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Japan's defense minister calls for "self-defense" on Chinese navy ships

Clear racism is illustrated here.

I agree with infractions, but sometimes a straight out ban is needed. Racism is a very big issue globally!

yup..some of the chinese members make racial comments to hide their frustration..

guys..please post on Japan,not some CR(@)P on some other country...

anyway..can anyone tell me estimated numbers of F-35 japan is going to buy???and what about their own fifth gen aircraft project???
Clear racism is illustrated here.

I agree with infractions, but sometimes a straight out ban is needed. Racism is a very big issue globally!

There is nothing racist about that post. Just as saying 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust is not racist against Jews, I have said nothing racist.

Indeed, Holocaust denial is a racist and vile lie.
There is cognitive dissonance between what Indians have been taught in school, their culture, and reality. When reality and perception clash, reality always wins.

The fact is, most Indians are blacks, yet have been taught that white is right. That stems from both Brahmin oppression and British domination for centuries. Because of this, the ideology of the white man (British and Brahmins) is seen as absolutely correct, and anything that goes against it must be wrong. This is the typical slave mentality fit for cotton pickers.

However, this perception clashes with the fact that Chinese not only have lighter skin color, placing them higher in the Indian mental hierarchy, but the reality that China is superior to India in all ways. This leads to a conflict between the indoctrination that Indian Western democratic, religious and capitalist culture, which are derived from white European ones, is supposed to be superior to "inferior" Eastern, authoritarian, atheist, socialist Chinese ones. The fact of their inferiority leads them to lash out against China.

lol, which engineering college in the US teaches that?

This forum should have dumbass of the week posts. Your's would score very high!
Clear racism is illustrated here.

I agree with infractions, but sometimes a straight out ban is needed. Racism is a very big issue globally!

It's only racist if you not only have trouble accepting that most Indians have a very dark skin tone, but also think that there's something wrong with being 'black'. Except then, the racism would be emanating from you...

Oh and don't get uppity, telling mods how to do their jobs.
There is nothing racist about that post. Just as saying 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust is not racist against Jews, I have said nothing racist.

Indeed, Holocaust denial is a racist and vile lie.

The last paragraph? lol?

but the reality that China is superior to India in all ways.
The fact of their inferiority leads them to lash out against China.

It's so poorly disguised racism it isn't even funny.
looks like the colonial times all over again with all the western world against china.

colonial times:
britain+lackey india
+asian colonies

present time:
us+lackey india
+vietnam, philippines
japan+south korea

the difference is then china was divided, technologically backwards, low morale, weak government, weak military. now everything has been reversed. china now is united, technologically advanced, highly nationalistic, strong government, powerful military. if china is taken down, that would mean that the western world led by the usa would have completely dominated the entire world. luckily china is big enough and strong enough to fight all of these countries together if they ever tried to team up against us.
lol, which engineering college in the US teaches that?

This forum should have dumbass of the week posts. Your's would score very high!

Unlike some, I don't need to be taught from a book everything and that everything outside the book is wrong. That is why China is more high tech than India by far. While Indians have been taught to think inside the box, Chinese have already started to think octahedron. That is why there are very few indigenous Indian brands, and Indians are limited to taking pride in ethnic Indians creating wealth for others.

The last paragraph? lol?

It's so poorly disguised racism it isn't even funny.

You misunderstand. China, the state, is greater than India, the state, in all measurements. I didn't mention Indian people or Chinese people.

In population, GDP, GDP per capita, HDI, average life expectancy, literacy rate, mean years of education, tertiary enrollment rate, calorie intake and internet usage, China is indeed greater than India and to deny that would be to deny reality.
Japanese know how to pick a fight with wrong people at the wrong time. :agree: For the better sake of every one, Japs should just stick to making electronics and automobiles.:whistle:
racist much eh

looks like the colonial times all over again with all the western world against china.

colonial times:
britain+lackey india
+asian colonies

present time:
us+lackey india
+vietnam, philippines
japan+south korea

the difference is then china was divided, technologically backwards, low morale, weak government, weak military. now everything has been reversed. china now is united, technologically advanced, highly nationalistic, strong government, powerful military. if china is taken down, that would mean that the western world led by the usa would have completely dominated the entire world. lucky china is big enough and strong enough to fight all of these countries together if they ever tried to team up against us.
lol yeah fight all alone rajnikat ki aulad hai na
looks like the colonial times all over again with all the western world against china.

colonial times:
britain+lackey india
+asian colonies

present time:
us+lackey india
+vietnam, philippines
japan+south korea

the difference is then china was divided, technologically backwards, low morale, weak government, weak military. now everything has been reversed. china now is united, technologically advanced, highly nationalistic, strong government, powerful military. if china is taken down, that would mean that the western world led by the usa would have completely dominated the entire world. lucky china is big enough and strong enough to fight all of these countries together if they ever tried to team up against us.

but looks like you'll have the same fate like before... :lol: :lol: :lol:

by the way...you left some countries..

and for your pride..Powerful China even didn't teach some lessons to Vietnam and Philippines(who are opposing you on SCS)..how do you expect China is going to teach some lessons to other countries which is more powerful that those????take example..Japan...
lol yeah fight all alone rajnikat ki aulad hai na

don't worry, in dealing with india we will have our good buddy pakistan (+sri lanka + bangladesh) to help us and north korea will help reign in south korea and japan. russia may also take this opportunity to reclaim their lost soviet states which may prevent nato from entering the pacific theatre and the middle east region will likely flare up which will keep the the bulk usa forces busy.

good opportunity for the pla to test out our new weapon platforms and systems on india.
Japan needs to wake the **** up, and man the **** up. Enough with this gay assed anime/loli/American *** kissing bullshit.

First, they need to slaughter the western allied government, that has stained the honor of their ancestors. Then, they need to restore the Emperor to power. Then the Shogunate.

Thereafter they need to march to all American bases on Japan and exterminate all the Gaijin scum that populate those bases, and who regularly intimidate Japenese people and rape little Japanese girls.

After that, restore the Samurai Warrior Caste to power, indoctrine them in the Hallowed Works of Sun Tzu, reestablish bonds with the surviving Ninja Clans and tell them to target ZOG world leaders, and then unleash their hordes upon the world!

Let the world once more tremble at the name....JAPAN!

So.. how popular is anime back home? And what's it doing for you?
don't worry, in dealing with india we will have our good buddy pakistan (+sri lanka + bangladesh) to help us and north korea will help reign in south korea and japan. russia may also take this opportunity to reclaim their lost soviet states which may prevent nato from entering the pacific theatre and the middle east region will likely flare up which will keep the the bulk usa forces busy.

good opportunity for the pla to test out our new weapon platforms and systems on india.

so...you declared war against a neutral country...good..atleast dont cry when we're going to provide weapons to your neighbours..and they claim their lost territories..

and by the way...no way China is going to help india's neighbours by providing them some arms and ammunition.because their size is so small,that no way they are going to win..
so...you declared war against a neutral country...good..atleast dont cry when we're going to provide weapons to your neighbours..and they claim their lost territories..

and by the way...no way China is going to help india's neighbours by providing them some arms and ammunition.because their size is so small,that no way they are going to win..

declare war? where did you see that? i'm just saying that china would be ready if anything happens. and who is the neutral country? india? india is not a neutral country by any means. no lackey of the usa is neutral against china.
declare war? where did you see that? i'm just saying that china would be ready if anything happens. and who is the neutral country? india? india is not a neutral country by any means. no lackey of the usa is neutral against china.

really???most of FDI in your economy is american,where we've almost none..and we are still lackey of america's...right???If america didn't bailed out your economy in past,you'll still have gdp of the size of combodia.so keep your funny logic to yourself.use those logic on your children buddy..not here..
really???most of FDI in your economy is american,where we've almost none..and we are still lackey of america's...right???If america didn't bailed out your economy in past,you'll still have gdp of the size of combodia.so keep your funny logic to yourself.use those logic on your children buddy..not here..

but were still not their lackey. india on the other hand...

and today, it is china who is bailing out the world economy, let alone the usa one.
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