

Against the Type 052D, it should be 6:4 favors the Type 052D.

Against the Type 055, it should be 9:1 favors the Type 055.
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